

Lies contradictions and pain alll come clean in the shell that stands beneath the shadows that dig deep through the mind without life and lessons can humans become what they were meant to be or there must be a connected glass that fowards many dreams and memories that fall backwards in different and strange ways for that is what's made in the world of existence does existence hold towards power and people for the people can barly figure for themselves what is the truth that they can not contain or remember or just never tap into the Light that is waiting inside them for i under every lesson and pain and darkness u may go through but not to connect with your true self is not a crying call but a welcoming change that can make you into a person who holds all morals morality desires decisions and observations for many objectives lies in the way of life and games how do these pathetic games allow us to change when they only bring us back to the start of the process and pain towards no matter a winning or losing chance there shall be defeated and broken people every step of the way for can I help them figure out who they are or just let them crawl into dust as is no care in the world was ever put inside caring and committed by morality for that can bring me disappointed in others for sometimes foolish things that can lead to misery and judgment may it continue a cycle that remains a awating answer or will the answers swing into gear as the wounds and tears fall onto darkness

hope and trust and care seems to be forgotten will a man ever trust a human or people he knows he can fully learn to understand and not hold doubts that may await betrayal or betrayal them instead how many times will it all come as the Light and darkness end a saga for I hope a new one will begin once existence purely based on how they make decisions shaped and subtracted into new possible and opportunities that could go nowhere or lead promising goals creating more feelings and love deep within to feel comfortable for who I am despite going in circles that may never feel everlasting or peaceful could temporary moments achieve more then what there suppose does the understanding of temporary and long-lasting prove its true meaning or its true consequences does it mean that love could never feel its true graps or love can never be shown in ways that may seem consistent for love as it seems can be taken away for decisions pre-made but those decisions will conjure upon ideas and thoughts that could never be necessary or necessarily made for one to feel loved as there were suppose to as if love can heal wounds tears and pain tho through the mind I have love I belive can be much more for love that people show or may not show hold strains on my soul but for the soul can never die who he was and for who he is is worth Loving but is he worth Loving only to himself or to the people around him love to hear and feel but feel disconnected and disappointening to ever love again and love ones forever made in his fantasys love to attract and obtain people who love who I am for that is alll I ever will ask of the human world for I know the human world will only disappoint me but for ever lesson and path there will be a man who will reach the Light and darkness beneath for he knows he has made a man worth Loving in all the flaws he has opened

what are the things that have yet to be broken? are they removable by choice or fear? could a a feeling be replaced with filling joy or be removed by creating more feelings? should a desire hold on to what shall never be necessary or fight for the fear what is only faded intodarkness?

ones automatic purpose can see what must be fixed and what must be removed but only to know what will be the favor that will show itself to bewhat could be the Darkness inside ? could it be the disgrace and punishment of the consequences? may it be the lies and glass that cry when u see a opportunity of hope ? will the joy and smile lasts or will the temporary mountains brake apart from the never ending thoughts inthe shadow that calls within should there be such answers and rules from the outer world that u could Invison what will happen next ? maybe the suffering could be ending of sorts until the moment the shocks comes climbing up again will the serch of peace lead to tears ofjoy or tears of what will be the next lesson may the lessons come forward as I am ready for what's to come death a closing chapter or a new body that will risen from the coffin that speaks a number of souls that will forming from all the lust love and fear and pleasure a new future or a new legend a man serch for peace and closure well the pain holds ascar or two a sense of passion and justice that is made a hope of saving those with hurt while never realizing the damage one could do to them while upholding his own morals and knowledge one so afraid to share such with others there is a spark of lsmart inside him but so afraid to unleash it with certain folks could it be a past influence or a begnning of time

what is written can only be confidential to the story that is put in front foward to analyzing the lessons and experiences from one's mind can only create words and phrases only they can withdraw from there own morality the purpose of someone experiencescan shape for what is inside as it to be dangerous or playful or sadistic or hope in dreams of someone mind can change but with those changes will cause u to change to a state of never ending consequences for to only u be the judge to the story that is written for u or a storythat u can write along side fate u make the changes that your proud of for it shall be ur guide or ur destruction allow the story u want to create to be a full journey worthy of ur own morality

what makes the person feel more real then someone who feels more pain then others by viewing then through a glass of self a self which could be collapsing or damaging to the heart for the heart he has will never be broken apart due to the consequences that will arisetowards the future in hopes of not self sabotaging those around him in shapes that will come closer then fall of the edge that will only lead to cries in bed for what it is worth I only must feel what I can accomplish and control for who I can't not control is not only up tothose but those who may or may not have agenda against me for one must respect others for who they are as of not what who he must let them be in imagination cause if he got what he wanted he would only get bored of he has before with others a balance of human naturebetween feeling happy and sad tho it's normal to be that way one can only hope the justice he wants creates the memories he wants to come true the mind that values can only make what it believe in hopes it's self can create chances and opportunities to live in harmony to only vanish the demons and punishment but to only harness its power and live with self awareness due to actions that mayseem damaging and painful to open up to but to embrace the monster inside is to open a box that will only be a a key to open the curtains and past that defeated him before nor that past will never be again how can he know not to trust or to trust others around him will betrayalcontinue once more or is it so feeling that I can show and trust again towards speaking and teaching in better terms in visions of gaining a new sense of purpose to find a reason that I can see the mysterys to and be contented with promises and prophecys ones knowledge can only save what he can desire and hope to accomplish towards the rain of clouds that drip on him whenever feelings and existening pleasures follow a misguided heart who only wants to love those who he cares about andcan protect and cherish to guide them towards feeling like beings of heart and soul rather then creatures who feed on another perosn soul and heart can only be so damaging and senseless for he can't control the world minds but he can only help those who feel very much thesame like him do such beings exist to feel and understand the people around them and not to say dumb worthless things to them ones disappointed heart focusing deeply on the monster that is inside to not feel hatred but to seek humans worth caring for

hearts and shadows reunite what was once a glory towards a star that is opening as the gates have climbed upon the ever longing fire that burns through thousands of people and the nightmarees that crawl inside hold memories and dreams that forever will hold a message that shall lead to more discovery from the legacy that will be made for long lasting Years more will be found as the mind goes through battles and turn to help reduce the cost of what has been said in the past for those thoughts may not be for nothing but for only a image that will make it self clear for the mind can change and redirect what was left behind and left crawilling and left wondering and bruising and disappearing returning fighting love lust destruction hearts of all kinds can save the demon in the mind for he has a plan for me and you that will make people see what a unique human looks like welll not to help those who ate already broken I will only help the ones that are worthy saving for and worth protecting and worth knowing and worth all the love that I give and have had but is trapped inside waiting for the right humans to spend on so as the wounds departure a new soul is waiting as he knows he will find a group one day worth belonging towards a new home

important tasks must be made broken recreated and recaptured and reformed to masterfully bullid a balance of pieces in order to nor judge nor disappear not feel nothing for decisions as hard as some are a man with maturity must realize he can only save what he can and let go of what is only already destroyed from the insides and out physically and mentally for not in a distasteful way but in a way that will cause them no harm for I wish they find something worth closing out there own purpose and morality before they destroy themselves for there own future that they have a chance to pick and choose what to do but will they do the right task or a task for shall not be scared or worried but empty everyone focused on what they can do for only they can only do more but what is already a damaged mind they have granted I can only watch the seeds and soul run and feed on there own morality for I am worried on my own but something tells me that I can feel and see what I only I hope to experience worthy humans someday instead of one's that are disposable