
Humans Against Demons - Am I really a perfect guy? I don't think so.

Daniel, a young man with limited resources, has experienced multiple adversities throughout his life. One day, a mysterious elderly person presents him with a mission of vital importance: to save the world from a demonic invasion. In order to achieve this, Daniel must venture into an unknown world, where the God of the Earth will grant him extraordinary powers and indispensable allies. However, the challenges will not be easy to overcome. Daniel will have to face formidable enemies, deal with unexpected betrayals, uncover hidden secrets, and confront moral dilemmas that will test his determination. Will Daniel be able to fulfill his destiny and protect humanity? Join Daniel in this thrilling adventure, where dangers, discoveries, and the search for his true identity intertwine. Discover if he will succeed in accomplishing his mission and become the defender that the world needs.

AngelPikas2 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

CHAPTER 2 - The King. Part 3.

After an hour of travel (quite boring, honestly, I even took the opportunity to sleep), we arrived at the poor village, and I did the same thing I did before. I got off the carriage and walked by his side as we headed towards the center of the village.

We arrived at the poor village, and it really looks bad. The houses are made of earth, and only a few are made of wood. The children wear torn clothes, and it smells awful. It really stinks disgustingly. I can compare it to the smell of a dead animal... Oh, the children's heads are full of dirt, as if they haven't bathed in weeks... This place is very unhealthy, full of diseases... I'm sorry for thinking this, but this place is disgusting.

It looks really ugly... It makes me sad... I lived almost the same, except I lived a little better than them. My grandmother was a very clean and organized woman, and I inherited that from her. Even though we were poor, our house was very clean and tidy.

... Ouch, that woman has a tumor on her neck.

Huh? Is that family...? Yuck! Ahhhhhhh! I feel like vomiting! Are they cooking dogs?! They're skinning corpses of dogs and cats! Ahhhhhhh! I want to vomit!

... Ah... No, Daniel, don't judge. They don't have money, they do what is necessary to survive... They do what is necessary... Ah... I'm definitely doing the right thing by giving them my money.

"This is fine. I'll give them the money and we'll go to the King."

"Yes, hurry up, please," Sara said, covering her nose.

Yes, it smells disgusting, I admit it, but I won't cover my nose. I don't want to make them feel bad. I don't want them to feel humiliated or anything.

It stinks and the smell disgusts me, but I don't want my actions to be misunderstood.

The carriage stops, and I grab the bags. Well, it's time to do my good deed of the day.

I feel like I have to do this, and if I feel it, I must do it.

I always wanted to do this. Give money to the poor... But I was poor too, so I could never do it. I only did it a couple of times, but I gave food to the homeless... And two homeless people threw away the food I gave them because they wanted money to buy alcohol... That made me furious, and I promised myself to never drink alcohol.

I stopped being poor because it's easier for me to get money now, but my way of thinking won't change. And it never will.

"I'll do my good deed of the day," I told Sara, raising my thumb.

Alright, I've arrived at the village, it's time to take action.

I see children playing and women washing clothes... It sounds somewhat sexist, but I only see women washing and children playing. I don't see men. Are they working or do they have some other role in another part of the village?

"Good morning, Christmas has come early!" I shouted so that everyone could hear me.

I attracted a lot of attention with the carriage, but now I attracted even more attention with my shout.

Although... I don't think Christmas exists in this world... I think I said something silly... Well, it doesn't matter.

Everyone is looking at me strangely. I wonder if they think I'm crazy or something.

"I see that you are poor, so I've come to help you a little! Come, don't be afraid! I don't bite!"

Trembling and afraid, some women approach me.

They are adult women, I think that's why they are less afraid. The other women, especially the young ones, are more nervous because of my presence.

"Will you help us?"


... Oh...

Wow, wow... I just realized, but the women in this world are extremely beautiful... Is it a characteristic of this world? I suppose so. I wonder if magic has something to do with it.

"Yes! Call everyone in the village, please!" I shouted so that everyone could hear me.

"Right away!" one of them responded, and they left. Probably to gather all the inhabitants of this small village, or rather, hamlet.

It's too small to be considered a village.

I'm surprised they listened to me so quickly and without asking too many questions. I think it has to do with the elegant carriage.

Well, coming in a carriage had something good after all. It saved me a lot of explanation time... Ouch!

Huh? Oh. Well, well. A ball, quite hard by the way, hit me in the head.

What game are they playing with this ball? I turned towards the direction where the ball came from. Oh, I see. They're playing at knocking down some sort of stick, but I think it's made of dirt. I guess they destroy it with the ball and then do something else, although I don't know what, because everyone ran away when I looked at them. And considering that the stick is far from me and lower, they intentionally threw the ball at my head.

Well, well. That was rude, but I guess they think I'm a bad person... Huh?


... That girl is blind, I figured it out from the bandages on her eyes. They abandoned her.

She wants to be waited for, but no one waited for her... It's not worth having friends who abandon you. Especially considering they don't even know who I am. They abandoned her without confirming if I'm a good or bad person. And because they hit me, they think I'm a bad person. They think I'm a bad person, and even knowing that, they abandoned her.

It's not fair.

I took a handful of coins and took a deep breath.

"Muslar asio."

I started running and stood in front of the girl in less than 2 seconds.

She bumped into me and was about to fall to the ground, but I grabbed her arm and prevented her from falling.

"Thank you, sir. And sorry for bumping into you."


I looked around... Everyone is looking at me with fear, thinking that I would do something bad to the girl, but no one tries to help her... Ah, this disgusts me, but I don't know the country, maybe the nobles are sick and evil people who would kill anyone who insults them.

"Girl, if your friends abandon you, it means they are not your friends. I recommend you find new friends."

I took her hand and gave her the money... Oh, her hand is very small, she'll have to hold the money with both hands.

"Take it, go to your mom, and tell her to buy you new clothes and lots of sweets. I need your other hand too."

"What are you doing?"

I took her other hand and gave her the rest of the money.

"Who is this little girl's mother? I gave her money for food and clothes!! If I find out that they stole the money from her or that her parents used the money to buy alcohol, drugs, or anything other than clothes and food, I will punish them!"

I crouched down and stroked the little girl's head.

"Is... is this money?"

"Yes. Tell your mommy to buy you clothes and food. If you're a good girl and behave well with people and your family, I'll come and give you lots of toys."


"Yes. Be a good person and you will be rewarded."

"Thank you so much!!"

... She hugged me... Wow... This feels... really good... It feels nice.

"By the way, are you blind?"

"Yes, sir."

"Ouch. I'm still young... If you're a very, very good girl, I'll give you a big surprise next time I see you. Is it a deal?"

"It's a deal!" she said happily with a big smile on her face.

"Go home and give the money to your mom. Take care."

"You take care too! Thank you very much!"

I stroked her head one last time and walked away.

If I find a spell that can restore body parts, I'll come back and restore the little girl's sight.

Grandma, today I made someone happy. I hope you're proud of me.

I do this in your honor, grandma.

I stood next to the carriage, and Sara offered me a handkerchief.

"Your clothes are dirty from that girl. Here."

"No, thanks. I prefer not to clean it yet."

The girl left her hug imprinted on my clothes. I want to keep this stain for a little longer.

Having this stain makes me feel like a good person... It makes me feel useful.

After a couple of threats disguised as words and a few more minutes, the whole village is gathered. Mmm... I think there are 100 people.

No adult men are in the village, huh?

What happened to them? Did they all abandon their families? No, it's impossible. Maybe they're working somewhere or went hunting together.

"Are there only children and women?" I asked confused, hoping they would solve my doubt.

"Our husbands are in the castle, working."

"Oh... Well, well..."

In the castle, huh?

They work in the castle... I don't know the King, but I already hate him.

How is it possible that he allows the families of his workers to live in these conditions? It's inhumane.

I swear, if the King lives like a millionaire and has unnecessary luxuries, I will never trust him and I will leave this country when I have the chance. I can't stand seeing these kinds of situations.

I definitely will never trust any King or ruler.

"And I see that they don't pay you well... They're rich, but they don't pay well... Tsk. Stupid King," I said a little angry.

"D-Daniel, don't say that! You'll get into trouble!" Sara said worriedly.

"Don't worry, Sara. I just said what everyone possibly thinks of him."

Maybe I'm making a mistake by mocking the King, maybe the King will send assassins to kill me, but I can't help but say what I feel. Besides, God is on my side, he will give me a sign if things are about to go wrong for me.

Besides, if the King lives so close and hasn't eliminated the threat of the black demon, it means he doesn't have enough power to eliminate it. If Sandro is the most powerful adventurer in the guild, I don't think I need to fear the King.

Ah, whatever, let's finish this.

I open the bag, and all eyes focus on the coins.

"I'll give each family a handful of coins. I'll distribute it equally."

All the women are watching me, some are confused by my actions, others are excited and happy... I feel good doing this. Now they will be able to live much better, at least for a while.

I can't help but smile, feeling so happy and satisfied with this.

"Please form a line."

Ah... Most of the women are blushing... Even the little girls... Well, well... That seems uncomfortable... Well, it doesn't matter, I-I just shouldn't pay attention to that.

"Thank you!" all the women say.

Alright, it's time to distribute the money. Luckily, Sara agreed to help me.

Cristal offered her help, but I firmly rejected it. She's not doing this for them, she's doing it to look good in front of me. Besides, she might steal the money, I can't trust her.

Done. We didn't take long, just about 10-15 minutes. Phew. I feel more than satisfied with this.

I feel really good... I've done my good deed for the day.

Well... I also need some money, so I saved a little for myself.

"And a fistful for me. That's all."

I don't really need much money, I can survive with 5 coins a day... Oh...

Some women are crying... Well, well... I feel good... I made several families happy.

Grandma, your grandson did something amazing today. I wish you were here with me to see it.

"Thank you very much!" they all said.

They thanked me... I like them... I like people who are grateful.

"You're welcome," I said with a smile.

I would stay longer, but I have to go. I still have to visit the King and then learn more about the country.

I get in the carriage... Well, let's go to the useless and probably fat King. Not that I think being fat is bad... Well, it's bad for health... I mean that the King is probably fat because he's useless and does nothing, that's what I mean.

"We can go now."

"You seem like a good person," Cristal said.

Am I? I like to think so, that I am... Unlike you.

Don't try to impress me. You're a woman who discriminates against people, and I hate you a little.

I'll say thank you, but I'm only doing it out of politeness.

"Thank you very much. I appreciate it."

Ah... Alright... Let's go.

A few minutes later, we arrived at the castle and met with the King.

Before meeting the King, I took a good look around the entire castle. This guy has no shame! Paintings, Diamon sculptures, sex slaves...! Ahhhhhh! This King is horrible! Tsk... Diamon, his name is similar to diamond, but it's very different. It's the most valuable rock in this world. It's like gold in my world or diamond. In other words... this King used that valuable rock to build sculptures instead of feeding the poor or creating new and better jobs for people! Ahhhhhh! It disgusts me so much!

But what disgusts me even more is his sexual harassment. Since all the maids refused to tell me the truth about whether the King abuses them, I asked Cristal and she confirmed that the maids are forced to satisfy the King's sexual needs... I hate him with every fiber of my being!! Disgusting fucking rapist!!

I would kill him, but I don't want to get into trouble. I still don't have full control over my magical power. But when I'm more powerful, I'll make him pay for his crimes. That's a promise!

Cristal tried to change my clothes before going to see the King, but I refused. He doesn't deserve me changing my clothes just to see him. He doesn't deserve me wasting my time on him.

And as I suspected, the King is a fat man with a big black beard, he's bald and wears a red suit. He's sitting on a throne and 10 guards are standing beside him, protecting him.

I highly doubt those guards are just for show, they're probably powerful.

We're in a huge hall, the typical main hall of castles... So many paintings and sculptures... I feel like stealing one and selling it, but I can't get into trouble yet, I have to wait longer. It would be safer.

It looks elegant... And it smells good... Unlike the place where the families of his workers live... Tsk. Damn it.

"Hello, Daniel," said the King, smiling.

Everyone kneels before him, except me... I don't want to... I have my reasons.

Sara watches me nervously. I'm sorry, but I don't care if you ask me, Sara, I'm not going to kneel before him.

"D-Daniel, you must kneel."

I have to come up with an excuse... I don't want to kneel... He doesn't deserve to be admired.

"I'm too lazy. Excuse me, what do you want from me?! I have more important things to do!"

I may seem disrespectful, but I want to leave already. I can't stand being here any longer, with that rapist.

"I just wanted to meet you. What family do you come from?" the King said.

Family...? I suppose noble families have some prestige.

"I'm a commoner who can't even read, that answers everything."

He doesn't believe me. It's obvious from his expression.

Yes, I know, it's hard to believe, but it's true. I can't read and I'm a commoner.

"A commoner in those clothes?"

Well, well... Can't commoners wear this clothing? Is it prohibited?

"Do I not have the right to dress well just because I'm a commoner?"

The King starts laughing... His laughter is quite annoying... He laughs too loudly.

"Hahahahaha! Yes, you're right! I really like you!"

I don't like him... And that's strange... I feel like I should stay away from him... Yes, I definitely should stay away from him.

"Is that all? Sorry, but I have unfinished business. I have a date with a girl named library, and then I have a date with a woman named food."

"Don't you want to have breakfast here?"

"No, thank you."

Sara becomes more nervous... Did I say something wrong?

"D-Daniel, no one can refuse the King."

Well, well. I see... Now I dislike him even more.

"Why? Aren't we in a free country?"

The King stands up from his throne.

"I need you to help me with something. My daughter was kidnapped by some 'chicken men' while she was out for a walk, and I need you to rescue her."

Huh? That sounds very strange... It piques my curiosity.

Plus, his daughter was kidnapped and he acts so calm...?! Oh... Well, well...

I would say he's a terrible father, but he has many paintings of his daughter... Hmm... Oh... Well, well. I see... A test.

"Chicken men? What are these chicken men like?"

"Don't you know them? They're like giant chickens, but with the size and intelligence of a man."




That sounds quite strange, but cool! This world is very strange!

"Oh... Well, well. That sounds weird... Aren't they called rooster men?"

"They're called chicken men because it sounds better... I suppose. They've been called that for centuries."

I guess he's right.

"Well, well... I see."

"Will you help me?"

I take a moment to think. I have to think carefully about what I'll do.

The princess is not in danger, as this is most likely a simple test to confirm my power... I should take this opportunity to obtain something valuable.

Hmm... Maybe... Maybe I should take the opportunity to learn more spells.

If I help him, he might teach me some spells.

"Alright, but on the condition that you let me see your most important spell books. Or is your daughter's life not worth it?"

"Of course, no problem."

... Oh... Well, that was easy... Too easy... This doesn't make logical sense... Wait a second...

It's unlikely for a person to learn how to perform a simple spell, which means that the special spells the King possesses can only be used by special people or something like that.

The King probably agreed so easily because he thinks I wouldn't be able to use any of those spells.

Fufu. King, King, King, you don't know who you're dealing with. But thanks for making that mistake. I won't say anything more and I'll accept. Those spells will be mine.

"I accept."

"Thank you. The base of the chicken men is in the center of the Silence Forest."

Well, well... He said thank you... I guess I misjudged him, at least a little. That doesn't change the fact that he's a rapist.

He takes advantage of the maids, and I'll never forgive him for that.

"Let's go, Sara. An adventure awaits us."


Sara stands up.

"I-it was an honor to meet you, Your Majesty," she says nervously.

She says it with a red face, and I chuckle a bit. I'm not mocking her, but she looks kind of funny.

Oh, Sara, why do you behave like that? Are you really that afraid of the King? I wonder what kind of reputation the King has for someone as cold as Sara to behave so nervously.

Don't worry, Sara, I'll protect you from him. I won't let him lay a finger on you.

"You look funny... Well, let's go."

Sara and I leave. An adventure awaits us.

But I'm not that foolish. I know this is a test to check my power. The princess couldn't have been kidnapped so easily. The King knows the location of the chicken men's base. Why didn't he send more experienced adventurers? Because he wants to know my power.

I'll play along... Maybe I'm wrong, although I doubt it.

When Daniel and Sara left, Cristal approached the King.

"My King, will you let him read the spells?"

"Don't worry, only my family can use them, and besides... he can't read!"

The King and Cristal start laughing. They clearly enjoy making fun of others.

But soon they would regret that decision.

(Pov - Daniel)

Sara and I walk away from the castle.

Inside the castle's territory, there are houses and other buildings. It's a village for the nobles. It's strange, but interesting to see.

"Ah... I feel sorry for those maids."

"Your attitude towards a King surprises me."

I think I was a bit rude... But I couldn't help it.

"I don't like treating people as if they're better than me. To me, we're all equal, regardless of social status."

"I see."

"How powerful are these chicken men?"

"They're not as powerful as a demon, but they are difficult to kill, they're very resilient. But don't worry, I have experience killing chicken men. It won't be difficult."

I feel confident... That's a bad thing, but it's also a good thing.

"Alright, let's go."

Having Sara by my side makes me feel more secure. I was very lucky to have her as a companion.

"Excuse me!"


A girl, around 10 years old, stood in front of us. Oh, what a lovely dress, and it looks expensive. I think she belongs to a noble family. What does she want from us?

"Oh, hello, little one. How are you? Can we help you with something?"

"Daniel, I think I should warn you about something," Sara said.

"Warn me?"

The girl took my hand.

"P-please, be my husband!"

"... Huh?"

"I'm sorry, but he's my boyfriend. Goodbye," Sara said as she led me away from the girl.




What just happened?!

"I'm sorry for lying, but it was necessary."

"W-what happened? I don't understand."

"You're very handsome, Daniel. Besides, you were invited to the castle by the King himself. Many women have already set their eyes on you. They will do anything to get you to marry them."

"... Ahhhhhh! Let's get out of here!"

I grabbed Sara's hand and we started running. I refuse to stay here any longer! My heart can't handle so much anxiety!

"Ahhhhhhh! This country is so weird!"

Ah... Well, I managed to escape without any problems... That was uncomfortable.

Sara and I walked away from the castle. It smells nice around here, completely different from my world. There are even trees and animals I've never seen in my life.

"What is that?"

I pointed at something that looks like a dog but with a metal tail.

"That's a dog breed called 'Delana.' They appeared out of nowhere hundreds of years ago. Their tails are made of metal, and they are good at detecting enemies. They're very common. Seriously, you've never heard of them?"

Delana... I think they have another name, but magic translated it to Delana to match my language... I see.

"No... This place is amazing."

She stares at me intently. She's quite interested in me. Yes, I'm already attracting too much attention as a stranger. I need to come up with a story soon.

"Where are you from? You're quite strange."

I don't like lying, but I have to. I can't tell anyone the truth.

"I come from a very distant place."

"In the north?"

"Y-yes, something like that."

"From the enemy country 'Soular'? From Soufla?"

What? Are those country names? They sound quite strange.

"Soular? Soufla?" I said confused.

"Don't you even know the names of the countries?"

"Sorry, where I come from, we barely know our own names. Which country are we in?"

"You're very mysterious... We're in the country 'Grenfor,' the home of great adventurers."

"That sounds kind of strange."

I need to change the subject, I don't want her to suspect me even more.

I take out my smartphone and open the map app... Hmm... Well, it's not far. I was worried about wasting more valuable time, but it's not very far. We'll get there soon.

"The Silent Forest is nearby. I wonder why it's called that. Is it because it's so quiet?"

"Does it work as a map too? What a strange device you have. Where did you get it?"

Shit... Think, Daniel... Think of something... Hmm... Oh, I can tell the truth, but only partially.

"Well... I got it from a very powerful friend."

"Can you introduce me to him?"

"He's not here anymore, unfortunately."

"Oh, I understand. I'm sorry."

She thinks he's already dead. Hehe.

I thought that while trying not to laugh.

Technically, I told the truth, so I didn't lie to her.

... Oh...

I see the animals around me, there are birds with small bodies but large wings, cats with two heads, green bears that are very small. It's an amazing place. Wow... I'm really in another world.

I wonder if mermaids and other fantasy beings exist? I can't wait to find out.

But I hope Succubi don't exist, with my luck, I'll probably end up raped.

"I will really enjoy being in this place."

Today is my second day in this world, and I've already met the King. God, I'm making progress. I promised not to disappoint you, and I won't.

... Hmm... Ah... Walking is boring... I think I should start memorizing.

I open the spell app and read them. I need to memorize them soon. I'll need them when the battle begins.

I wonder if those chickens can be eaten. I mean, after all, they are chickens... Although I think roosters aren't eaten... Huh?

One of the spells catches my attention because of its name.

"Well, well... 'Solar Arrow.' Sounds interesting."

Solar... That sounds powerful.

I touch the spell, and a message opens.

"This spell summons a bow that creates magical arrows... Is it a good spell, Sara?"

Sara looks at me with sparkling eyes and gets too close to me.

Damn, she's beautiful and smells good. I blush a little being this close to her. I hope she doesn't notice.

"Your smartphone tells you what the spells do?! Incredible!" she said excitedly.

It's definitely incredible... Thank you, God.

God, I thought you were only going to help a little, but this is a great help.

... Yes, the final enemy will definitely be very difficult to defeat... Ah, I'm dead.

We arrived at the forest faster than I thought, and everything looks calm.

"It looks like a normal forest. I thought we would encounter strange animals."


Sara clasps her hands together and closes her eyes.


She stands still for a few seconds and then opens her eyes.

"I found them, they're close."

"What does that spell do?"

"It allows me to see beyond my sight."

That doesn't tell me much, but I think I understand a little.

"Well, well... Sword Dex!"

A sword appears in my hands.

"Let's go."

"Sword Dex?! I've heard of it, it's a very powerful sword... Although I thought it was just a... Never mind what I said. That's a very powerful sword!"

"No wonder I defeated the black demon so easily."

Cute sword, thank you for defeating the black demon! I gained a lot of money and respect thanks to you!

After kissing my sword, we venture into the forest and find the base thanks to Sara, who found them with her spell.

"There they are."

I wonder how... Huh?!

T-they're men with beaks instead of mouths. Their bodies are surrounded by feathers, and they seem very strong.

The chicken men are wearing pants, and it made me laugh a lot because they look very ridiculous and funny. Chickens wearing pants!

"They're wearing pants?! Hahahahahaha! A chicken wearing pants!"

Sara covers my mouth and glares at me angrily... S-sorry, I made too much noise.

"Quiet, look."

She points her index finger at a girl trapped in a cage.

"What do they want with the princess?"

The princess is a little girl, she's cute, with long green hair, wearing a pink dress, and she looks very sad. Good actress, huh?

"They might want a reward in exchange for the princess," Sara said.

That's the most logical explanation... Well, maybe Sara is just playing along. I don't think she believed the King's story.

"Should we attack now?"

"Solar Arrow."

A red bow appears in Sara's right hand. Oh, she can use it.

"We'll attack."

We come out of our hiding place... Well, I have to do it, they're the bad guys... I think.

If Sara has killed chicken men in the past, it means they are monsters. I shouldn't hesitate.

"Muslar asio!"

The chicken men see us and get defensive.

... Didn't they hear me before? That's too convenient... Maybe... Yes, definitely, it's a test.


... Oh... They're talking...

The chicken men attack us with their swords and throw feathers at us... They literally threw feathers at us!


I dodge the feathers, just in case. They look fragile, but I highly doubt they are.

"Are the feathers dangerous?"

"They're very sharp, don't let them touch you!"

A chicken man tries to hit me, but I dodge his attack. I'm very close to him... Maybe... Ah, this will hurt you more than it hurts me, at least emotionally.

"Arches Nexus!"

I grab one of the chicken men by his right arm and start flying. After getting far enough from the ground, I stop. I'm sorry, I really don't want to do this, but I have to. Please, give me a reason not to do it. Please, give me that reason.

"I'll let you go, and you'll die!"

... I waited a few seconds. He's only hitting me with his fists... He's not admitting that this is a test... I think it's not a test, and the chicken men just have bad hearing... Or they're being controlled... No... I don't have time to doubt... I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for doing this.

"I'm sorry... Now!"

I let go of the chicken man.

"Ahhhhhhh!" he screamed in fear, knowing that his death is near.

"I'm sorry."

The chicken man falls to the ground with great force, no one would survive that. That must have hurt, it even hurt me.

"I knew their feathers wouldn't work on such a large body... Ah... Grandma, am I doing the right thing?"

... Ah... What a beautiful view. From this height, I can see the whole forest... In my world, there aren't many forests... A world with advanced technology may be good, but also bad... This world has a beautiful environment, but the people are strange and dangerous... Ah...

Grandma, give me strength to endure and bear the horrible things I will see and have to do in the future.

I land, and only two chicken men are left. Two chicken men are on the ground with red arrows in their bodies.

I knew Sara was powerful.

"Well, well... Sara, you defeated two of them by yourself."

She's strong... She'll be of great help. It will save me a lot of time and effort if she continues to help me.

The chicken men look at us in fear. They're trembling... They're definitely giant chickens... Oh, that sounded rude... I don't know if they're monsters or if they're being controlled... I don't understand anything.

"We surrender," they said, frightened.

The chicken men throw themselves to the ground and beg for their lives... Poor things.

"That was quick," I said relieved. We won't have to kill them.

The princess looks at us surprised.

"Thank you," she said with a big smile.

My strength and my sword disappear.

"Hello little one, we've come for you."

The chicken men open the cage and the princess comes out.

"We're sorry!" they said, repentant.

The chicken men apologize to the princess, even the chicken men are crying... I don't understand anything... And it hurts not to understand.

"Don't worry, I forgive you," said the princess.

The princess smiles sweetly. I swear that for a moment, I saw a light coming from the princess. She is a very good and sweet girl, and I like that. She is too pure. I swear to protect that smile.

So different from her father, the tyrant... I hope that kindness fades away.

We leave the forest with the chicken men.

This was not a prepared test, or at least that's what they want me to believe. I am more than sure that it was a prepared test, I won't believe this, but I will play along with the King.

"That was fast... Weren't there more adventurers capable of doing this job?"

"I think the King just wanted to meet you and check your power," said Sara.

"We left the other chicken men in the forest, is that okay?"

"I already checked the bodies, they're dead."

"Dead? They were bad, so we did the right thing, right?"

I worry for a moment, I had killed someone again. I feel like I'm becoming a killer. I knew this would happen, but... I feel strange.

I lower my gaze and become somewhat sad... I am a killer... Grandma...

"Of course we did the right thing," said Sara.

Yes... I know... Maybe... Ah... I shouldn't doubt... It was necessary. I need those spells.

It was necessary... It was.

During the journey, I reflected on my actions. God gave me a mission and I must fulfill it. God gave me permission to be rude, I suppose that means I could be bad. If I have to become a killer to fulfill my mission... I guess I have no other choice.

We arrived at the King's place... It was an easy job... I hope he fulfills his part.



They hug each other... How lovely... It reminds me... of my father... I could imagine my father hugging me for a few seconds... He was identical to me... When I look in the mirror, I can't help but remember him... Physically, I am like my father... And that makes me happy.

"Thank you very much, adventurer," said the King.

"Do your part."

The King approaches me and hands me a red spell book.

"You can have it for a day and then return it to me."

"I don't need it for that long, wait."

I take out my smartphone and start taking pictures of the spells, ignoring the confused looks of the people around me.

Well... Well... Oh... I can't wait to try these spells.

I turn the page and the page is blank... Huh? What? So few?


I start searching for spells, but the rest of the book's pages are blank. Why?

"The rest of the pages are blank."

The King can't contain his curiosity and snatches my smartphone.

"What is this?!"

"Hey, that's mine!"

I snatch my smartphone back and keep it. I don't care if he's the King, he better not take my smartphone again, fat idiot... Shit... I'm acting strange.

The King looks at me with an angry expression.

"It's a secret, I'm sorry... This book only has 10 pages with spells. Why are the rest blank?"

"You're only allowed to see that book, the rest are secrets."

"Alright, thank you..."

I lower my gaze and smile.

"Something is better than nothing..."

I'm making progress in a very short time... Perfect.

God, I won't disappoint you.

After a lot of blah blah blah from the King, we were finally allowed to leave.

We leave the castle and Sara and I get into the carriage.

"Well, at least I learned some spells."

Sara seems unable to contain her excitement, she approaches me and shouts.

"We met the King and the princess!"

"That's not so important."

A girl enters the carriage. The girl is wearing a maid uniform... Oh... I can't help but feel sorry for her. Be strong, someday they will stop suffering.


"Hello, Daniel. The King sends you the following message: 'Thank you for saving my daughter. I have confirmed that you are a very powerful adventurer, that's why I want you to be one of my bodyguards and come live in my castle.'"

The King said, "Thank you"? Hearing that surprised me and I stood there thinking for a few seconds.

I still have three or four years to learn spells and become a better fighter. But if I become a bodyguard, I won't have as many adventures as I want.

I scratch my head... Hmm... If I stay, I can steal the King's books, but maybe not, better not risk it for now.

"I don't want to, thanks."

Sara starts pulling me and shouting at me. Uwaaaah! Are you not overreacting?!

"Daniel, you can live in luxury!"

"And you should already know that I don't care about money. I want to live adventures and being by a King's side can be boring."

And disgusting.

After hearing my response, the girl gets off and we leave.

"You rejected the King... You're amazing."

"It's not that big of a deal."

"So... What will you do now?"

"I'll go to the guild, have breakfast, and take on a mission."

"Don't you want to find more teammates? Typically, a team consists of 5 members."

You're right, I need teammates... I want strong and friendly companions. I'll need a lot of help in the future.

"I suppose so, we'll find more later. I just hope Sandro doesn't pick a fight with me."

"I think he will challenge you."

"He's quite arrogant and annoying, I think I'll accept his challenge."

Sandro... Ah... If only you weren't so arrogant and presumptuous.

(One hour later.)

During the journey, Sara told me how strong Sandro is. In short, he is one of the strongest adventurers in the country. Hearing that filled me with doubts. Why did I defeat him with just one hit? It doesn't make sense.

But what I suspect the most is what I fear the most. If Sandro is truly one of the strongest, it means that the demons are even more powerful... I'm scared of the future, but it's better not to think about it for now. I need to calm down and focus on my progress.

We arrived at the village and got off the carriage.

"Thank you!" I said to the man who brought us.

We headed to the guild and the adventurers kept looking at me strangely. Ah, I should get used to it.

Hmm... Now that I think about it, I don't look like an adventurer... I compare my clothes to the adventurers' clothes. My clothes are very different from theirs, so I think people find me strange because of my clothes.

"Where can I buy new clothes? I think if I keep wearing these clothes, people will keep looking at me strangely."

"Sure, with that outfit, you look like a noble."

Sara points to a store.

"They sell clothes there."

I take out some coins from my pants.

"Hmm... Will this be enough?"

"Of course."

We enter the store and a girl welcomes us... Wow, she's cute. Her hair is disheveled and she's very pretty. She has long, pink hair and pink eyes. Her eyes are beautiful.

Wow... She's a beauty.

"Welcome. What kind of clothes are you looking for?"

"We want something that looks good on him."

The girl looks at me.

"A handsome guy... Hmm... I have something perfect for you."

The girl takes out black pants, a white shirt, and a black vest.

"This would look perfect on you."

I take the clothes. Wow, they feel comfortable.

"Try on the clothes."

I go into the fitting room and put on the clothes... Basic design, but I like it... Although the shirt is a bit tight, but I think that's how it's worn.

"It feels comfortable."

I come out of the fitting room.

"Do I look good?"

"Yes, you look better dressed like that."

"I agree with the lady."

"Then I'll take it... I'll take three sets, please."

After buying the clothes, we leave the store.

"Now I'm comfortable."

"Let's leave your clothes at my house and go to the guild."


Ah... I will really like this world.

Cris, Valeria, I will miss you.

Sonia... I hope to surpass you soon.