
Humans Against Demons - Am I really a perfect guy? I don't think so.

Daniel, a young man with limited resources, has experienced multiple adversities throughout his life. One day, a mysterious elderly person presents him with a mission of vital importance: to save the world from a demonic invasion. In order to achieve this, Daniel must venture into an unknown world, where the God of the Earth will grant him extraordinary powers and indispensable allies. However, the challenges will not be easy to overcome. Daniel will have to face formidable enemies, deal with unexpected betrayals, uncover hidden secrets, and confront moral dilemmas that will test his determination. Will Daniel be able to fulfill his destiny and protect humanity? Join Daniel in this thrilling adventure, where dangers, discoveries, and the search for his true identity intertwine. Discover if he will succeed in accomplishing his mission and become the defender that the world needs.

AngelPikas2 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

CHAPTER 2 - The King. Part 1.

CHAPTER 2 - The King.

I looked at Sandro before walking away.

Sandro is still unconscious... Well, well... I feel bad.

I mean... I know I hit him in self-defense, but I was rude when I told him to shut up. I think the excitement of defeating the demon caused me to not think clearly.

... Think clearly... That's right, I didn't think clearly about my actions before my fight with the demon. Fortunately, everything turned out fine, but that doesn't mean what I did was right. I took too much risk. I know that the demon might have been just a test from God, but there was also the risk of dying.

My great memory works correctly because I remember perfectly everything I have thought and done since I arrived in this world. I didn't forget that I had planned to train before challenging the demon, I just got distracted and remembered that when I had already challenged the demon. My great memory has a flaw, it stops working for a few seconds when I'm distracted. I must take that into account in the future.

"... I have a question."

I looked at the girls trying to wake up Sandro. I just want to confirm my suspicions, that's all. I really don't want Sandro as my enemy, but if my suspicions are correct, I don't want him as my friend either.

"Are you his girlfriends or his wives?"

"They are Sandro's girlfriends," Sara answered me, even though I had asked them.

A bit rude of her, but at least she answered my question.

Mmm... The way she said it makes me think she's not Sandro's girlfriend, although I don't really care if she is his girlfriend or not. I'm only interested in the spells.

"Well, well... I see..."

Harem, huh? I don't feel so bad about hitting him anymore.

Harem is basically deception with permission, and I hate that. I hate the idea of a woman having to share her boyfriend with other women. I hate and find that disgusting.

Grandma, I promise you that I will never have a harem, and if a miracle happens and I fall in love again, I will never cheat on my girlfriend.

And if thoughts of having a harem invade my mind, I will stay as far away as possible from those women who try to seduce me. For the sake of my mission and principles, I must avoid wasting time on things like romance.

Sandro has that rude and violent personality because power probably went to his head. Yes, I admit he is powerful, after all, he can defeat a demon, but he forgot to be humble and that there will always be someone who could be much better than him.

I'm afraid that will happen to me. I'm afraid of changing.

I want to continue being the same Daniel as always. I can't allow power to go to my head. I have the power to perform any spell without training, a power that is too unfair and powerful. I must not let it go to my head.

Daniel, God gave you a mission. The mission is the most important thing, don't forget that. Just as God gave you the power, He can also take it back. Don't become like Sandro... Don't even think about it.

Ah... I'm too sensitive and weak-minded. Right now, I believe it's impossible for power to change me, but knowing myself and knowing how weak I am mentally speaking, the possibility of becoming rude or arrogant is not impossible to imagine.

I must stay strong. Daniel, God may allow you to see your grandmother if you do a good job. If I see her again, I want her to see the Daniel she loved and raised, not a rude Daniel.

Ah... I better stop thinking about that. I've deviated too much from the main topic: Sara.

"Sharing one man is unfair. I recommend you think better about what you're doing. Goodbye."

I walked away from them while feeling observed by everyone in the place.

... Ah... Ahhhhhhhh! No, Daniel, don't get nervous! Y-you must stay firm. I already made a good impression on Sara, don't ruin it.

Ignore the looks. You defeated Sandro, the best adventurer in the guild. I highly doubt they would dare to bother me.

Alright... I defeated the black demon as an easy test from God and Sandro because he didn't fight seriously. Don't let it go to your head, Daniel, because your achievements may seem great, but you know perfectly well that they're not that great.

I've just been lucky.

"Please, take a seat, Miss Sara."

I pulled the chair for her to sit. My grandmother taught me to be polite to women in these kinds of situations, but I think in this world it's not common for men to do this, as Sara looked at me with one eye narrowed, confused about what I did.

"Thank you? I have hands, it wasn't necessary."

"I-I'm sorry."

¡Ahhhhhhhh! Goodbye to the good impression! Did I do something rude? Grandma, it wasn't my intention, I still don't know this world and its culture!

"I... I apologize, Miss Sara. If what I did was offensive to you, please forgive me. I'm not used to socializing with people."

Well, in my original world, I had no problem socializing, I only have problems in this world because I barely know it. Technically, I'm not lying.

"Don't worry... You're weird, did you know that?"

I chuckled a bit at those words.

"Since I was little," I said, with a small smile.

Go along with it to gain her trust. Well done, Daniel, although it hurt to be called weird... Well, I am from another world, so yes, I am weird.

Sara and I sat together at the table. Alright... Ah... Well, the awkward moment is over, it's time to get down to business. I have little time, so no matter what I have to pay, I will pay to get as many spells as possible. The more spells I have, the better.

She seems trustworthy. I hope she helps me.

She may be one of Sandro's girlfriends, but I'm not interested in that, what I'm interested in is her profession as a teacher. I need her to give me lessons and teach me not only spells but also common sense and the history of this country... No... of the world. I will travel to many countries in search of more spells.

"I'll be brief. Could you teach me some spells? I don't know any and I would like to learn. Of course, I'm willing to pay whatever you ask. Where do you give classes?"

My question confuses Sara, I can see it on her face... Did I say something strange? Isn't she a magic teacher or something similar? What's strange about asking her that? I thought she was used to it.

"You don't know any spells?"

... Oh... Ah... I understand now... It's strange for someone with magic to not know spells.

A world where everyone is capable of using magic and spells... An incredible world, but also dangerous to a great extent.

I wonder if the law is able to protect people. Will there be some kind of special police or something like that? I will investigate that later.

"I only know three spells."

Uwaaaah! Sara stood up and hit the table with her palms!

I almost had a heart attack! I thought she was trying to attack me.

But, judging by her expression, she's not trying to attack me, she just can't believe what she heard coming out of my mouth.

"Only three?!" she said, surprised.

Well, well... I guess it's very few.

On average, how many spells does a normal person know?

No, it's not because of that. The adventurers I met knew very few spells. There must be another reason why Sara is surprised. I better ask her.

"Is that few?"

"There are thousands of spells, but you only know three?! I can't believe you defeated the black demon and Sandro."

Well, well... It will be hard for me to learn thousands of spells, and I don't have much time. Will I be able to learn so many spells? My memory is good, so I suppose I can. The only problem is the little time I have.

I need to make contacts.

And now I know why Sara is surprised. She considers me powerful. It's very rare for someone so powerful to not know many spells.

I'm a rare existence in this world, I know that. I must learn the common sense of this world.

"That's why I'm asking for your help. I was told that you know many spells."

"Ah... I don't understand anything... You're too weird, and I don't feel like you're lying... Alright, I'll help you. I know more spells than I can use. First of all, tell me, what kind of magic do you have?"

She's a teacher, after all.

She needs to know the functions of those spells even if she can't use them to teach them to her students... I like that.

I wonder if there are magic universities in this world.

"Thank you very much. I appreciate it, Miss Sara. I have all types of magic."

"All types of magic?"

... Huh?

My answer made her smile... That smile... it's not a happy one... She's mocking me!

"All?! But that's impossible!" she said, with a mocking smile and laughter, she's laughing at me.

Sara starts laughing, she doesn't believe what I said... That's rude of her.

I'll have to prove that I'm telling the truth. My grandmother didn't raise a liar.

Ah, Sara, and here I thought you were a kind girl. You're making fun of me without really knowing me, and I hate that. I'll forgive you only because I know perfectly well that I'm a rare existence in this world, it was obvious that you wouldn't believe me without evidence.

"Alright, I'll give you proof that I'm telling the truth."

I show her my card and she's surprised, I know because her expression is too obvious. She opens her eyes and mouth wide. I guess she believed me. Do people here always exaggerate their expressions? I have to get used to that kind of thing.

Having all types of magic in this world is impossible (thank God, I have all types of magic), so I don't mind that she didn't believe me.

A power that's too conspicuous... Yes, I definitely need to make contacts and allies. I need to be protected. Currently, I'm too weak, and if I were the Demon King or whoever is the leader of the demons, I would immediately kill the bearer of all types of magic while I'm weak. I always have to be careful.

"In-incredible! H-how is it possible?!"

I already have her trust. Perfect. Now let's get down to business.

"Will you teach me some spells?"

"...Wait, please. I have to do something first."

"Sure, I'll wait for you."

She's probably going to the bathroom. It also happens to me when I get very nervous.

Sara gets up and... Oh, she tries to wake up Sandro. What will she tell him? Whatever it is, I hope it's not something that gets me into trouble. I definitely don't want to have problems with Sandro.

She wakes Sandro up with some claps on the face. He slowly opens his eyes... Well, well.

He woke up very quickly. What was expected from a powerful adventurer like him.

Sandro is not so weak as to faint for so long because of a simple blow.

"Eh?" Sandro said, confused.

I think he really didn't expect me to hit him.

Sandro gets up and rubs his stomach... I feel a little bad, but it was his fault. I want to apologize, but I won't, I just defended myself. If I hadn't defended myself, he would have killed me. I don't know the laws of this world, but considering that he didn't hesitate to try to kill me, I'm sure it's legal to kill, or at least someone as famous and important as Sandro can kill without legal consequences.

I need to investigate more about that.

"That blow caught me by surprise, I didn't think he had so much strength."

Yes, of course, by surprise. I beat you fairly.

I think he's the kind of person who believes he's superior to others, and I don't like that. He's basically my nemesis. I believe that everyone is equally important, that no one is better than anyone else. We are all equally important, and that's a thought that I will never change.

"I'm leaving your team. Goodbye."

...Eh? He left Sandro's team?! Why?!

...No... No, no, no. Let it not be what I'm thinking... No! I don't want to have more problems with Sandro!

Ah, but I already have problems with Sandro, he already hates me, and I also need teammates... Ah, I might end up regretting this decision.

Upon hearing what Sara said, Sandro became too worried. Probably, Sara was a fundamental part of his team. His expression says it all, he's worried and a little... No, not a little, very nervous.

His girlfriends are also very nervous and try to stop Sara.

She simply ignores them... Ay, my first day and I ruined a very important team of adventurers. I feel too bad, but at the same time I don't feel so bad. Sandro has a harem, and I don't know if Sara is part of that harem. If she is part of that harem and wants to stop being part of it, I'm very happy for her. The harem should not exist!

Ah, I better just watch how the situation unfolds.

"What?! You can't leave, you're my right hand!"

"I was. My decision is final. Goodbye."

Sara walks away from them and sits at my table.

Ouch, that hurt.

"Well, well. You ended your relationship with your boyfriend in a very cold way, Sara. It even hurt me."

"Boyfriend? Yuck. I have better tastes. He was just the team leader, although yes, the others are his girlfriends."

I looked at Sandro's girlfriends... Well, well... Well, it hurts to admit it, but they are very, very beautiful. Oh, girls, you deserve someone better... No, rather, you deserve to be with someone who is faithful to you, not someone like Sandro, who has a harem.

Maybe I'm wrong about Sandro and he turns out to be a good person with his girlfriends, but the fact that he has a harem makes him the worst choice of partner.

"I accept to help you, but on the condition that you accept me into your team."

Yes, I assumed.

Well, well... Honestly, I thought it would take me a little longer to get a team.

I need a team to achieve my goal.

She seems good, so there's no problem. But I must make one very important thing clear to her.

"Team...? Alright... Sure, no problem. But there's a rule that can never, I mean never, ever be broken."

"And what is it?"

"Team members can't date other team members. In other words, you and I will never be boyfriend and girlfriend. Much less can we kiss or have sex. Are you okay with that?"

"A strange rule, and I admit it's a bit difficult to follow because I think you're my type, but yes, I accept."

"Thank you very much."

Later, I'll write a contract, and I'll investigate if it's possible to write a magical contract. I really don't want to give anyone false hope. I won't date anyone.

I know it's too egocentric to think that all women want to date me, but based on my personal experience, the possibility of my female companions falling in love with me is very high, and I prefer to avoid that.

I don't trust women, and I'll die alone.

I don't want to suffer another heartbreak. Besides, love and women will distract me from my mission, and I prefer to avoid that.

"Do you like men?"

"No. I simply have no interest in anything related to relationships, both romantic and sexual. I prefer to avoid those kinds of things. I hope you understand."

"Yes, I see... You're strange, but also interesting. It's intriguing... How many adventurers are in your team?"

I'm sorry, but it's just the two of us.

I've just started my adventure. It's a miracle that I've earned so much money in one day. Don't expect the same to happen with my teammates.

Little by little. Trust is paramount. I must find trustworthy companions.

"Hmm. Let me count..."

I start counting on my fingers.

"If we count... But with the addition of... But if we also consider... It's just the two of us."

A little laughter comes out of me, but apparently, Sara didn't like my joke. I don't see any smile on her face.

Oh... Well, at least I tried.

"Okay? I have the spells written down at my house, you must come with me."

A girl's house... She barely knows me and she's already inviting me to her house... It reminds me of school, girls always invited me to their houses. "My parents won't be home today. Do you want to come to my house?" Of course, I always rejected them. I'm not a sexual deviant, I won't take advantage of any girl.

I'm very lucky with women, if I were a pervert, I would have slept with more than 50 women by now. Fortunately, I'm not a pervert. Those kinds of men disgust me, I hate them with all my being. You should only have sex after marriage and with the woman you love!

I can accept this time, because she's going to help me. I don't have any ulterior motives. Besides, I made it clear that I'm not interested in things like sex, so I don't think she'll try to rape me.

"Sure. Thank you, Sara. I appreciate it."

I offer her my hand.

"It will be an honor for you to be my first companion."

"You're strange, but I can tell you're a very good guy. That's boring, but you seem very interesting. I don't think I'll get bored with you. It will be a pleasure to be your companion."

With a firm handshake, I officially got my first companion. I don't know much about her, but considering that she was part of Sandro's team, the most famous and powerful adventurer in the guild, I'm sure she'll be of great help.

"My name is Daniel, it's a pleasure."

"I'm Sara, 'the teacher'."

"The teacher? Is that a nickname?"

"My students call me that, and everyone has gotten used to calling me that."

"Wow... And do you prefer to be called Sara or 'teacher'?"

"... You're asking me how I prefer to be called?"


"Wow... It's the first time someone's asked me that... I prefer to be called by my name."

"Alright. It'll be a pleasure to work with you, Sara."

"... Yes... Likewise."

Nicknames are sometimes good, but other times they're bad and rude. I prefer to call people by their name to avoid misunderstandings. Maybe Sara felt offended or hated being called by her nickname.

Well, I got my first companion. It's time to get new spells!

"Well, let's go to your house."

I pick up the money bags.

I wonder if there are orphanages or any poor places around here.

"Let's go."

We headed towards the door. This first day has been very productive. If I continue like this, I won't have any problems with my progress... huh?

"Hey, dwarf!"

Ah... I'm not a dwarf. Besides, that insult is offensive.

Sara and I were about to leave the guild, but Sandro spoke to me... No, he shouted at me. He wants to fight again.

Ah, unfortunately, I don't blame him. His right-hand, Sara, left him for someone she barely knows. A foolishness now that I think about it, but surely she's interested in my power. Ah, Sara, you're so lucky I'm not a pervert. You would easily fall into my clutches if I were.

"Dwarf! You caught me off guard! I challenge you to a fight!"

I'm quite tall, I'm not a dwarf... I mean, I'm not small. Sandro is just slightly taller than me. He beats me by about 5 centimeters approximately. Besides, I'm still growing. I'll grow more... I think.

"No, thanks, I have unfinished business."

I don't want to have problems with anyone. It's best to simply ignore him. It's not worth wasting time with him.

Sara and I leave the guild.

"Damn dwarf!" he said angrily.

Ah, Sandro, you're pathetic. It's not worth getting angry with me just because Sara decided to join me. She's free to do whatever she wants, you're not her owner.

I better stop thinking about him.

"Well, well. Sara, is there a school around here? Where do you teach?"

"I give private lessons, there's no school here, only in the Capital."

"Well, well. I see."

The Capital... Well, first I'll get used to this world and then I'll go to that school in the Capital. For now, I'll just focus on acquiring spells and learning more about this world.

(Pov - Sandro.)

That boy...

I've always been considered a prodigy. I'm one of the few who can defeat a demon. It took me a lot of work and effort to obtain the strength that I have. Years of training. So much time achieving accomplishments to become a great adventurer... And now, a stupid cute boy comes to ruin everything.

Sara is the only girl who didn't fall in love with me. She was the only intelligent girl in my team... The only one in my team who was worth it... And that idiot stole her from me! Who does he think he is?! He'll regret it!

(Pov - Daniel.)

Well, well. I feel strange with all the eyes on me, but it's better to just ignore them. I can't get nervous, I have to pay attention to Sara's words.

Sara and I walk through the village. The village is really nice. It smells good (false) and the people seem friendly.

Ah... Starting a new life is a good idea.

I'll miss Cris and Valeria, but I have to leave my previous life behind.

Sonia, my ex-girlfriend, she's the only one I won't miss... Why did she cheat on me?! What did I do wrong?! And why did she cheat on me with that idiot?! Ahhhhhhhh! Just remembering that fills me with rage!

But I have to leave that behind and forget everything.

I'll make new friends here... But no girlfriend.

I won't get a girlfriend... And if any girl falls in love with me, I'll reject her immediately. I don't care if she's the most beautiful and kind woman in the world, I won't accept her. I don't want to suffer again... I don't want to.

"I can't believe you have all types of magic but only know three spells."

Sorry for being new to this.

Literally today I found out that my girlfriend was cheating on me and I tried to commit suicide, and now I'm in a magical world with demons and adventurers. Does it make sense or have any logic? Not really, but I won't think about it. It's not worth finding logic in this.

"It's a long story."

"Can you tell me?"

"I'll tell you someday."

Maybe... If I don't die, I'll tell you... The most likely thing is that I'll die in this world... And I don't say that because I want to die, but because I feel like I will.

I was already prepared to die... I'm not afraid of death.

Besides, why continue living? Is it worth it to keep living? I want to stay alive to fulfill the mission that God gave me, but that doesn't mean I want to stay alive after my mission.

I think my life has no meaning... The only thing that keeps me alive is my mission. Whether I fail it or accomplish it, the result will be the same: my death.

Without my grandma, life has no meaning.

"So, you've never had a girlfriend? It's strange to meet someone so powerful with that mindset of yours."

"Well, well... Yes, I had a girlfriend. I've only had one girlfriend."

"And why did you break up with her?"

"I'd rather not talk about that, please."

"It's okay, don't worry."

I'm sorry, Sara, but just remembering what Sonia did to me makes me furious. I prefer not to remember and simply try to forget my past with her... Oh...

"Well, well. Wait for me, please."

I quickly approached a little boy who was selling some kind of meat skewers. The food smells quite strange and bad, but this boy looks thin. Surely he is poor.

He reminds me of myself when I was little. I also worked as a child. I sold flowers on the streets until my grandmother forbade me from working anymore when I told her that a woman had touched me... my private parts... Ah... Yes... I had forgotten about that part. It's better not to remember.

This boy also smells bad and his clothes look very worn. Yes, he is poor.

"Hello, little boy. What are you selling?"

"Skewers... Cow skewers!"

"Lies. It's rat meat," said Sara, who stood beside me.

... Ah... Rat meat... Ah...

"Rat meat, huh?"

The boy became nervous and started trembling because of Sara's intimidating gaze. Even I feel scared. It's better never to make her angry.

"The smell is from rats. Cheating people, huh? I'm going to report you."

The boy is about to cry because of Sara's threat, but I quickly took a skewer and put it in my mouth.

I chewed it as quickly as possible and swallowed it.

I admit it tasted disgusting, but food is food. Food should not be wasted.

"Mmmmm! It's delicious! I'll buy them all!"

"What?!" said Sara.

"R-really? All of them?!" said the boy, who changed his expression from sadness to joy.

How lovely.

I'll give him... Hmm... I still have to donate, and he's just one person... Hmm... I think a handful will be enough. Besides, with just one coin, he can buy a meal. It will be more than enough for him to survive a couple of months.

I took a handful of coins from my bag and gave them to him.

"Take these. And if anyone tries to rob you, tell them that Daniel, the adventurer who defeated Sandro and the black demon, gave them to you. If they steal them from you, I will find them and kill them."

It's not true, I won't kill people, not yet, I'm not mentally prepared. But at least it will serve as a threat.

"T-thank you so much, sir!!"

Ouch. I'm still young! But it's nice to see him so happy. Ah, the innocence of a little boy.

"You're welcome. Thank you very much for the food."

"Enjoy it!!"

I took the skewers I bought and walked away. I took them not only because I bought them, but also to prevent him from eating them. I want him to stop eating rats and eat healthier things.

Besides, I would feel guilty if I didn't eat them myself. I told him they're delicious, I don't want him to think I'm a liar.

"You can throw them in..."

"Throw what?" I replied to Sara.

"That trash."

"Where? I don't see any trash. If you're referring to me, that's very cruel of you."

"I'm referring to the rat meat."

"It's not trash. Besides, food should not be wasted."

I started eating... It really tastes disgusting, but I don't want to throw away the food that a little boy sold me.

"Your eyes are watery, probably because of the disgust you feel. If it disgusts you, don't eat it, simple as that."

"I'm just cleaning my eyes with tears."

"Couldn't you come up with a better excuse?"


I finished all the skewers as quickly as possible... Oh, I want to vomit... Don't vomit, Daniel! Endure the disgust... Oh... Rat meat is disgusting.

I kept the wooden sticks in my pocket. I'll throw them away when I see a trash bin.

"Phew. I'm satisfied... Oh... I forgot to offer you one, Sara. Do you want me to buy you something?"

"No... You're too weird, Daniel."

"I know."

"The boy wasn't even looking at you. Why didn't you just throw it away if you didn't like it?"

"My grandmother taught me not to waste food, no matter how disgusting it is. Besides, Sara, you shouldn't be so aggressive. That little boy just wanted to earn money to survive, you shouldn't have threatened to report him."

"It's because of kids like him that people get sick from the diseases rats transmit."

"Yes, but there are more peaceful solutions."

... It's true, the diseases from rats... Oh... Well, if I get sick, it will take time to take effect. I have time to find a spell that can cure diseases. I shouldn't worry.

"Ah, whatever, it's your body... Well, we've arrived."

We stopped in front of a small one-story house, and it's pink, my favorite color.

Nice house. Mmm... Now that I realize it, this residential area is very beautiful. It must be expensive to live here. I wonder if I'll have enough to buy a house... No, it's better to sleep at an inn or rent a house. After all, I don't plan on staying here for long.

"Here I live."

It's a nice house. It has a small garden with flowers... It's really beautiful.

My grandmother would have loved to live in a place like this. She loved gardening, but since we couldn't afford to waste water, we didn't have a garden at home.

... Daniel, stop thinking about the past... Live the present... Live it.

"Nice house, Sara."

"Thank you."

She is very young... Will she live with her parents or grandparents?

I'm curious.

"Do you live with your parents?"

"I left my parents three years ago. I live alone."

Well, well... I didn't expect that answer... She says it with a cold tone, and that makes me a little angry... I don't have parents, they died... But I can't express my anger, I can't judge a person by their actions without knowing the context.

Besides, asking her would be disrespectful on my part. I'm someone she doesn't know, I can't meddle in private matters.

"I-I'm sorry..."

"Don't worry, let's go inside," Sara said.

Ah... I hope she doesn't try anything strange. I've had weird experiences with women in these kinds of situations.

We enter her house.

Wow. Her house is like a library, there are many books on shelves and on the floor. It seems like she's a very intelligent girl... I like that. I really like intelligent girls. They are more pleasant and less annoying.

Although Sara is a bit violent and rude... Well, she was just worried about me regarding the rat meat.

So many books everywhere. My head hurts just imagining that Sara has read all the books in this place. My respects, Sara. I was so lucky to meet you. You saved me so much valuable time. Time that I will invest in becoming more powerful.

"Wait... Mmm... Here it is."

Sara picks up a black book that was on a table and gives it to me.

Wow... Ah... It looks more like a notebook than a book. It's not that thick. I think it has around 200 pages, maybe 300. I thought magical books would have thousands of pages.

"Here they are. I have written down 113 spells."


Ah... Well, well... Only that many? Well, they are many, but I thought there would be more.

I admit I'm a little disappointed.

I thought I would get at least 1,000 spells, but I only got 113. I'm not complaining, it's a lot, but considering she's a teacher, it's so strange that she only has 113 spells available to teach. Only 113? Is it so difficult to find or learn spells? Oh, I feel like my workload is increasing. It will be even harder than I imagined to get spells.

"Well, well... Only those? I thought you would have thousands. Well, it's just that... You're a teacher and all."

"These are the only ones I've been able to hear and discover their functions and activations. Only a few people know some spells."


"You're a bit ignorant... The royalty and nobles know many spells that we, the commoners, are not allowed to know."

Sara explained to me that there are thousands of spells, but she only keeps the most useful or easy-to-learn spells. It would be useless to keep spells that would be impossible to learn. Ah, I wish she had written them down at least, they would have been useful to me. I suspect I only need the name of the spell and what it's for, I don't need to practice.

The nobles know more spells, but she has never had the opportunity to learn more about those spells. She must know the name of the spell, what it's for, and how to learn it.

... Ah... I didn't want to get involved with arrogant rich people, but I have to do it. I just hope I don't have to see nobles using slaves as servants, or female slaves... Or maids being raped by their bosses.

I guess I'll have to make noble friends. I need to investigate first and find a noble family that is kind, or less evil.

"Well, well... I see. Anyway, thank you very much. I appreciate it. It will be of great help to me."

I open the book and I don't understand the writing.

Ah... I need to learn their writing. It would save me a lot of trouble.

"Could you read them to me? I can't read."

"You... you can't read?" She said, confused.

I feel like a fool, but it's not my fault, I'm new to this world!

How difficult will it be to learn...? Eh? Something is vibrating... Oh...

My smartphone started vibrating and I take it out.

It felt funny in my pocket. It feels good to have a smartphone.

Mmm... Oh, I received a notification... Ah...

"A notification from the 'Tutorial' app?"

The notification says the app has a new feature available. cool! I wonder what it will be about.

I open it and a message appears.

"To save spells, you just have to take a photo of the spell and it will automatically be saved... Great, this will make things easier for me!" I said excitedly.

God, thank you for so much help! This will save me weeks of studying! Thank you very much!

... Oh... It's also bad to receive too much help, because it means that my enemies are much more dangerous than I imagine... Oh... Well, as long as I try and do my best, it doesn't matter if I fail or succeed, at least I will have tried.

I can't be optimistic about this situation. If I die, all the worlds will disappear, but it won't be my fault. I will do my best, I promise, but if I fail, I shouldn't feel guilty, because I did my best, I tried, I shouldn't feel bad about the outcome if I did my best.

If I die, well, too bad, I failed, and all the worlds will disappear and millions will die. A possible horrible future, but I will do my best to defeat that demon. If I think about the consequences of failing, it will only give me headaches.

Oh... Daniel, don't think about those things yet.

"... Daniel..."


Wow, wow. Sara looks at me confused. Apparently, she finds my smartphone curious and interesting. I hope she doesn't ask too many questions about it, it hurts to lie.

"What is that?"

"It's a smartphone."


It's hard to explain... I'll explain it to her later. I have to come up with some origin for this smartphone.

"I'll explain what it is later."

Okay, I just have to take photos of the pages. Easy.

I open the camera app and start taking photos.

Wow. Each page is full of information and drawings. I think magic is represented by black circles. I'm sure that represents where the magical power has to gather in order to perform the spell. I think each page is a spell. I see, I see.

Wow, wow. It would have taken me weeks, even months to learn all these spells if I didn't have my advantage of learning any spell instantly... Thank you, God!

Unfair, but necessary.

... Wow, wow... There are even mathematical formulas. I think learning spells in this world is even more difficult than I imagined.

I wonder what will be the most powerful spell in this book.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm taking photos of the book."


Don't you know what a photo is? This world is a bit ignorant. I thought at least photography already existed, but I guess not yet.


To not worry her, I will show her what a photo is.

I open the gallery and show her a photo.

"This is a photo."

Sara stroked her chin as she stared at the screen of my smartphone.

"Interesting... Is it like a painting?"

"I guess something like that."

"How does it work exactly? How did you make that appear on your device?"

"Ah... Well... I'll explain it to you later. It's complicated."

"Okay, I'll wait."

Thank you. I have to come up with a story for this!




Mmm... And done.

I took a photo of all the spells.

"Alright, I think they're saved."

I have to confirm. I go to the main menu and... Yes!

A new app appeared called "Spells".

Thank you, God! This will make everything easier for me! Although my good memory served the same purpose... Well, at least this app will help me know the magical attribute that each spell needs... I think.

"Great!" - I said excitedly, because now I have more than 100 spells at my disposal.

I open it and many spells are there. They're ordered alphabetically and next to each spell there's a different color.

I suppose the color means the type of magic. Red must be fire, blue is water... Mmm... Is white wind? I'll investigate this part better later.

Now comes the most important test. If this goes well, everything will be easier for me.

"Which is the most difficult spell to learn or perform? I want to check something."

If I can use the most difficult spell on the first try, I won't have any problems with the others.

"Mmm... The most difficult... Mmm..."

She stays a couple of seconds thinking.

"I think it would be... The spell called "Bolflou"... Well, I guess, it's the spell that took me the longest to learn."

Sounds weird... Is it a powerful spell? Plus, it's just one word... Well, better not criticize, maybe that's how spells work in this world, with short words.

"What does it do?"

"When you use the spell, a fireball comes out of your mouth."

Ah... Well, well... Sounds basic... Is it powerful at least?

"Is it powerful?"

"It works well against wild beasts."

Then it's powerful. I suppose the wild beasts in this world are very powerful, as I think they also possess magical power.

I have to try it!

"I'll try it! Bol...! Hmmmph?!"

She covers my mouth with her right hand and I get nervous. M-my face feels hot... This is a bit uncomfortable... But her hands are soft and smell good.

"Not here, outside! You're someone very strange, so I don't want you using spells in my house!"

I don't know if being considered strange is good or bad... Mmm... I think it's good.

I nodded and she removed her hand from my mouth.

"O-okay." - I said nervously.

I hope to succeed.