
Humanos X Sistema

A sovereign existence, which governed all universes and multiverses, just like any other living being, has a weakness, after reigning for millennia over so-called invincible beings, Kytes, The Governor of Universes, has fallen. After a great battle, he finds himself remaking his legacy. "The biggest mistake my enemies made was not to take my heart out." (I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com)

Cueio_Crackeado · Action
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29 Chs

Chapter 4

A chapter every day until it looks like Brazilian sites

After the little conversation, it was time to go to town, but between the Kytes-Corlin duo and their goal, there was a big wall. At 20 meters high, it was made of large stones and concrete, looking like it had been made a few decades ago.

On the wall there was a base for soldiers, something like a mini stone room, where curiously nobody stood guard. Ten meters away from the wall, Corlin calmly stared at the barrier, while Kytes solemnly thought of a solution, with a hand on his chin.

At that moment, Corlin decided to ask:

- What do we do?

- I don't know exactly ... Can you make a rope?

- At the most I would be able to make threads, but even if I did my best, they still wouldn't exceed 5 meters.

- Okay, it'll do, just you need to go up there. There is certainly a rope on the wall, in case the guards need to descend quickly.

Kytes stopped stroking his chin and positioned himself confidently, while Corlin looked a little irritated.

- Hey! You did not listen to me!? I can only make 5 meter wires! And they would certainly blow my weight!

- Kukuku ... I'll show you the best part of my power, I just need 5 wires of 5 meters!

Corlin blew out a long breath and accepted Kytes's argument, as he knew that the best option to continue on his path would be to trust him. Even discouraged, she nodded.

She sat down and started doing the 5 strands. It was ridiculously difficult and she took 2 hours, being totally drained, with enough energy just to run away if Kytes tried anything. She stood up and tested the strength of the wires, they were incredibly resistant, but not enough to support her weight of ## kilograms.

(N / A: I was going to put her weight on, but she sprang up here wanting to rip my carcass off.)

It was evident the large amount of sweat on Corlin's forehead and legs, with his coat also soaked. Tired, she held out her hand with the strands in the direction of Kytes. This one, in fact, was sleeping sitting on a rock ... Corlin, realizing this, quickly approached and punched him in the head.

Kytes was simply unable to defend himself. Taking the punch, he was thrown to the ground and quickly recovered, getting up, still a little sleepy. He yawned slightly as he looked at Corlin.

- What are you doing? Kytes asked in a half yawn.

- You were sleeping while I struggled! - Corlin was outraged.

- What did you want? - Kytes asked, provoking Corlin - That I would watch your beautiful legs being caressed by my good old sweat friend?

- Die! - Corlin was truly angry and outraged.

- Anyway, give me the wire there.

- Tsk!

Corlin's blood boiled when he handed the wires to Kytes, but for now it wasn't a matter of life and death. As she watched him, Corlin asked:

- What do you intend?

"You'll see in an instant." Kytes looked confident when he took the strands with his right arm.

Contrary to Corlin's expectations, when the strands touched Kytes' skin, they thinned like water and entered his flesh. Moments later, they came out on the left arm, only thicker and firmer, with a hook at the end. The wires have definitely turned into a rope.

Corlin was both amazed and curious at the same time.

- Where did that hook come from?

- The wires were resistant, so we could do it. You really did a good job creating them.

- Know.

Corlin said as he crossed his arms and turned his face away.

- Huh ...?

Kytes blew out a long breath and became serious again as he looked cautiously at Corlin.

- You noticed it too, right? Be careful up there, a soldier only leaves his post when something serious happens.

Corlin uncrossed his arms and was on the alert.

- Yes.

Kytes took the rope and spun it in the air to gain momentum, then threw it on the wall. Thanks to the hook, it got stuck properly. Without saying anything, Corlin started to climb the rope while Kytes just watched his beautiful, round and graceful ass.

- I miss skirts ... - Kytes sighed and murmured to himself.

- Hey! What did you say?!

- Nothing.

In the end, just as he had deduced, there was a firmer rope, which she threw to Kytes. He also went up without saying a word. On the wall it was possible to see the city: its streets were made of stones and curiously there were no people, looking like a ghost town.

However, it was unthinkable that no one lived there, as there were carriage marks on the floor. Not to mention that all the windows in the ridiculously bad houses were closed and locked from the inside, as if the residents were hiding. Further on, one could see a large palace that showed wealth, a wealth that was overshadowed by the poverty of the surroundings.

On the fence, Kytes, with his magnificent vision, saw a scene that bothered him: in front of the grand palace that appeared to have been recently renovated, there was a soldier and a child.

At first glance, it could already be said that the soldier was of high rank, because of the numerous insignia they had on their brown uniform composed of a vest and skirt, similar to a Roman uniform.

The child, who wore torn and filthy garments, walked slowly to the soldier. When he got close to the soldier, he did not hesitate and quickly beheaded her with a sword.

Kytes was really irritated by the situation, but he chose not to show his feelings. Meanwhile, Corlin was not aware of what happened at the palace, as it was far away. She, for some other reason, was uncomfortable with that place, looked anxious and a little shaken. Anything asked about that place would be answered without hesitation.

- Corlin, ask me a question, is this area also dominated by scientists?

- They have influence, but they can't do whatever they want. This area belongs to a tyrant who doesn't care about his people. Honestly, he is the embodiment of lust. At the beginning of his reign, he kidnapped most of the commoners and turned them into his sex slaves. This is a man who took possession of the throne, a scum of humanity. The former King was a great ally and a good man. Unlike the new King, who treats anyone other than his family as a slave.

Kytes felt a flame burning in his chest and then decided how to proceed, trying to hide his anger.

- I'm glad to hear that, now I can kill him without remorse. - Kytes said coldly.

-… - Seeing Kytes's expression, Corlin said nothing.

- We're jumping!

- Yes!

Corlin and Kytes jumped off the wall and landed on the ground without any injuries. This is due to changes in the human body after the explosion of the system. Humans affected by this explosion have resistance, speed, regeneration and, among other things, improved, with each one varying from person to person.

Kytes and Corlin were heading towards the palace with their eyes wide open and waiting for any kind of attack when a young woman intercepted them. She was fair-skinned and dressed like an Amazon: she wore a skirt that ended before the knee and a vest with a shirt underneath, all made of leather, except her cloth shirt. Her sheathed sword delivered that she was a soldier.

- Stop right there! She shouted.

Kytes and Corlin just stared at her, without making any extravagant movements, only the sound of the light wind was heard after the girl's scream.

Everything happened in an instant. Kytes had moved as fast as a Formula 1 car, and before the young woman could react, he stole her sword and pressed it against the girl's neck. A slight amount of blood started to trickle out of the cut, and she heard Kytes saying in a heavy tone:

- Now is not a good time. Someone like you has no chance against me, if it gets in my way, death will be a beautiful dream close to what will happen to you.

The girl felt a chill run down her spine and a shiver spread throughout her body.

- I admit, you beat me. - She raised her hands in defeat.

At that moment, she expected Kytes to let her guard down, but the girl did not expect him to be a longtime warrior. With just one hand, Kytes quickly hit the young woman in the neck, causing her to pass out on the floor.

- Let's continue.

- OK.