
Humanity Vs The Evil Kings

With the death of Dreamon king,Demon King Humanity had won the battle. 1000 years past until it was found the person who found a black mask with a white eyes smile face.In the temple deep inside dreamon forest then person put the mask on then had a mental battle with each other …. While the other humans fought the demon kings army the summoned hero’s fight against demons try to stop demon to get all the stars in one place to open the portal to hell and heaven Im not going spend all chapters with clay main character he in my mind is not the main character no is in the story so build up on all the character I can kind like game of Thrones Dark tone of the story will happen in the future all middle of volume 2 a lot of tragedy will happen a lot more dark stuff will happen past volume 2

Shadow_Dreamonking · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 9 - In a little peaceful village

Dominic was a monster killer and was feared. He saves many humans and Demi humans. He does not discriminate against races. He was feared by all because he had unique eyes that were rare to be born with. They were green and blue. Normally people get one color of eyes, but some have a very small chance to get two different colors. This makes you a lot more stronger than the normal human.

Dominic fought for 30 years. He would beat up nobles who had a bad personality. He was friends with Eret later in his life which is how he met his current wife.

Her name is Amelia they stayed together at that point onwards for his final years of battle. When he settled Down, he had a house he made with his wife. There were a lot of people that came to his location to settle in with him because he was their hero so to speak .

Then came their happy moment when their kids came the in the picture, twins- Dream Mon and Deimos Mon . They each took one of their fathers eyes- blue and green. Oneiros had green eyes and Deimos got the blue eyes .

Now Dominic clothes are a Dark green shirt, black Pants,and black boots. His hair dark red.

Amelia has dark blue T-shirt, black jeans, and boots. The boots had tip pinch lines going around the boots and her eyes were pink . Her hair is light brown.

Amelia was a knight protector of the realm. She fought with the bandits, Null, Void and a lot of other beings. She was one of the best sword women at her peak but now she had gotten a bit rusty with her skills . Most of the villagers call her a calm and loving mother of two.

Dominic Mon point of view :

He woke up in his warm bed with smell of breakfast hitting his nose. He got up and looked in his small room and noticed that his wife was not there. So he got up and got dressed . He put on black pants with his dark green T-shirt and he boots. He grabbed the wood handle of his golden unsheathed blade and moved it to the kitchen table. He noticed the kids must still be sleeping since they were not at the breakfast table. He looked to see his wife making him bacon and eggs.

"Hi sweetheart how was your morning?" Said Dominic Mon.

" Pretty good honey. Good morning! I see you are up did you have nice dreams dear? " Said Amelia Mon

" Eh not so good. I saw the emperor throne inside the castle but I didn't see anything else sadly . It was very eerie. It was broken at places and burnt on others. There were purple marks blasted on a section and other places were purple and red. There was a combination of scorch marks and there was slashing on the walls. There was a red blood splatter on the floors. And curiously enough there was black blood splatter on the floor as well. It was almost as if some monster had came in and fought with the emperor. Then there was this white portal. I know that it went into somewhere. I saw flash of the emperor fire magic and some other magic that was purple. It was as if the emperor was stuck in the portal and fighting Someone. Oddly enough, that is not the last thing I saw. I saw a black mask with eyes that were white. A smile that was white around the edges. It was glowing half dark shade of red the other side was purple . That was the end of the dream ." Said Dominic Mon

"Well there was a legend of the Dreamon King dying and turning into a mask. There is nothing right now that says some got that mask. There would have been signs form the Dreamon forest …" said Amelia Mon

"Yeah it could have been nothing, there is no telling.. " said Dominic Mon

While those two were talking about that the boys were waking up. They started stirring and headed downstairs to have breakfast. Deimos was the first one down the stairs next came Oneiros

" Is breakfast done mom? " Said Deimos Mon

"What are we have for lunch mother ? I would like something with more meat than before .." Said Oneiros Monic

" Yes, breakfast is done and no I'm not telling you what I'm going to make for lunch. Your father has something he wants to tell you before you go …" Said Amelia

"I'm going to kill that monster who won't give up. The queen of elves has requested for me to kill Null. I will be traveling with the O sodium rank to a nearby country. I will leave tomorrow morning, so this will be the last day I get to hang out with you for a while. " Said Dominic Monic

"Okay .. " Said Oneiros Monic

"Lets go do some training while we act things out!!!"Said Deimos Monic

" Okay you guys finish eating out out there and play while I do the dishes" Said Amelia Mon

And just like that they continue to talk on about stuff, meanwhile Clay ...