
Humanity Vs The Evil Kings

With the death of Dreamon king,Demon King Humanity had won the battle. 1000 years past until it was found the person who found a black mask with a white eyes smile face.In the temple deep inside dreamon forest then person put the mask on then had a mental battle with each other …. While the other humans fought the demon kings army the summoned hero’s fight against demons try to stop demon to get all the stars in one place to open the portal to hell and heaven Im not going spend all chapters with clay main character he in my mind is not the main character no is in the story so build up on all the character I can kind like game of Thrones Dark tone of the story will happen in the future all middle of volume 2 a lot of tragedy will happen a lot more dark stuff will happen past volume 2

Shadow_Dreamonking · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 12:Hero's Arive at the Dungeon

Light Grand Knight Arthur's Point of View:

I watched as the summoned 'heroes' jumped off of the carriage and onto the ground I personly don't like these people their eyes seem off they do not know what defines a hero for me it is someone who fights for something they believe in not for someone to call the 'hero' for no reason other than the fact that we need more people to deal with the demon king or one of the villains who is causing chaos. I should not be babying them someone else should deal with them while I hunt down Null but no very else was way too far away to be here on time ...

I bring out a fake smile Arthur: "Hello 'heroes' I welcome you the holy king should have trained you before you got here so now you will be learning how to kill the monster in this dungeon that will train you not to hesitate in fight any nonhumans so that's your goal I will not save you unless you are at death door soo you guys better believe my words because if you do then you will have scars on whatever body part it lands on "

I then looked around and remembered the first time I was here with my friends we thought we would make it out alive but no inside this dungeon was a beast you tell just by looking at it was made out of wood but it was a massive two-hole to show eyes massive Smile face with sharp wood for teeth. I had lost all my childhood friends here we were too naive to think that we could be heroes I know I would never become one ...

The 'heroes' faces twisted into frowns for a lot of them but there were a few that smiled ugh I know my intent was right that these teens were not fit for the title of hero if I survive my fight with null then I will personly deal with them for that reason I must not show them my fight style ...

Xavier: "There is no problem we will not struggle to kill I believe. I can't wait to start this adventure I wonder what twists and turns get things ready to be unraveled. Once we get done with this training area and dungeon finish when we are ready and get going to kill the demon king I can't wait to go back to our home world. I wonder when we get back to our world if we have our power still it would be interesting."

Arthur: " That's good that you are feeling this way let's hope you are not deluding yourself into thinking that this is all fake you are living in a dream or story because if that happens you will die a fool death unworthy of the hero title that we have given to you. It would also be a waste of coins and lastly my time. I hope you guys don't waste my time that much because I have to hunt down that dam shadow."

Abby: " What are you saying all I want is to leave this deadly world! So can we move on with our train in the dungeon?"

Choir: " I don't know your deal think that we can die like idiots we don't have Clay's useless ability with us so we can survive this dungeon easily we will show you that we don't need any help from the likes of you, sir knight, if you want you can go and start trying to slash at shadows now because we are getting things done with or without your help.

Trevor: "This should not be a problem unlike you we were brought here to fix your messes. You are just some extra character on the big scale of things. so you don't need to worry about our safety! I bet you won't do anything that would need you to step into things or save because unlike you we have hero jobs that were given to us by the gods You are just some Holy Grand Knight that can be and will be replaceable. "

Kenndy: " Ugh I just want to get this over and done with this fantasy world is not to my liking as I thought it would I want to go back home and lay in my bed while reading light novels.. " 

George: " You doubt us rather than giving us the task so we can finch it in a hurry so we can get rid of that demon king before he launches a full-on attack which would allow us to send attack him but the losses would be big that would leave me with a bad mind ... lol I would not give one single dam because we would leave this world and return to our home world. " 

Rose: " I just want to leave and get this journey done with so I can go return home and get my nails done also lead on boys to get my daily kick in continue with my life and leave all this magic behind. "

Lois: " This is just dumb let us get in that damn dungeon and get things started so we can kill that demon king and everything else that gets in the way of our blade. " 

Choir: " Welp this is drama if I have ever seen it "

Walker: " I am ready to go in the dungeon. I'm just waiting for you guys not to stop talking if you Arthur want to start hunting down the shadow which I think you are referring to Null you should start to help us train and get this over with... ( things are getting to start up huh.) "

Arthur: " . ... OK It seems you guys are more ready than I thought. Since you guys are new bees I thought if you need any train or someone to talk to but that concern of mine seems to be out of place I apologize to you now I know you can get things done in one way or another makes me at 'ease' I will get things already so we can set foot inside the dungeon. "

Status Screen 

Name: Arthur Gold Light

Level: 88

Job: Holy Grand Knight

Age: 40

Skills: Great Sword Level 10 Max, Sword Level 8, hand-to-hand combat level 5, healing skill 3, Light magic level 8, Holy Fire 8, Throwing Level 4, 

Title: Holy Grand Knight, Sword Of Light