

THE START WAS VERY BAD, BUT AT LAST HIS KINDNESS AWARDED HIM WITH SYSTEM FOR HELPING PEOPLE AND GETTING REVENGE, Banishment place where mortal. life started and killing immortal and using science to build a new kind of cultivation method

Ccosmofantasypen · Fantasy
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7 Chs


Sevasmos looked out at the barren wastes stretching endlessly in every direction. As the lone 10-year-old responsible for nine orphaned children, he knew they could no longer stay in this place.


  sevasmos he was not from this world but earth, this place was unknown and filled with danger and can be killed or be slave of any family, nobody know when death is coming, but when he saw little boys and girls followed behind him, he wanted to run, he can't take responsibility of children, he couldn't survive int this world with his skill and how he can protect them, at the end he was scared to leave company he had, at least he had someone in this beast chaotic place,

The land they inhabited had no name on any map or recorded texts. It was a harsh wilderness where many strange alien races fought constantly for survival. Sevasmos's parents had perished in one such skirmish, leaving the orphans with no one.

Until now, the head of their small enclave had provided meager protection. But as the last harvest failed, her care turned to cruelty. Sevasmos sensed it was time to leave before they too met an early end.

As he readied their supplies, the other children gazed at him fearfully. "Do not be afraid. As your elder brother, I vow to guard and guide you on the path ahead," Sevasmos promised.

As Sevasmos lectured, a warm pulse notified him:


For choosing the way of morality, 10 power points have been granted.

Sevasmos was startled. He had never experienced anything like it before. He closed his eyes and focused, trying to understand what was happening. He saw a holographic display appear in front of him. The display showed his name, his age, his power level, and his power points.

[NAME] : Sevasmos

[AGE] : 10



Sevasmos didn't know what to make of it. But one thing was clear: he had been given a gift. He had to use his new powers to protect the orphans and help them survive in this harsh world.

Leading the orphans into the unknown wastes, Sevasmos was determined to live by his philosophy of virtue. He knew that it would be difficult, but he believed that it was the only way to build a better future for himself and the children.

  that place had few problems, as no sects or other strongmen were there because of mortal life and no reiki or qi present, as mortal air, the land was called banishment, but sevasmos after clear understanding and had system points, he would be free and can create small kingdom as size of immortal land was limited but banished land was greater or triple of immortal land, that's why he was pretty much sure, he could create something with his science knowledge as scientist and as anime lover, he could create his  village first.

Months passed, and the orphans faced many challenges. They were often hungry and thirsty. They had to endure the harsh elements and the dangers of the wilderness. But through it all, Sevasmos never gave up. He continued to teach the children about virtue and the importance of helping others.

The barren plains stretched endlessly under the twin suns. Sevasmos marched at the front, scanning for signs of life. The youngest strode heavily behind.

Xyex, only 5 cycles old, began coughing painfully. Sevasmos hastened to her side. "What is wrong, little one?" Between hacks, Xyex rasped that she was thirsty.

Sevasmos realized his reckless pace was too much. "We make camp now. Vorn, fetch water. Jora, gather kindling." The others obeyed swiftly.

As Xyex sipped and rested, color returned to her azure skin. While Jora built a fire, Sevasmos took the chance to address them. "Our purpose is each other's well-being. As one, we thrive."

Notifications of achievement glowed in Sevasmos's mind for upholding righteousness. That night, as the orphans consumed soup around the flames, Xyex's expression brightened at Sevasmos. "Thank you, elder sibling, for watching over us all."

Sevasmos smiled reassuringly. Though the road was long, by sticking together through compassion, they could weather any trial this land offered.

[ after few days, supplies were less]

Sevasmos had no innate talents, but was diligent in sharing his knowledge of virtue with the orphans.

One day, Xyex grew weak from hunger. Sevasmos knew he must find food, but had no skills. Then he saw a panel - "Archery: Beginner 1/1000". By spending 100 points, he leveled up his archery.

Grabbing a makeshift bow, Sevasmos hunted. Soon, a mountain goat came into view. Releasing the arrow, it struck true. Sevasmos approached the fallen beast. "Great spirit, I thank you for this sacrifice which will sustain us. I promise its life was not taken lightly."

Notifications glowed: "+500 points for mercy and gratitude." That night, as the orphans ate, Sevasmos led them in the same prayer of respect. "+700 points for cultivating righteousness."

Each morning after breaking camp, Sevasmos would take some time to hone his archery. With daily practice, he steadily improved, leveling up his ability periodically as his accuracy and draw weight increased.

One such morning, the orphans watched in awe as Sevasmos fired arrow after arrow into the center of targets drawn in the dusty ground. Though each shot required points spent from his scarce resources, he knew it was crucial for providing for the group.

Xyex especially enjoyed observing Sevasmos' fluid motions and focused expression as he loosed arrows downrange. "You shoot so well, elder brother!" she said in her piping voice.

Months passed. Sevasmos persevered through compassion. His points grew to 2000. The children learned hunting and moral values from him.

Though the road was long, by nurturing virtue even in adversity, their fellowship deepened into an inner strength greater than any talent or skill. United by cooperative spirit, they could survive any trial this wild domain presented.