
Humanity's Mission: Kill the Immortal

Humanity once thrived as a normal society, until one day everyone in the world awakened supernatural abilities and the world collapsed. Humanity was approached by "The Mistress" the source of their newfound power, and given a mission. Humanity's Mission? "Kill the immortal."

SageWritesNovels · Urban
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Chapter 2: Kill The...?

(??? Years ago)

Alexander coughed as his frail weak form walked through the land.

The world around him was a nightmarish landscape of twisted shadows and eerie silence. The ground beneath his feet seemed to writhe like a living entity, and the air itself felt heavy with malevolence. The very essence of this place gnawed at his soul, a stark contrast to the world he had once known.

As he stumbled forward, Alexander saw a lone figure emerge from the darkness. She was a woman of ethereal beauty, her eyes gleaming with an otherworldly radiance that held both allure and danger. Her long, flowing gown seemed to meld seamlessly with the shadows, and her presence exuded an aura of untold power.

"Welcome, Alexander Kane," she said, her voice echoing in his mind with an enchanting cadence. "I have been watching you, the lone survivor in project 001 as you traversed through my little apocalypse... Your thirst for survival, your desire to protect, and your search for purpose have not gone unnoticed. In fact... It's quite admirable."

Alexander, his body weak and battered, struggled to speak, but his curiosity and defiance kept him alert. "Who... who are you?" he managed to ask, his voice hoarse.

The woman smiled, and the darkness around her seemed to dance in response. "I am known by many names, but you may call me... the Mistress," she replied. "In this realm, I hold dominion over the very essence of power, and I offer you a choice, Alexander Kane."

She extended her hand toward him, and within her palm glimmered a shimmering orb of boundless energy. "Take this gift, and you shall have unlimited power," she said, her voice tinged with a tempting promise. "With it, you can transcend your mortality, reshape reality, and wield the forces of the cosmos at your command. All the secrets of the universe shall be yours to unlock."

The allure of unlimited power beckoned to Alexander, his heart torn between the desire for redemption and the temptation of dominion. Why must he suffer any longer?

"That's right, why should you suffer? One who has suffered so much already... Say yes to my gift, and of course, my second gift..."

Alexander looked the being in the eyes, his skinny arm rising toward her outstretched hand. "And what is this second gift?" He asked as she grabbed her hand.

"Marriage of course..."


"Hahahaha..." Alexander finished laughing, looking at the chaos as he felt desperate arms wrap around him.

"Alex!" Li Lei yelled. "What happened?" She cried, tears in her eyes as she could barely believe that he was alive.

"Ah, Li Li everything is fine, this realm has just been selected for a trial," Alexander said nonchalantly, watching as dozens of people attacked each other in a swarm of chaos.

'It was like this all the other times too... How silly, mortals just never learn do they?' He thought as he felt a strange sensation.

Li Lei kissed him deeply, her tears still steadily falling as his expression softened.

'Ah... She did kill me huh, I didn't expect an awakening so soon, Earth isn't even that mature,' Alexander thought as he picked up Li Lei, hugging her tightly.

"It's going to be alright Li Lei, I will explain everything soon, but first... We'll need to visit my safehouses."

Li Lei's tear-streaked face looked up at Alexander, her eyes filled with a mix of relief and confusion. "Safehouses? What do you mean, Alexander? What is going on?" she implored, trying to make sense of the surreal situation unfolding around them.

Alexander carried her in his arms before tossing her onto the bed, opening their closet and grabbing two large suitcases.

"You see, Li Lei, this realm is not what it seems," He started as he began throwing clothes into the bags. "There are beings known as ascendants that wander different realities, and they test the different societies and races that are in that realm with tests known as an Awakening Trial," Alexander explained, his voice serious as he rushed into the bathroom, grabbing the essentials.

Li Lei furrowed her brow, still trying to grasp the gravity of the situation. "An Awakening Trial? What do you mean? I don't understand Alexander-"

"What's hard to understand? You saw it first hand... My regeneration, and your weird eye beams, those are permanent gifts given by the mistress, she must not be in this realm yet since her herald explained things to you humans instead..." Alexander finished packing and threw some clothes at Li Lei, who understood to quickly get dressed.

"In the trials, beings from different realms are selected to undergo tests of their strength, wisdom, and resolve. If a realm passes the trial, they are granted evolutionary technology and advancements that can greatly benefit their society."

Alexander paused for a second. "Consequently... if they fail, the realm is completely obliterated," he explained, his deep blue eyes flashing a dark shade as he remembered something long ago.

Li Lei gasped, grabbing onto Alexander's arm tightly. "Obliterated? You mean Earth is at risk of being destroyed?" she asked, fear creeping into her heart.

It didn't occur for even a second that Alexander could be lying. She'd seen him rise from certain death, and with the voice, all he said was simply confirmation to the young woman.

Alexander nodded, his eyes holding hers with a steady gaze. "Yes, but that won't happen. I've been through these trials before in other realms," he assured her, his determination shining through.

"But... Are you this immortal?" Li Lei asked, causing his smile to drop immediately.

"Oh right... The trial for you humans is to kill the immortal, and unless The Mistress decided to give someone else the ability to never die..."

"For humanity to live we need... To kill you?" Li Lei asked, gulping as she saw the dangerous look in Alexander's eyes.

"No Li Lei..." The immortal sighed, his hands on his face as she felt a strange pressure. "All it means is I need to kill The Mistress..."

Second chapter of the introduction, smooth sailing ahead!

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