
453 Expansion

Once everyone was seated, it became clear to Max that they were almost all subordinate to Commander Arnold and would follow his lead in these negotiations, trusting him to broker the deal on their behalf.

"Now that everyone is gathered, we will start things over. I know some of you have been informed of the details of our proposal already, and I have sent a copy of the Trade Agreement to every Captain and Commander.

So, that brings us back to the introduction of the benefits. The most important to the majority of you is that the Reavers are willing to share their advances in Warp Drive Technology with all members of the trade group. 

I have seen that many of the ships in the fleet are Warp 2 and Warp 3 generation vessels. That is impressive here in Death Wind Territory, but soon the embargo will be gone, and on the scale of the whole of humanity, it isn't fast enough.