
Humanity's Fall Makes Way For My Rise

Lilith Anderson lived a simple life, as simple as one could of imagined. She was a girl with good grades, a caring mother and a deceased father. Lilith grew up along with her mother most of her life. She had very few relatives and fewer that even kept into contact with the two. Samantha, Lilith's mother had worked hard after her husband's death on make sure her child lived a good life. She only dated one other person after his death, and she didn't regret her it. Her daughter wanted her mother to be happy around all that he did for her. The two lived simple and comfortable lives. However, life has a way of just hurling a meteorite at your planet and killing eighty percent of humanity and changing the world forever. Will Lilith and her family survive in the cruel new world, where power makes the difference in where one stands, or will Lilith lose everything and go mad. Becoming a beasts that rages on for years to come, until she is inevitably put down for good. ——————————————— •English is my 3rd language so there will be some mistakes here and there, I apologies in advance. {(Cove is not mine. If the creator of it what's it removed then please let me know and it will be done)}

FallenEclispe2 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

Crazy Plan

•America, New York City, Queens•

•2/07/2025, 5:10 PM•

"We should leave through the back door." Lilith said this while peering through the small glass window in the door leading to the pharmacy's male section. Because the door was hidden behind the counter, few people noticed it. The people there were simply looting the place, with no regard for the consequences.

Rian approached her, and Lilith moved out of the way. He looked out and frowned as he saw all of those people. When Lilith was unconscious, they chose to go to the pharmacy at random. Samantha and he were not thinking clearly at the time. They were only concerned with getting Lilith somewhere safe and assessing the situation.

"She's right." Rian stated after taking a few steps back. "We need to avoid people, especially if we're carrying supplies."

Rian crossed his arms and closed his eyes for a moment. Samantha and Miya were also debating the best way to handle the situation. The back door was located in a hallway near the counter. As a result, they would have to leave the room and make their way there without being noticed.

Even though it's only a few steps away, they'd be right in front of everyone in the store. It's a bad situation because they wanted to avoid people as much as possible.

"I've got an idea." Lilith mentioned capturing everyone's attention. "Rian could leave and open the back door, followed by Mom then Miya and I, who have the supplies. We just need to run, and Rian can use something to barricade the door once we're out."

It's not the best plan Lilith could have devised, but it'll suffice for the time being. The three of them sighed as they looked at Lilith. Lilith stood there, unsure if she had done anything wrong, but she hadn't. They all just left, kind of dumbfounded that they couldn't come up with such a simple plan as well.

"Why does Ms. Anderson take the lead among the three of us?" Miya inquired. "We have the bags, as you mentioned."

"Because mom is slower than we are." Lilith stated bluntly, causing her mother to look down in shame. Lilith played volleyball in school, so she was athletic, whereas Miya went on runs with her father every weekend, which wasn't much but was better than Samantha, who did nothing.

And, by the grace of whatever god she believes in, managers manage to stay in shape. Lilith wondered if she'd be like that when she grew up, while Miya envied her. Rian just stood there, feeling awkward as the only man in the room.

"I think it's a good plan." Rian nodded changing back the topic to a more pressing matter. "When the door is open, give me forty seconds before coming. If the door is locked I'll be back by then."

Everyone nodded and watched as Rian lest the room closing the door behind him. Lilith counted her head while also taking out her phone. There was small crack but nothing major. Putting her phone away she looked at her mother already standing by the door.

"Thirty-five." Lilith nodded as she spoke. After five seconds, she dashed out of the room to give the girls one last look. Lilith and Miya approached the door and waited a few seconds before sprinting for it. Miya was in the lead, with Lilith close behind.

"Hey! You guys!"

Lilith exclaimed, 'Fuck.' Why can't things go smoothly for something so simple? Carrying bags out of a pharmacy when the world is going to shit is a sure way to attract attention. Lilith didn't think they'd pay much attention to them.

Miya and Lilith dashed to the door, only to find Rian standing there, blocking it. The girls rushed past him, and he shut the door. Samantha, Miya, and Lilith continued running, crossing a busy street and entering another alley.

They continued after Rian caught up with them. Lilith caught sight of his hand and noticed blood on his fists. Rian, despite his appearance, was not a violent person. The man preferred to avoid any type of altercation at all costs.

If he can avoid becoming too violent, he will gladly accept that root. Lilith sighed, knowing their days of peace and happiness were over. That had to be the priority now.

Lilith had only recently had the opportunity to observe the locations. The city was in complete disarray; some buildings were on fire, people were fighting all over the place, and some were breaking into various stores.

The sky was overcast, and it could rain at any moment. After all of this, Lilith couldn't help but admire the red lightning crackling in the clouds as she watched the city Lilith had grown out of it fall so quickly.

"Is that common?" Lilith inquired. Perhaps it was some and of the world phenomenon she was unaware of.

"No. No, it does not." Miya stated. "Someone can change the color of fire by using various materials, but not lightning, especially natural lightning. That should be impossible as well."

Miya pointed to the vines, which were growing at an unnatural rate. The vines were also producing strange flowers that they had never seen before.

Rian and Samantha exchanged a glance before directing their children away from the vines for their own safety.

"We have to get to the train station." Rian stated. Lilith paused for a moment before continuing.

"Why?" she inquired.

"We have to go to Pennsylvania, so we have to go through New York." Rian stated.

"No, we don't." Lilith stated. "We can just go to New Jersey and follow the border until we reach Pennsylvania. It's preferable to passing through the state, as this route eliminates a lot unnecessary travel."

"Lilith." Samantha said trying to hush her daughter.

"Wait." Rian said as he came to a halt. "She has a valid point. It would be quieter and we wouldn't see many people if we travel along the border, but if we pass through New York, we can take a car and we would have access to more supplies."

Samantha drew her brows as she heard the man, and Miya sighed slightly.

"However, there is a problem." Lilith stated. "We'll have to take a boat, and I don't know about you, but this tsunami is sweating. It's strange. It should have hit or given signs of hitting by now. The main issue with the plan is getting to New Jersey in the first place."

"She has a point." Miya pitched in. "Tsunamis travel very quickly, and if the meteor hit the middle of the Northern Atlantic Ocean, it will probably be here by night. But there will be warning signs before then."

"As a result, we must flee." Samantha groaned, making all three of them smile. "What about your friend, Rian?"

"Friend?" Miya and Lilith both said the same thing.

"Yeah." Rian confirmed this. "I have a friend in Washington who has been trying to keep me updated on what's been going on."

'This conversation is going absolutely nowhere.' Lilith was becoming irritated with everything. 'We know where we're going, but this plan has changed so many times.'

Lilith kept her head down and concentrated, trying to figure out what to do. As an idea came to her, the purple text began to grow.

"I fucking got it!" Lilith exclaimed, which surprised the three.

"Lilith! Language..." Samantha was unable to complete her task.

"Let's steal a helicopter!" says one. Lilith exclaimed, causing them to stare at her strangely. "What? In Queens, helicopters are stored in wearhouses. Let's just go steal one and ride out of here while everyone drowns beneath us. Certainly feasible."

Samantha, Miya, and Rian all looked at Lilith as if she were a genius, a moron, and a lunatic all at the same time.

"None of us know how to fly one, Lilith. And I'm sure you can't leave to fly a plan just from reading books." Samantha identified one of the plan's major flaws. Another is that there are people out there who are aware of the situation and have most likely already made plans for them. Going there could be a waste of their time.

"Then we kidnap someone else." Lilith stated. "All of our other plans will take too long, and by then we will be underwater. We don't have military or high-ranking friends like in the bloody movies. We're all alone here."

Lilith's words seemed to strike a chord with all of them. Again, she was correct. In this world, the four were completely alone. Even if the world did not change, things would never return to normal. It was the reality of the situation, and they had no choice but to adapt or perish like the others who couldn't.

"What is the worst that could happen?" Lilith scuffed, looking away. "The person we kidnap becomes enraged and crashes the helicopter. What are the odds of that occurring?"


As Lilith spoke those words, a series of numbers appeared in front of her. Whatever strange power she possessed was becoming more powerful by the hour.

"I'm sure the chances of that happening are extremely unlikely." Lilith forced a smile as sweat trickled down her chin. Lilith was starting to consider that this ability was attempting to scare her now. "I'm sure our chances of dying are about the same."


'All right, just shut the fuck up.' Lilith thought with a sigh. Her weird power was either trying scaring her or tell her the truth. At this point, it's basically the same thing.