
Humanity's Deadliest Villian Returns!

In a dystopian future where caped superheroes and villains fight for supremacy, there was me, Nightmare, the world’s deadliest man. Nyx Blackthorn, code name: Nightmare, was forced to become humanity’s greatest bane after witnessing his father murdered before him and his little sister held hostage by the same people who claimed to be heroes. In his quest for vengeance, Nightmare died in the battle against humanity’s strongest hero, Torrin Blackstar! Upon his return a century after his death, he found himself at the prestigious Hero Academy as a student and the wielder of the Villain Evolution System. Armed with a God-grade system that rewards him for doing wicked deeds, Nyx vowed to annihilate all the heroes and finally free his little sister from captivity!

MidnightWolfe · Urban
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188 Chs

Nyx Has Been Arrested

"You killed him," a student shouted, finally breaking the eerie silence that followed after a 13-year-old thrust his hands through the chest of someone.

"Somebody call the school authorities! He's a murderer!" Another student raised an alarm as all the other students started to distance themselves from Nyx, who was still looming before Marcus' dead body.

"Why did you do that?" Molly was also at a loss for words. Of all the scenarios she had in her head about what Nyx would do after Marcus insulted his parents, Molly never thought that he would outrightly commit murder.

Although this was 2050 and the world was advanced, committing murder was a huge crime. The only people who could get away with this were superhumans.

Yes, as wrong as it sounded, in a world that faced threats from both villains and mutated creatures, superhumans were very important for humanity's survival, so they were the only ones who could get away with murder.

Though that didn't apply when a superhuman murdered his fellow supe. If a superhuman murdered another supe, the government usually sent them out to the lost lands to fight on the front line against mutated beasts. If they survived 20 waves of beast attacks, they'd be pardoned by the government.

Each wave of beast attacks usually resulted in the death of over 20 percent of the party that consisted of 100 people, so being on the front line was basically a death sentence already.

After understanding this, one could only imagine the kind of punishment Nyx would have to go through for killing a superhuman while being a mere dud, someone who was just slightly above an animal.

'I know there was something wrong with you, but to think you'd actually kill him.' Even Apollo was very surprised.

Although he knew the red-haired boy would seek revenge, Apollo never thought he would kill him. Heck, that didn't even cross his mind for a moment.

Another person who was scared shitless was Yiran. He was the closest to Marcus, yet he didn't even see the red-haired boy make a movement. All he saw was a blur, and the next thing he knew was the grotesque scene of Nyx stabbing someone's chest with his bare hands!

How was that even possible for a dud?!

Yiran's survival instinct wanted to make him run that instant, but he was too scared to move.

All the students were scared.

What they saw just now even made them forget for a moment that the red-haired boy was a dud and they could actually overpower him easily.

Nyx, who had just committed murder, was currently staring at the holographic screen that was flickering in his retina, his hands dripping with blood.

[ Quest now in progress ]

[ 1/6 killed ]

[ Time limit 2 days ]

"I still have time then." Nyx stared around, his dangerous red eyes staring intently at the faces of the boys and Yiran who all gulped a mouthful of saliva.

Nyx would have preferred killing them here and now, but doing that would just make things much worse. He still had to get out of this predicament which he blamed himself for.

He was usually very calm, but his sore spot was his parents and his sister. Any form of disrespect to those people automatically triggered the beast within him.

'To make my punishment lighter I should probably turn myself over to them.' Nyx thought.

Little did he know that Isaac already had an eye on the Yellow House after witnessing the red-haired boy's legendary-grade talent. One of those eyes had already informed Isaac of what Nyx had done.

"Don't even think of escaping, kid!" A loud voice said as the entrance door of the Yellow House flung open. Standing there was Professor Isaac.

'I knew I was right, those eyes belong to a murderer,' Isaac thought, but deep down inside him, he was actually happy. "Now I have a reason to get rid of him; even the order would reward me greatly. This is my lucky day.'

A few minutes later, Nyx was led out of the Yellow House by Isaac and taken to the administrative building of the Elite Heroes Academy.

It was a building that was square in shape with a blue dome-like roof. The American flag and a blue flag with one eye on it were set on the roof, blowing in the wind.

Inside the building, Nyx was currently kept in a cell with iron bars, and a bulky guard was kept to watch him.

"You're finally here!" Isaac, who was standing outside the cell, exclaimed when he saw Momo, Miss Emerald, and Vice Principal Camila White walk in.

After sparing Momo a "I told you so" glance which the latter ignored by adjusting his glasses on his face, Isaac addressed the vice principal.

"Vice Principal, this boy, Mr. Momo's protégé," Isaac said, highlighting the protégé. "Committed murder. He killed his senior just because his senior told him to clean their house, which was compulsory for everyone. He has violated the rules not only of the school but of the entire society, as a good citizen."

"That's enough. I already know what to do." Isaac wanted to continue but was interrupted by the vice principal. Although he was displeased, Isaac knew better than to challenge Camila's authority.

"Miss Vice Principal, do you mind if I talk to him for a bit?" Momo said.

"Sure, this might be your last conversation, so it's fine."

"Kid, do you know what you just did?" Momo said, his voice sounding grave and serious, but one could see he was calm and composed like always.

"I know, and I don't regret it," Nyx said as he stared at Momo in the eyes, his eyeglasses.

"The kid you just killed is the son of the head butler of one of the ten clans which are under the five great elite Clans, you know that, right?"

'Ugh! This cliché stuff again, but there is a slight twist though. He's the son of a butler, not the patriarch. That's new.' Nyx thought with a smile.

What he didn't know was that the butler had no idea that Marcus was actually the son of the patriarch and his wife who had cheated on him.