
Humanity's Deadliest Villian Returns!

In a dystopian future where caped superheroes and villains fight for supremacy, there was me, Nightmare, the world’s deadliest man. Nyx Blackthorn, code name: Nightmare, was forced to become humanity’s greatest bane after witnessing his father murdered before him and his little sister held hostage by the same people who claimed to be heroes. In his quest for vengeance, Nightmare died in the battle against humanity’s strongest hero, Torrin Blackstar! Upon his return a century after his death, he found himself at the prestigious Hero Academy as a student and the wielder of the Villain Evolution System. Armed with a God-grade system that rewards him for doing wicked deeds, Nyx vowed to annihilate all the heroes and finally free his little sister from captivity!

MidnightWolfe · Urban
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188 Chs

Mysterious Blue Haired Boy

Von was in no haste. The other factions had long caught wind of what was happening and were strongly guarding their base. One such faction was the Fierce Tigresses; they were like the Amazons depicted in fiction. For some seconds, they had indeed held their ground. Their hopes were also rekindled, and they even thought they could win this fight.

But a few minutes were all it took for the tide of the battle to change. The proud Tigresses were whipped on the floor; those beautiful faces were no longer recognizable because the Rising Dragons specifically targeted their faces, knowing that a face was the pride of any woman.

Just like Kizer, Alice Thorn, a member of the Elite Thorn Family and sister of Thalia Thorn, was also kneeling with a bloodied face. But in contrast to Kizer, there was still a determined expression on her face.