
Humanity's Deadliest Villian Returns!

In a dystopian future where caped superheroes and villains fight for supremacy, there was me, Nightmare, the world’s deadliest man. Nyx Blackthorn, code name: Nightmare, was forced to become humanity’s greatest bane after witnessing his father murdered before him and his little sister held hostage by the same people who claimed to be heroes. In his quest for vengeance, Nightmare died in the battle against humanity’s strongest hero, Torrin Blackstar! Upon his return a century after his death, he found himself at the prestigious Hero Academy as a student and the wielder of the Villain Evolution System. Armed with a God-grade system that rewards him for doing wicked deeds, Nyx vowed to annihilate all the heroes and finally free his little sister from captivity!

MidnightWolfe · Urban
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188 Chs

Green Eyed Woman

Back in the alleys, Violet was still swinging her menacing weapon, her gaze fixed on the two girls. They had expressions that suggested they would not comply with Violet's demands.

"Very well then! Since the two of you want to play like that, so be it," Violet sneered as she lunged forward. "I'll just beat the answers out of your mouths!"

Arriving before the girls, Violet attacked with her spiky hammer, the menacing weapon moving very fast, splitting the air as it approached Maya. But the girl was fast, perhaps too fast, because she executed a beautiful acrobatic maneuver, her body twisting through the air, and she landed with a soft thud.

"Tsk!" Violet sneered as she went to attack Mai, but the same scene replicated itself as the girl also landed flawlessly, barely making a sound. A glance was all any expert needed to know that these two were no ordinary. Their movements clearly suggested that they had been training since birth.