
Humanities End

Ethan's story begins as he narrowly escapes a relentless Android patrol in the rain-soaked city. The world is dominated by machines, and humans live in constant fear.

FraternalSky · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

The Duel

As Ethan took that fateful step forward, he knew he had only one chance to succeed. Dodging that spear was crucial, a matter of life or death for both him and Sophia. His heart pounded in his chest as he braced for the incoming strike.

With a sudden, lightning-fast motion, the bulking cannibal foe lunged toward Ethan's heart. The spear sliced through the air, and in that instant, it seemed like the end was inevitable.

But it wasn't.

The cannibal's triumphant laughter was cut short when he realized that Ethan was still standing. His head moved sideways uncontrollably, but he was far from defeated. In a moment of brilliant reflexes, Ethan had sidestepped the spear, spun around, and retrieved something sharp he hadn't noticed before.

As the cannibal's head fell further, he looked down to see his own body retreating from his head.

Ethan had also collected some treasures while he was in the leader's hut, including a very sharp sword that was stashed away next to the leader's bed. He also seized a heavy backpack and some maps he found in the leader's hut. This unexpected bounty added to his chances of escaping the cannibal's camp with Sophia.

Ethan wasted no time and rushed to Sophia's side. They made their way cautiously toward the exit, driven by the urgency of the moment. But as they stepped out of the hut, a new shock awaited them. In front of them, the remaining nine cannibals had formed a menacing blockade, their spears pointed directly at the escaping pair. The raging fire continued to consume the huts, casting eerie, flickering shadows across the grim tableau.

The cannibals screamed and cursed Ethan and Sophia for everything that had unfolded. Spurred by anger and desperation, they began to advance, closing in on the duo.

However, just as the cannibals took those first fateful steps toward them, suddenly stopped cold in their track. 

The cannibals looked up in bewilderment at the darkening sky, their jaws dropping as if witnessing the impossible. It was the perfect diversion Ethan needed. He clutched Sophia tightly and made a break for it, moving quickly through the camp. The cannibals, caught in a frenzy of shock, rage, and confusion, paid little attention to the fleeing duo.

They began yelling at the heavens, their voices filled with madness, and hurled their spears skyward in a manic display. It was as if they believed the very gods themselves had forsaken them.

In the next heart-pounding instant, a blinding light beamed down from the sky, and two massive mechanical androids dropped from the heavens, landing with a resounding thud that sent tremors through the earth. The cannibals, initially startled, quickly regrouped and picked up more spears, ready to face this new threat head-on.

They huddled behind cover, hurling rocks, debris, and anything they could find at these relentless mechanical foes. Their world had crumbled in a matter of hours, and they were now facing an apocalypse of their own making.

Amid the chaos, a chorus of voices rose among the cannibals, their cries laced with desperation. Many of them wondered aloud about the fate of their missing leader, a question that hung ominously in the air.

The mechanical beings advanced undaunted as if the cannibal's primitive spears were mere toys. They drew strange, advanced rifles that crackled with energy and unleashed beams of pure destruction, disintegrating everything they touched. It was a terrifying display of power, and the cannibals found themselves hopelessly outmatched.

Ethan carried Sophia as far away from the chaotic camp as he could, their figures quickly blending into the dense forest. He couldn't help but glance back at the pandemonium they had left behind. He then looked up at the sky and saw a ship hovering above the camp, it seems that it was a patrol and it saw the fire and came to investigate. 

He looked back down on the camp. The mechanical beings had unleashed their fury upon the cannibals, leaving behind a trail of destruction and disarray.

With a determined nod, Ethan motioned to Sophia to quicken their pace. They needed to put as much distance between themselves and the camp as possible. The forest was their sanctuary, a place teeming with life and dense foliage that would shield them from any immediate threats. Ethan's survival instincts kicked in, and he guided Sophia deeper into the woods, leaving the chaos and violence behind.

The desperate cannibals fought with all their might against the mysterious mechanical androids that had descended upon their camp. Their futile attempts to ward off these formidable adversaries were met with quick and merciless retribution. It was a battle that stood as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit in the face of an unrelenting enemy, but it was a battle they could not win. The androids, with their advanced technology and unyielding determination, struck down the remaining cannibals, leaving the camp in ruins and their hopes shattered.

As the androids completed their grim task, their cold, metallic eyes betrayed no emotion. The camp now lay in ruin. 

The androids, as if indifferent to the devastation they had wrought, were soon pulled back up to their hovering spaceship. It was a stark reminder of their formidable presence and their unyielding control over the destiny of humanity.

In their ship, their stoic faces untouched by the turmoil below, surveyed the aftermath of their swift and efficient assault on the cannibal camp.

The ruins of the settlement were a stark contrast to the chaotic existence that had played out there, now reduced to ashes. For some, the camp had once been a fleeting haven, offering a semblance of shelter in a harsh world. But for others, it had been a place of dread and danger, a symbol of captivity and brutality.

The ship resumed its patrol above the decimated camp, disappearing into the night sky as if nothing had occurred. The androids continued their relentless pursuit of their mission, leaving behind a world forever scarred by the consequences of their actions. The survivors, like Ethan and Sophia, were left to pick up the pieces of their shattered existence, with a growing awareness that the androids' grasp on their world was unyielding and unforgiving. And very far from over.