
Human or Robot

In this world, AI is like another community, coexisting peacefully with humans, but unfortunately, that's before they got smart... My name is Robert, and I feel like I'm a human, but my body is made up of machines. So, who am I?

DaoistpuKhcQ · Sci-fi
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20 Chs

Peter's Speculations

Ming Fa wakes up feeling a bit sore. Christine takes a closer look and realizes the sore spot is where she had held him tightly the night before. Deciding to play it off, she acts oblivious when asked.

They head to the canteen, grabbing sausages and bread. Ming Fa simply sandwiches the sausage with the bread and devours it, while Christine delicately nibbles on the sausage, displaying an air of elegance.

Huang Kai continues to accompany Peter and Robert in monitoring Christine. They now consider her one of the suspects, believing she might be a spy sent by the robot faction. Peter decides to keep her under 24-hour surveillance, but Robert finds his obsession with early bedtimes and early rising beyond their understanding, so he takes the night shift himself.

"Weird, I've been tailing this woman for so long, and she hasn't done anything suspicious, except occasionally going to the shooting range with Ming Fa. She spends most of her day in the library," Robert says, with bits of unchewed sausage still in his mouth, his words as clear as ever.

"Can't you swallow your food before speaking?" Huang Kai shakes his head in exasperation.

"...Robot..." Peter, rarely displaying a serious expression, seems to be contemplating something, managing only a single word.

"What?" Robert asks.

"Nothing." Peter maintains the serious expression, staring fixedly at Christine.

Could it be that the robot only needs to transmit information to the headquarters through some internal system, without the need for external actions, such as sending mail... This is Peter's speculation, perhaps explaining why the robot spies have remained undetected for so long and how they manage to acquire our strategic information.

"Keep observing." Peter's tone is commanding, causing Robert and Huang Kai to unconsciously join in staring at Christine.

With an icy glare, Peter fixes his gaze on someone. Before he can root out this spy, he doesn't want to tip his hand.

But that doesn't mean he can't play with this spy a little.

With this thought, a smirk forms at the corners of Peter's mouth, a sinister smile painting an unattractive picture on his handsome face.