
Human Luna... Human Luna!?

*WARNING!: MATURE CONTENT* ~โ€ข~ "I shouldn't have come out of the house, no, I shouldn't have drank too much, I shouldn't have lost my sense of reasoning, that way I wouldn't have gotten lost in the woods. I'm very, very sorry for interrupting this peaceful gathering and I'll love to go back now" she said out loud, directed her words to everyone she could see and most especially to the male in front of her and got ready to run for her dare life. |โ€ข| Growling under his breath, which she thought was weird since humans weren't supposed to be growling, and rapidly moving towards her was a man, not just a man but the most ravishing, mouth-watering, and 'down to earth' most handsome man she has ever seen in her life. Handsome was an understatement. His facial features were well defined and his eyes were beautiful lazy eyes with a color she has never seen, a swirl of silver and red, and it was glowing. . "Mate," he said he got to her. She couldn't look anywhere else, not that she had to, she was being pulled by the mate bond which has been used to bind them from up here, and right then is where its work begins, afresh. . 'I am fucked' she thought as she still couldn't look away, she felt like she was trapped in it. After another long second, she looked around to see the people around staring blatantly at her with a little or maybe more contempt than she's seen in years and immediately, she felt she was in trouble and the feeling made the hair on her skin rise and the need for survival surge. ~โ€ข~ 'Layla, who lived her entire life as a human, blissfully unaware of the paranormal world around her accidentally but fatefully walked into the territory of a werewolf pack on a full moon night which happened to be the night they were having a ritual, a means of prayer to the Moin Goddess for abundace. |โ€ข| Slowly, she'll learn the reason why she is the first 'Human Luna's to ever exist. But fastly, she'll realize that no matter how far she runs from fate, it'll catch it when it's its time. Author's note: Prior to the warning above, readers below the age of 16 are not advised to continue the journey into the Bane's pack. And taking into consideration the fact that young minds tend to disobey this particular warning, I'll love to emphasize it now, this book is a mature book with explicit mature content. Take heed. |โ€ข| This books narration is majorly in a first person's POV, but it switchs at times to a third person's POV. There would be indications in the switch, kindly notice it. |โ€ข| And also, please note, English is not my first language, so therefore, I can't be perfect in it. Mistakes will always occur, either typos or me not phrasing well but I promise you'll rarely see it as I'll always try my best to edit to perfection. It won't affect the standard of the book. And in such cases where a typo is noticed, kindly do me the favor of pointing it out in the paragraph comment. Thank you. In the hopes that you have your seat belts fastened, I hereby wish you a safe journey into the Bane Land... I hope you have a joy ride!! |โ€ข| And in case you wish to connect with me: IG: @aries.dehela

Anony_Mous_1902 ยท Fantasy
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142 Chs

Illusions and Magical Fireflies?

I have never been much of a rule breaker and now that he had said going out would be dangerous, my brain decided not to risk my life just for fun and kill any idea of going outside during the curfew

At least, for now

And if by the off-chance I go outside, and face no dangers, I could bet my life savings on the fact that I will get caught by the hunters while in the act.

I might even be mistaken for the wild animal with my personality

With my history, I have never been able to break records and go scott free and from what the hot guy said, I'm guessing there would be a very bad punishment for offenders.

After much contemplation, I decided I would complain to whoever was in charge about how much suffering I went through, and make sure they compensate me for it in any way.

And when I said suffering, I meant loads of boredom.

I'm Layla Thomas, soon be twenty-four years old in three months, a 5"10 blonde with bright beautiful blue eyes, the type of girl that is easily seen as beautiful.

Height is one of the things that pisses me off about this town.

Where I'm from, I am tall girl. I would be walking in the street and I'd be towering over some girls but over here, I seem to be one of the shortest people around, the only people I'm shorter than are the kids still growing and maybe a few other people, well, as far as my eyes can see.

You'd think everyone in this city/village is an aspiring super model.

I don't have a problem with the men being taller, I love it in fact, I'm a sucker for taller men

But my gender? I do not like it, I'm not the tallest girl I know, but I love being taller than most girls. it's one of my small wins, not taking after my father is one of my greatest accomplishments.

I majored in business administration, graduated from college last year and decided to squander at least a year of my life roaming about in cities my luck brings me to, before going back home to lose my freedom by burying myself in the legacy my dad had set up.

Being the only child of a single parent, I had everything delivered to me on a platter of gold. I did enjoy having that privilege, but working for it is what I found stressful and unfortunately, I have a father who believes in working hard for what you want.

After all, he got what he wanted after fighting the devil for it... and he taught me how to do that too

I love having fun and just so the fun could be more fun, I've always been spontaneous about almost every decision I make in life. That decision didn't only help me have fun though, it also made me see life differently.

The search for a place that would not suffocate me and force me to be what people or the society want me to be, but as a place where I can be myself, where I can act according to the things that makes me happy without thinking of what other people might think about it.

I thought of how I would spend the next three days alone with the company of nothing but my phone and laptop and I started regretting not getting a puppy when I went to the animal care last month, if only I had looked far into my future, I would have one living company with me.

And I really would've gotten the puppy, but dogs are high maintenance and I don't have the time to take care of any other thing except myself.

I thought about staying with my neighbors and use that as a means to get to know them better but then, they are total strangers and I'd hate it with passion if I were the one in their shoes.

I hate impromptu visits and even if I was considerate enough to not shove the person out with immediate effect, I would make sure the person knows I didn't like the fact that they were around.

After much thought, I decided to accept my fate and go grocery shopping since I don't have much foodstuffs and snacks left at home, and food is one thing needed to keep the mind happy.

Around 4 pm I went out to get the things I would be needing which included tons of food, snacks and alcohol.

On my way home, I saw some of my neighbors gathered in front of the church, and guessing they were talking about the curfew, I decided to join them.

"Milton said he saw some wolves, about four of them while he was doing his evening patrol yesterday night, I guess that's exactly why the curfew was placed" I heard Rebecca say as I got closer to them, she lives 3 blocks away from me

"Angela also said the same thing five night ago, she said she was taking a walk that night when she saw a big animal there, it was a very scary story and she couldn't even breathe well while telling it, she literally ran all the way home" a woman whom I recognize as Elsie said, Angela is her daughter and only child, and from the horror pasted on her face as she said that, I guess they must have been very scared

Sweet little Angela

"Good evening Layla" the women greeted immediately they saw me

"Evening women," I said getting ready to join the gist, hoping I would know better about what's going on

"Has anyone from Jackson's crew been to your apartment today?" one of them asked, she identifies as Elsa, Elsie's identical twin sister, and truth is, I wasn't sure if I was calling them by their right names, they are just too identical to be distinguished

I was surprised I haven't heard of this since I've been here because it's a small town and everybody knows everybody and everything. The level of information that passes around daily is out of this world so how come this animal sighting sounds new to me, it sounded like it's a story everyone didn't want to talk about until now

Maybe that's because they didn't want to scare a stranger away

Jackson is the chief police officer, a man that seemed to be in his early forties, tall, darker skin tone with strong and well shaped facial features. He was the one who registered me as a visitor when I came and his green eyes were the first thing I noticed about him. They seem to be staring into my soul with so much intensity, they were beautiful though, and I'm guessed the man I saw this afternoon is one of his officers.

"Yes, I saw one of his men, he told me there will be a curfew starting tomorrow and when I was coming here I heard you guys talking about some animal sighted in some forest like that," I said, hoping that would be enough response to pry out more stories from them

"Yes my dear, some of our children and men and even Olivia, said they saw some animals in the forest north of here. We thought they were mistaken since there are lots of illusions causing fireflies around that area. The authorities didn't do anything about it until the reports and sightings started to increase in number. It's the seventh sighting this week" June said, she is the most cheerful and loving of them all and she's staying right opposite my apartment.

I love her specially and that has to be because she baked some extraordinarily delicious cookies for me the day I arrived and told me I could come to her anytime I need help.

And Olivia is the town's favorite granny. I heard she's 98 years old and she's lost all her teeth. I saw her just once and that was when my neighbors came to give me a housewarming two days after I settled down.

"Wait a moment there, do fireflies causes illusions? Seems like it's my first time hearing that" I asked skeptical of the story

"Scientifically they don't, but according to Olivia and some older citizens, they are magical flies which has been in that forest since forever, harmless but sometimes cause illusions based on what is on your mind, but Olivia said she wasn't even thinking of anything relating to animals when she saw the big wolf" Rebecca explained.

It was the magical part of her story that got me. I've never heard of it before and that alone makes me more curious.

Now it was more tempting to go into the forest, I felt like it was calling me

"Yes, the illusion thing has happened to me like twice now, honestly I've had my happiest moment in that forest," Elsie said smiling as if she remembered something so good and heartwarming which automatically heightened my willingness to go to that forest.

Apart from beautiful trees and flowers, it has magical fireflies?

I have to go there, but that'll be after this damned curfew

"I actually planned on going there this evening too, but then with the curfew and danger, I guess I can't do that anymore," June said and I look at her with more love because we were thinking exactly the same thing

"Same here June, same here," I said dramatically "It's so painful, trust me," I said wiping away invisible tears which made everyone laughed

"I know, right" she replied with a huge smile

"I bet Ryan's waiting for me as we speak," Elsa said which brought our attention to the fact that it's getting dark

"Oh yes, we totally forget about our husbands" June said with a smile

"What a shame, I'm the only single one here" I said, again dramatically which made them laugh again

"What a funny creature, come on, we weren't trying to make you jealous and you know that," Elsa said patting my back before she and her twin walked away, leaving just I, June, and Rebecca to walk home since we stay on the same lane

"That reminds me, would you be okay staying alone or would you come over to my place?" June asked as we were walking home

"Oh no, don't bother about me, I'm good," I said with a fake smile, since I know I'm nothing close to good

"Are you sure? You know you are free to come to our place right? We know staying indoors can be very boring" she said in a persuasive voice and I wanted to scream that I know!

"And if you're thinking about her husband, you can come to stay at mine, my husband isn't around as of the moment, just my kids, and I promise they are not disturbing," Rebecca said and I'd be lying if I said it wasn't tempting. It was so tempting but I just couldn't, not with the odds

"Dearies, don't worry about me, I'll be just fine," I said still with my fake smile

"Okay then, if you say so," they said syncing and I almost said 'jinx' but I just kept shut

After some minutes of walking, we parted and I entered my house, after bidding June goodnight and I was left with myself and my room, and I'd be lying if I said the magical fireflies weren't calling unto me in loud voices.