
Human Federation

A journey of human civilization from internal wars to universe and beyond. Welcome to the universe, what will be the situation there, dark forest law, mutual restraint or The universe is vast there will be many types of civilization as small as cells to huge as planets, from mechanical to magical. But one thing is certain they will follow the laws of universe. What will Humans do in front of them? The humans united easily due to there being a common enemy what will happen after the war will the human federation be intact or break like before or will even they win the war, and by chance if they break through all obstacles where would they go. Follow The leaders of Human Civilization as they make Humans Make the ruler of the universe. Support me at https://www.paypal.me/freezingthunder I am posting this at Royalroad.com

Frorstyflame · Sci-fi
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43 Chs

Chapter 25: A Peak Terrestrial Civilization

"Ah okay I will go out."

After being fed he had some energy to stand with the help of chakra.

He was supported by Vaidehi and he went to the spaceship as he no longer needed medical care because of chakra can heal the body better.

Today people were waiting on their mobiles, TV, Radio's to hear the news as Prathamesh is one of the most important power of human Federation which can deter Jena and that can be seen as all the Jena's in Asteroid belt deserted their bases soon after the destruction of Mars base as according to the information they got there are only 3 S ranked Jena's.


As people expected the notification soon arrived and this General Raze who had his hair turned Gray looking the camera with happiness which had made people knew the answer.

Soon a spaceship was seen landing in the Capital of Human Federation London, an on top of the Conference tower which was renovated.

And five people came out of and people saw the Figure of the most awaited person supported by a girl.

But most importantly many people's hearts broke both men's and women's as both were famous people.

One being the sole Grade Five superhuman and other the person closest to Grade 4, ranked 10 in the Hope Academy the Fire Witch who many pursuers but no one had objected it.

Before they could walk till the stage the camera man and mics were lifted and moved towards them.

Prathamesh was little stunned but smiled which made the humans stunned as they had never seen him smile.

A questioned was asked to him

"Sir how do you feel now?"

"I am good but it feels like I am a time traveler as for me I only felt few seconds have passed and the people around me have changed especially General Raze you are getting older as your hair has turned gray."

General Raze rebuked "Don't mention it I don't have the power and energy to control this group of energy filled people who have started to harass the Jupiter base."

Prathamesh laughed "Maybe you should train more as you are now only at the peak of Grade 3 General."

"No I am getting old there is no need to waste resources on me."

"If you were not given resources then who should get it General you carry the burdens of a Federation Military force, well I don't know how big it is as Director Stark has kept me curious and I really want to know the situation present."

Raze smiled "Yes you can know it as we have chosen teenagers form 16 – 17 by a lottery to meet you and they will tell you what has occurred in five years of your absence."

"Hmm that's good. Eve must have come up with this right."


Soon a nervous boy entered the stage, but when he saw that everyone was smiling at him he calmed down a little and bowed towards both of them as only Prathamesh and Vaidehi were left in front of camera rest moved towards the side.

The boy had short hair and a little fat face.

"Good morning Sir, I hope you a good recovery."

"Good morning." Prathamesh nodded to him.

"I am Kojiro Sen, and I will talk about the development of Earth Defense System created by Professor Roberts."

"Okay go on."

"The Earth is the Home planet of Human Civilization, So we must protect our home was his saying, the Artificial Intelligence Theia was created by him it has the rights to control the EM cannons (Weakened Version) placed in every city, assisted by the 36 satellites which continuously monitor the Earth and surrounding space, it also control the Automated Defense satellites which can defend against Grade 4 attacks and possible deal with weaker Grade 5."

Prathamesh nodded "It good as Grade five is a transition stage ,and the defense is enough as if we let the enemies come and barge at our home we are already lost we only need to defend against sneak attacks, and Kojiro what do you want to become after you turn 18 and become a superhuman."

Kojiro looked at him and spoke "Sir I want to become like you, join the frontlines."

Prathamesh smiled at him and said "ok but for what."

"To kill Jena's."

Prathamesh was still smiling and said "You are right but wrong to, first of all don't limit yourself to Jena civilization as there are more civilizations like in the Universe as you can see there are two in the solar system, and second don't fill yourself with hate, we fight at frontline to make sure the people we care are safe at home, remember it."

Kojiro was enlightened and quickly understood the meaning that Jena's not the main concern now.

"Yes Sir."

"Good now don't go back stay to the side I will show you all something later."

"Yes Sir"

Next a girl came, she had her hair fell towards the ground making her look more beautiful and she had a cold face.

"Good morning Sir, Have a good day."

"Good morning, but General can you bring them all at once I will be tired to hear all them saying good morning , the this and that."

"Uh okay, hey all of you brats come inside."

There was rush of footsteps and 10 people came.

Prathamesh was stunned "My god what did you do in this five years."

The teenagers bowed to him.

"Okay you all can start."

'Sir I am Annie Adrian, and I will talk about the Spaceship Fleet, Sir today we have one Magnus Class Mothership, 10 Orion Class Battle Cruiser,

200 Reaper class Frigates, and 20000 Enforcer class Fighters, with Magnus Class spaceship Calamity being capable of using S ranked Attacks, the ship has EM pulse Cannon Launching and effect comparable to Tsar bomb, Two Gatling Cannon Generation IV, 8 Laser Cannon Generation V, and Ion Nuclear Missile Generation I. And the Mothership is capable of creating a shield but it need a separate Cold Nuclear Furnace Generation III."

Prathamesh was shocked "Pulse Cannon did you make it, was it not just in theory."

Annie spoke "Yes Sir because of your attack on Mars the Magnetic Field of Mars was affected and a Phenomenon was seen where material was launched at high speed smashing a nearby asteroid and turning it into dust."

"That's good."

The boy next to her spoke

"Sir I am Alphonso Rothschild, I will speak about Super humans, Sir with you being the Sole Grade 5, there are 15 Grade 4, 488 Grade 3 , 45780 Grade 2, and the rest are Grade 1, with only the teens below 18 and 2 percent of remaining population being normal."

Prathamesh was little stunned "Why so low Grade 4 super humans."

"Sir the Energy problem is not solved and leaving the 4 who used the Crystal left by you rest tried to breakthrough using 01 Glucose but there was a 90 percent mortality rate, and even many died due to chakra imbalance at Grade 3. So Sir Leo also didn't tried to Break through Grade 5 and, many students are waiting for the crystal to recharge in a year where may be Miss Vaidehi will too breakthrough."

Prathamesh "Does the unknown Grade Meat can be used as a substitute."

"No Sir It contains voilent chakra and cannot be used during break through."

Prathamesh nodded "Which means there should be no shortcuts to breakthrough, I will see about that later. Thank you."

The next girl spoke "Sir I will speak about Medical technology, First of all the surgery to repair brain cells was successful and the research on coma has reached a staggering rate of 96.5 percent success, and leaving the growth of broken limbs, organ recovery and cancer the is no known disease which can threaten life and even the emergency rescue could be done due to chakra storage where it can be used to slow down the death of person."

Prathamesh "That's good and the Chakra storage which elements can absorb it."

"Sir that will done by another person."

"Okay but I want to thank everyone to do this for me as I had already given up the thought of living."

"It was not a big matter sir as everyone benefitted from it."

"You are a sweet talker, you can continue."

Soon the reports on Material, education, technologies, exploration, food, etc. were done.

Prathamesh looked at the camera "First of all I congratulate the Human Federation, as far as I know there are Terrestrial, Planetary, Star system and Star Cluster level civilization form the pirate ship which had found, and humans are at the very Peak of Terrestrial Grade and can enter planetary Grade by having a power comparable to energy of a planet such as Nuclear fusion, Planetary Grade Super human, or more.

Then you all are working not for me not for another person everything you do will affect Human Civilization and in this five years we are at a situation where we can ignore Jena Civilization which has more than 10000 years of history.

A clap for those who are working tirelessly, a clap for those who are fighting for peace a clap for those who sacrificed and a clap for human civilization."

A round of applause sounded thought the human Federation.

"Okay now you little guys I will take you to a ride around the Earth."

As he said this Ice grew below them and Vaidehi and they flew towards the sky.

Annie asked a question "Sir Ma'am Do you both are couples."

Prathamesh nodded "Yes."

Vaidehi spoke "He only proposed me today even if we like each other for 8 years and your Lord of ice have been rejected by 20 girls in a year."

Annie was stunned "Even if he didn't have the power he comes into the category of handsome boy why was he rejected."

Vaidehi "being classified as a playboy without having a single girlfriend a single dog for 24 years."

There was laughter form the teenagers and a sound of greeting teeth "Leo you bigmouth."


"Acchi" Leo "Who is cursing me?"


To be continued