
human demonic dragon

Lu fang a nobody who had his mothers and fathers death rooted in his mind agonising him daily till he gets his revenge on that demonic bitch who killed them.

chaosdragonwriter · Eastern
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4 Chs

Lu shaner's demise pt.1

Lu Fang is a boy who is unable to cultivate as he was born with 3 sets of dantains but 1 set of meridians he is quite chubby and can be seen he has been fed right.

He comes from a long time cultivation family who are commoners in Lu Long continent as they like to stay low-key. There are 3 people in their family his mother Lu shaner (354) and his father Lu Sheng (376) who have both reached the golden core realm.They have both been together for 250+ years.

Lu Fang is only 6 years old at this point and is playing in the garden with the neighbours son next door seeing who is stronger as they are play fighting. Lu Long who is slightly on the losing end saying " I am going to be a general in the future how dare you think you can beat me" the neighbours son laughing as he saying " you can't even beat me and you want to be a general how funny. At most you will become my subordinate instead" as they where both fighting Lu shaner shouts "boys come inside and have some fruit before it becomes warm." Both running inside when Lu Fang sees his father coming from out with a happy smile saying " Fang'er, Shaner great news" then he immediately stops talking when he notices the neighbours son and waits till the neighbours son leaves later that day to continue.

"Fang'er and Shaner you won't believe it my family's ancestral realm will open soon and Fang'er can enter as people under 20 can enter" " that is amazing honey" as Lu shaner is happy and excited as she hugs her husband. Then as she was hugging she remembered that Lu Fan can't cultivate as he might explode due to having 3 sets of dantains and one pair of meridians so she says "but Fang'er cant" suddenly lu sheng puts his finger on her lips "shhhhh... don't worry as I have found a technique for him that can cultivate all 3 of his dantains at the same time limiting each dantain to 30% percent. The technique is called limiter, as I got the old man to create it, however now the old man won't owe us anything." All of this is happening as Lu Fang is looking at them thinking (what are they talking about, anyway forget that I'm kinda hungry) "mom can you make some food as I'm kinda hungry" Lu shaner laughing while squeezing his cheeks calling him "my chubby angel".