
Chapter: I'll Live On Inside Your Heart!

It was the last thing anyone had expected. Kronos— the one who was responsible for the intel used to defeat the Apocrypha had stabbed Apollo in the back. Now Apollo remained at his feet with his life quickly draining away. 

Artemis was the most troubled of them all. She could not bear the thought of losing her brother. They had gone through so much to finally carry out their mother's wish and create a world of peace and equality. Why was it that disaster struck when they were finally so close to achieving what they wanted? It wasn't fair.

By this time, Layla, Hades, Vesta, and Minerva had taken Zane away from the scene to keep him safe from Kronos. They had to hurry and find Poseidon before it was too late.

On the other hand, the remaining members awaited orders as to what to do. Artemis was much too busy crying for Apollo which meant that Ares had to take things into his own hands.