
Huh?! Am I In An Otome?!

There is swearing/cursing, verbal/physical bullying, verbal harrasment, threatening that can be violent, and even sometimes threats towards characters lifes. However, this does NOT mean that this novel is violent and bloody. It is nothing you can't find in an ordinary manga or anime. Note: you have been warned

Ultra_Violet · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

Hey everyone.....

Hey all.....


I have some news.....

Yesterday I had a really special family member to me pass away....

Their death was sudden, and no one could save them.

They fell down a staircase and the hospital couldn't stabilize them...

and they passed.....

I dont think I'll be able to write for a while....

At least, not until my head clears.


I'm...I'm sorry....

Please understand....
