

The bored Li Feng unexpectedly activated the Infinite Movie System, thus commencing his journey of crossing into movies. One by one, movies like "Train to Busan," "Mr. Vampire," and "Mojin: The Lost Legend" began his unique path to becoming stronger. From that point on, he came, he saw, and he conquered... (REWRITEN)

kai_w20 · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter Nineteen: Trouble

Certainly! Here is the translation of the provided Chinese passage:

"Impossible, I never wear that thing."

Without explaining, Li Feng walked ahead, leaving Qian Xiaojia with a puzzled look.


Muttering softly, she soon realized that Li Feng had walked far away, and she exclaimed:

"Hey, wait for me!"


At the entrance of the Fulfilling Hotel, Li Feng and Qian Xiaojia got out of the car and headed towards the hotel.

As they walked, Qian Xiaojia seemed to remember something and asked:

"Hey, Xiaofeng, you haven't told me, how did your skin become so good? Did you use something?"

Indeed, women are very concerned about their skin. She had been asking this question all the way, and Li Feng was getting a bit annoyed. He casually replied:

"It has always been like this."

"Impossible, are you saying I don't know you that well?."

"Tell me..."

The last coquettish sentence made Li Feng shudder. Imagine a woman who is usually treated like a brother suddenly making such a sound.

"No, keep quiet, or we won't even have dinner!"

Frowning, Li Feng decided to restrain this topic. If they kept going like this, not only would they not have dinner, but he might also feel nauseous.

"Fine, I won't ask."

"Let's go! I want to eat Australian lobster!"



Before entering, the two reception ladies at the door smiled and opened the door.

Li Feng nodded and led Qian Xiaojia inside.

Qian Xiaojia's family was quite ordinary, usually very frugal. Otherwise, she wouldn't have been craving Australian lobster for so long.

As they entered, a well-dressed receptionist came forward, greeted with a gentleman's bow, and a gentle smile:

"Sir, madam, do you have a reservation? Private room or the main hall?"

Nodding, Li Feng went straight to the point:

"No reservation, are there any private rooms available?"

The receptionist smiled apologetically.

"I'm sorry, sir, the private rooms are fully booked."

"Due to the current dining peak, if you need to dine now, you can only consider the main hall. I apologize for the inconvenience."

"Okay, we'll go to the main hall then. Please find us a table by the window."

After a pause, Li Feng said, and the receptionist, still smiling, led them to a table by the window and handed them the menu.

Li Feng didn't look at it and handed it directly to Qian Xiaojia. Since he invited her to dinner, it was only right for her to order.

After a while, Qian Xiaojia finished ordering her beloved Australian lobster and returned the menu to him. The prices were too high, and she didn't dare to order more.

Taking the menu, Li Feng didn't say much and started browsing. In addition to Qian Xiaojia's lobster, he also ordered a six-pound king crab. Since they were here, he planned to enjoy a good meal.

After ordering, he handed the menu to the receptionist and started waiting. At this moment, Qian Xiaojia couldn't help but speak again.

"Xiaofeng, did you win the lottery? Why do you have so much money?"

"Or are you originally a second-generation rich, pretending to be poor in front of me?"

Perplexed, she couldn't help feeling a bit fearful when she thought about it. If he won the lottery, it would be okay, but if Li Feng was a rich second-generation and had been pretending to be poor, what was his motive?

Thinking like this, she felt a bit scared.

"What's going on in that pig brain of yours!"

Li Feng lightly tapped her head, somewhat amused.

"I can't tell you how I got the money. But I can say I've never lied to you."

"Do you need a beating? You even hit my head!"

Qian Xiaojia said with some fierceness. Whether she was angry or not, only she knew.

Just as the two were playing around, a surprised voice suddenly sounded from the side.

"Hey, Xiaojia, what are you doing here?"

Hearing the voice, Li Feng and Qian Xiaojia stopped joking and looked over. Without even looking, they knew it was Wang Ming, the son of the company's boss.

Taking advantage of his status as the boss's son, Wang Ming had played with many female employees. Not long ago, he even set his sights on Qian Xiaojia. Along with that, Li Feng, who had a good relationship with him, was often implicated.

Seemingly unaware that he was unwelcome here, Wang Ming, with a lecherous gaze, looked at Qian Xiaojia's slender legs revealed under her denim shorts and said with a smirk:

"Xiaojia, I've booked a private room upstairs. Come with me."

"That's a private room with a minimum spending of 8888. The food there is not comparable to this cheap main hall."

After saying this, he gave a disdainful look to Li Feng beside him. The implication was clear – Qian Xiaojia should not be able to resist the comparison, and she would agree to go to the private room. Then he could make her happy, buy her a bag, and achieve his goal.

However, as Wang Ming awaited Qian Xiaojia's agreement with a smug expression, he failed to notice her face becoming increasingly unpleasant.

"Wang Ming, do I have anything to do with you?"

At this moment, Qian Xiaojia seemed like an angry cat, scolding Wang Ming severely. His face turned extremely ugly.

"Okay, okay, don't be angry, Xiaojia."

First, Wang Ming consoled Qian Xiaojia with a shy face. Seeing that Qian Xiaojia didn't want to go to the private room with him, he looked at Li Feng with a cold face and said:

"Li Feng, can a guy like you get close to a girl like Xiaojia? Why don't you leave? Maybe you don't want this job anymore!"

With a darkened expression, Li Feng was about to do something when Qian Xiaojia interrupted.

"Do I need you to tell me who I eat with and what I eat?"

"Well, well, well. Let's see what this poor guy can afford to treat Xiaojia to"

Since his face has already been torn because of this scum lin fang, Wang Ming didn't intend to leave. He directly grabbed a chair and sat in a corner. He wanted to see what Li Feng could afford to treat Qian Xiaojia to. Then, he could use it against him later.