
Hug Me The Series : Final Episode

Semester break has started. Phet agree to go on a trip with Rey as long as Rey always there for him. That's what LOVE mean to us actually. Always take care of each other and having a good time together. It is so hard to find a partner that will accept us. There are many types of people on this world, 70% of them are picker. Well humanity nowadays we couldn't deny it. Anyway, the words that we always to remember, "Love is Love, Gender doesn't matter"

Early in the morning Rey already waiting for Ohet in front of Phet's house. Phet saw him from the window and went to him. Rey help Phet to put his luggage in the car. Rey asked Phet "Are you ready?" Phet said "Yes P'Rey" then they go to the destination. Phet was making a video with his phone with saying "Hey guys, I'm with my boyfriend and we are going to have a trip together!!!" Phet said to Rey "P'Rey, look at the camera and say hye" Rey just did it "Hye guys, I'm Rey and I Love You Phet" Phet speechless and stop the recording.

Phet suddenly felt thirsty. He asked to Rey "P'Rey, I'm thirsty, can we stop and buy water?" Rey suddenly grab something from his back seat and give it to Phet and said "I already prepared all of this for you, there are snacks and water" Phet said "really?! Hmmmm what a nice boyfriend" Rey said "I know I know" Phet suddenly put the snack into Rey's mouth. After that, Phet suddenly slept because the destination took so long. Rey watch Phet and just smile.

After half an hour, They are finally arrived. Rey and Phet move out from the car and saw that the place was so beautiful. Phet said "oh my god, what a nice place, it's so beautiful!!" Then said to Rey "P'Rey P'Rey lets took a selfie with me" then they took a few selfie together. Rey said "okay let's take our luggage and check in the resort". After that, they are going to their room. Phet said "wow, this room so hugeee" Rey said "Ofcourse, when it's huge , it's easy to us" Phet asked "for what?" Rey said "hehehe" Phet said "P'Reyyyyyyyyyyyy" Rey said "Okay we should take a rest"

The next day, Phet and Rey spent time together with took a photo near the beach. Rey asked Phet "do you love it?" Phet said "Yes ofcourse" Then they are sitting together. Rey asked Phet "Phet, what if one day we have to separate" Phet said "noooo don't talk like that, I'm scared hmm" Rey asked "Don't worry I will always here for you as long as possible" Phet asked to Rey " P'Rey, do you really love me so much?" Rey said "I Love You so much, you are mine, no one can hurt you" Phet said "Thank you for confessing to me"

That night, Rey take Phet with him near the beach for dinner. Phet actually walk with eyes close. Rey "Open your eyes". When Phet open his eyes, there are a wonderful dinner with nice decorations and the themes was so illegal which is gold and white. Phet said "Are you plan all of this P'Rey?" Rey said "Yes I do, it's all for us" then their foods have served with romantic music. They are having a great dinner with full of love.

Suddenly Rey gave a box to Phet. phet asked "what is it?" Rey said "just opened it" when Phet has opened the box, there are two bracelets. It's like a couple bracelet. Rey take one and said "give me your hand" Rey put on a bracelet for Phet and asked Phet to put on him too. Phet said "P'Rey you are already did everything for me, I don't know how to pay it back" Rey said " no need to pay it back, as long as I love you and you love me"

Rey suddenly go to Phet and pick him up and go to their room. When they were at their room. Rey covered the windows with curtain. Phet asked "what are you going to do P'Rey?" Rey said "We have to do this, to make us more love each other" Rey take off his clothes and asked Phet to do the same. They were already without any clothes on their body. Rey and Phet was kissing and make it all from the bottom of their heart. After that, they were in a bathtub and chilling themselves after they did it with full of energy. Rey was hugged Phet and they are smiling together. Rey said "Did I hurt you?" Phet said "Nope, I think it's just nice" Rey said "Anyway,I'm like this because I love you" Phet said "I Love You more and more, I gave it to you because I love you"

The next day, Phet woke up early than Rey. "Wake up my boo" Phet said, and Rey already woke up and say "Good morning my love" Phet said "Good morning my everything" then they are brushing teeth, was face and shower together. Then they were went to the beach and having a nice wind while hug each other. Suddenly Rey going take something and make a huge heart on the sand. Rey take Phet and stand in the heart shape. Rey shout "I LOVE YOU PHET!!!" Then Phet shout too "I LOVE YOU P'REY!!!!" And they are facing and look at each other, and they were kissing and hugged each other.

They are such as lovely couple. Starting from hitting Rey feet until they have a chance to know each other. There are a lot of barriers but patience make them together.



If you have a feeling with someone, make it happen!