
Hug All Your Friends

Life's too short to worry about things that we got wrong - Miah, a 16-year-old trans-girl, is all about hope and she just came out to her parents and was kicked out just as quickly. She sets off on her own, as no one in her family will help her and her school friends are unable to help as well. She ends up in a teen shelter and becomes friends with Noah, a 16-year-old trans-boy kicked out for almost the same reasons. Experience love and loss in a book written for transgender people by transgender people!

beeekid · LGBT+
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18 Chs


Once outside, I look back at what was once my home. Never again, will I go back. I can't believe I didn't see this coming. Why would they ever accept me? I have no idea what to do, so I guess I'll just walk. I leave my neighborhood, probably for the last time ever. Hopefully the last time ever. I walk until I come across a gas station. I might as well buy some food and water and essentials. I go inside and browse the shelves and figure out what I can afford. I don't know how long I'll be homeless so I might as well get some bottles of water and granola bars and dried fruit and crackers. I bring it all up to the register and rummage around in my bag until I pull out a 10 dollar bill. I thank the lord I've been blessed with a high voice and pray the cashier can pick up on that. I smile at the cashier as she scans my things.

"That'll come out to 9.34! Will you be using cash or card, ma'am?" She asks me. I sigh a breath of relief and say "Cash!" as I hand her my ten-dollar bill. She gives me my change and says, "Have a great day!" as I leave. And to think I got bullied in middle school for having a "gay" voice.