

Rita glanced away, embarrassed. Inside though, she had a lot of questions for Jefferson, like why he chose her for marriage, why he disappeared after the flash marriage, and why he is here, etc. 

Linda, the secretary arranged for the new president, also noticed Jefferson's attention was elsewhere. "Why is he looking at her?" Linda thought jealously. 

Ever since she saw Jefferson and knew she was going to be his secretary, Linda had hoped to catch his eye. Now she couldn't take it anymore. She marched over to Rita's desk. "Don't you have work to do?" Linda snapped, interrupting their gaze. Rita and Jefferson were brought back to reality as the tension in the office rose. 


At the weekly company meeting, everyone gathered in the large conference room. Rita sat nervously glancing around, worried someone might notice her unease.

When Jefferson stepped up to the podium to give his speech, Rita felt even more on edge. 

"Why is he suddenly here?" she thought anxiously. 

As Jefferson spoke confidently about new company initiatives, Rita's mind raced. "How did he find me without me telling him where I worked? Did he follow me? Is this just a strange coincidence?"

She tried to pay attention to Jefferson's words but got lost in worries. "I should have changed my name when I filed for divorce," Rita chided herself.

When the meeting ended, Rita quickly gathered her things to leave before Jefferson could approach. But as she rushed out, a voice called "Rita, wait!"

Rita turned to see Jefferson catching up to her. Her heart pounded as old feelings mixed with new fears. "We need to talk," Jefferson said gently but with an air of authority.

'A private talk? Is he planning to expose our marriage to our colleagues? That can't happen!'

Rita, feeling worried about her colleagues may discover her marriage to the new president, deliberately delayed her visit to Jefferson's office. 

She hesitated outside his door, taking a moment to compose herself before entering.

As Rita stepped into Jefferson's office, she was met with a cold and critical demeanor from him.

"Ms. Ross, you made horrible performance at the sales department, which seriously dragged down the whole progress!"

He began criticizing the sales department without mercy, his words echoing through the room and attracting the attention of their colleagues. 

Rita felt a pang of unease, unsure of how to react to his unexpected behavior.

'Since when the Jefferson whom I had married is such a cranky CEO...' Rita thought to herself.

After the conference, Emma approached Rita, curiosity evident in her eyes.

"Rita, what was that all about? I thought you and Jefferson were acquainted, considering how you two were staring at each other earlier."

Rita forced a smile and shrugged her shoulder, choosing not to reveal her relationship with Jefferson.

Sensing that Rita didn't want to delve into the details, Emma continued with her work, but Rita's mind was consumed by thoughts of Jefferson and the confusing dynamics between them.


After finishing work for the day, Rita made her way home, her mind still occupied by the events at the office. 

However, before she could enter her house, a familiar voice reached her ears. 

"Your house is pretty close to the company..."

She turned around in surprise to find Jefferson standing there.

She was taken aback by his presence.

"Jefferson? What are you doing here?"

"Surprise, huh? Rita, I thought it was time we had a proper conversation. Can we talk inside?"

Rita stared at him with alert and scanned around him.

"Before that, you have to answer my questions! Why are you suddenly my president? And why did you disappear for so long after we got married?"

However, instead of answering questions, Jefferson steps closer to Rita.

"I'll explain everything, but let's go inside first. It's not a conversation we should have out here."

Rita hesitated, unsure if she should let him in. 

However, the concern of their conversation being overheard by nosy neighbors urged her to open the door and allow Jefferson inside.

Once inside the house, before Rita could utter a word, Jefferson spoke up.

"Rita, I didn't want my colleagues to know about our marital status. I hope you can understand why I made such harsh comments on your work."

Rita was a bit irritated by his attitude.

"So am I! I prefer our relationship stay secret. And Jefferson, you could have at least informed me about this. I felt embarrassed at the office today when you criticized my department without any warning."

Jefferson then changed into an apologetic face. 

"I'm sorry, Rita. I should have communicated better with you. I didn't anticipate it would cause such discomfort for you. Can you forgive me?"

Rita took a deep breath, considering his words. 

"Alright, at least we reach the agreement on keeping our office marriage a secret from colleagues."

Jefferson smiles at her. Then they were speechless, caught in an awkward silence.

Rita then spoke up. "So, would you mind leaving now, if you are finished?"

However, Jefferson stood still and said firmly, "Rita, I'm not going anywhere. This house is supposed to be my home too."


Rita's eyes widened in surprise, her mind racing to find an explanation for Jefferson's sudden claim.

"What do you mean, Jefferson? This is my house. You can't just say it's yours."

"Rita, I just returned from my business trip, and I don't have a place to stay in this city. I didn't make any arrangements because I knew I had my wife's place to come back to..."

Rita frowned, skepticism creeping into her thoughts. She had been hurt by Jefferson's previous lack of communication, and she couldn't help but wonder if he was trying to deceive her again.

"Are you trying to lie to me again, Jefferson? I can't just trust you blindly after everything that's happened."

Jefferson looked into her eyes with a sincere look. "Rita, I promise you, I have nowhere else to go. I didn't have time to find a residence. The truth is, I have no choice but to stay here, with my wife."

Rita's heart softened at his words, especially hearing that his acknowledgement of her as his wife. She could sense the sincerity in his voice and see the vulnerability in his eyes.

After a moment of contemplation, she relented.

"Fine, you can stay. But let's make it clear that this is temporary until we figure things out. And I expect honesty and transparency from you, Jefferson."

Jefferson seems relieved from her giving in. 

"Thank you, Rita. I promise to be honest with you from now on. Let's get something to eat outside!"

"Before that, I need an explanation. Where were you exactly months ago? And why couldn't I reach you a while ago?"

"That is a long story...Let me make it short. My business is a secret one, and I cannot spill too much. You can understand, right?"

"Then, Jefferson, how did you suddenly become my president??"

"You will know about it later. Rita, I am starving. Please, I need to eat something..."

Rita sized Jefferson up and down, then finally choosing to trust him.

"Well, since it was our first evening living together as a married couple. I wanted to make it special"

Rita offered a celebration of their newfound commitment. She decided to cook dinner, hoping to create a warm and loving atmosphere.

"Oh I never expect that. That will be great!" Jefferson smiles, though there are some unreadable emotions hidden in his eyes.