

After a long war between human and magical beings, humans were able to dominate magic beings and seal the magic. However, a mysterious sorcerer secretly broke the seal and ended up releasing all the magic, causing sudden changes in the world, weather, animals, and humans. What will be the government's reaction, and what will the world reaction be after so much change in the world? Can humans survive this much magic power, how other planets treat the earth after that?

Surprise_4541 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Volume 1 :Prologue : War and Magic (1)

Year - 1527

Throughout history, there have been many wars fought between ancestors, and one such conflict was the war that resulted in the removal of magic from the world.

The story of this war begins with the magical beings who inhabited the earth before humans. These beings had the ability to control the elements, cast spells, and create magical objects. However, their power became a source of conflict, and they began to fight among themselves, each one trying to gain dominance over the others.

As the war raged on, the humans, who were still primitive and unaware of the magical world, began to suffer. The magical beings would sometimes use their powers to harm humans, and many innocent people lost their lives in the crossfire.

Fearing for their safety, the humans began to band together to fight against the magical beings. They created weapons and armor to protect themselves and began to hunt down the magical creatures, believing that their removal from the world was necessary for the survival of humanity.

In the end, the humans were successful, and the magical beings were forced to leave the physical world. They were sealed in a dimension expansion(dimension expansion = Their bodies were preserved in a time expansion). The price of this victory, however, was the loss of magic from the world. Humans would never again have the ability to wield magic, and the magical creatures would never return.

This event marked a turning point in human history. Without magic, humans had to rely on their own skills and knowledge to survive and thrive. They began to develop technology and science, leading to the creation of civilizations and the progress of humanity.

However, the removal of magic also meant the loss of something beautiful and mysterious from the world. Many humans longed for the days when magic was still present and mourned its passing.

Today, the war between ancestors and the removal of magic from the world is seen as a cautionary tale. It serves as a reminder of the dangers of power and the importance of living in harmony with the natural world.