
Flippy X Reader: Military Ball

Yesterday Flippy asked you to be his plus-one at a military ball taking place out of town, and you said yes. So now you two are checking in to the hotel where the military ball will be taking place inside the hotel's ballroom.

You and Flippy have separate rooms since you two aren't dating. At least, not yet. You do have a crush on him, so when he asked you to be here as his plus one made you ecstatic. And the fact that you two are going to be staying here for three days together, it'll be more than enough time to get to know him more and possibly even ask him out.

But you got to make sure he's feeling the same way about you like you are to him. Right now you're almost done getting ready. Looking at yourself in the mirror in the bathroom, you feel confident that Flippy will love what you're wearing.

You spray on your favorite perfume twice before you leave the bathroom. You give yourself a mental note to take a deep breath in and out before opening the door. Seeing Flippy standing in the hallway wearing a black army service uniform which consists of a black jacket with four big buttons, his sergeant stripes on his left upper arm, medals on the left chest side, his name pin, badge pins, gold stripes around the wrists, and a gold-colored belt around him. Black pants with gold stripes on the sides, black formal shoes, and a black cap with a golden stripe around it. He looks absolutely amazing in it.

Y/n: (Smile) Wow Flippy, you look amazing.

Flippy: (Lightly blushes and smiles) Thanks. You also look amazing. (Holds his arm out to you) Shall we?

Y/n: You bet.

You gladly wrap your arm under his arm as you two make your way to the elevator and to the lobby. When the elevator door slides open, you see a lot of people either in army service uniforms or other formal wear walking toward the ballroom.

Once you and Flippy enter the ballroom, you two find the assigned table, which was close to the front where there's a long wooden rectangular table. You two sit down and soon the host takes the stand in front of the wooden table and takes the mic.

Host: Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, who are here today in honor of our recent soldiers and in honor of our veterans! (Everyone cheers) Now help yourselves to the variety of delicious foods and drinks! For those of you staying here for the three days then tonight you can drink all you want!

You and Flippy both get up to get some food from the buffet, but then a couple of other veterans walk up to him starting a conversation. Not wanting to be nosey or interrupt anything, you go ahead and get some food without him. Besides, you wanted to be one of the first ones at the buffet and get the good food before it's taken.

There are 10 food tables set up, each table containing a variety of foods to choose from. You grab a plate and while you were getting some food, a guy wearing his army service uniform walks up to you.

Alec: (Smiles) Hi, I'm Alec.

Y/n: (Smile) I'm Y/n.

Alec: I just wanted to tell you, that you look really pretty in that dress and I also like what you did with your hair. Let me guess, you used Perfect Claw Hairspray?

Y/n: Yeah, how did you know?

Alec: I work with a lot of hairspray and make-up. And that's one of my favorite brands.

Y/n: Oh, are you a makeup artist or hairstylist?

Alec: I wanna say a good mix of both. My side job is doing women's hair and makeup at my sister's salon.

Y/n: You must be making some good money then.

Alec: Sometimes yeah, it definitely helps with the bills and stuff. But what's the designer's name for that dress? I swear I've seen it before and you're making work even better.

Y/n: Haha thanks, it's a Stephanie's Beaks dress. And you also look pretty good yourself too. They really know how to dress you soldiers up.

Alec: I'm personally more into dark navy blue, but I don't mind this. I've been getting called that I look like an agent without the cap and gold belt.

Y/n: Yeah, I can kind of see it.

Alec: So which soldier are you here with tonight?

Y/n: I'm with Flippy.

Alec: (Appears to be shocked) You're with Sergeant Flippy?

Y/n: Yeah, he's back at the table talking to some other soldiers. Why? You look kind of shocked, do you personally know him?

Alec: Even the newcomers will hear of him. I don't personally know him, but his history in the army is more than any soldier in history has done.

Y/n: What do you mean?

Alec: Don't think I have anything against him, it's just... he kind of... scares me...

Y/n: He scares you and you don't even know him? What exactly did he do?

Alec: Well he-

Flippy: (Stands next to you and smiles) I hope I'm not interrupting anything. (Looks at Alec) Nice meeting you soldier.

Alec: Yes sir, nice to meet you too sir.

Flippy: No need to say sir while we're not on base.

Alec: I got to go, it was nice meeting you Y/n.

Y/n: Nice meeting you too.

Alec walks away and you and Flippy get your food before sitting down back at your table and eat. While you two eat, you chat about hobbies, personal interests, favorite places, and a couple of good childhood stories.

Y/n: And that's when she fell into the toilet haha.

Flippy: Haha ew, that's disgusting even if the toilet's clean.

Y/n: It wasn't, somebody threw up and forgot to flush. It turned out that her best friend was the one who threw up and just left it there.

Flippy: I can't imagine the smell when she went home.

Y/n: I'm going to get something from the dessert table. Do you want anything?

Flippy: No thanks, I think the seafood did enough for me.

Y/n: Alrighty.

As you head to the dessert table, the host gets back up on the stage and takes the mic.

Host: Alright ladies and gentlemen, it's almost time for the couple's dance of the night. In the meantime, here's some music as a warm-up.

The music then starts to play and just as it does you see Alec just standing outside on the balcony smoking a cigarette. Seeing him reminds you of how he didn't get to tell you why he's scared of Flippy and what Flippy did that could scare him. So instead of going to the dessert table, you go towards the balcony and head outside.

Y/n: Hey Alec.

Alec: (Turns around) Oh Y/n, what brings you out here? (Puts out his cigarette)

Y/n: I wanted to get back on our conversation earlier about Flippy. I was hoping to know more.

Alec: Oh uh... I don't know, maybe it's best if you don't know.

Y/n: Please tell me Alec, what could he possibly have done that would make me think differently of him?

Alec: ... He really means that much to you?

Y/n: (Nod) Yes.

Alec: (Sighs) Well... back when he was deployed to fight the Tiger Army on the islands. He was a private back then, but even then he took down an entire army, including the general himself, and all without a single scratch on him. He was the reason our country won the war. But it was how he took down the army that made him infamous, he-

Flippy: I think it's better if I explained it to her.

You both jumped as you turn around to see Flippy standing there. This time he isn't smiling, he looks serious.

Flippy: Now I'd appreciate it if you leave us alone soldier.

Alec: Y-Yes sir, sorry sir.

Alec quickly goes back into the ballroom while Flippy stands next to you, leaning his arms on the black railing. You take a small step closer to him as you wait for him to speak. He takes a deep breath in while looking into the night sky.

Flippy: I did take down an entire army and the general, that's true. But before I did, I was hiding from them, and I had to hide inside my friends' carcass when my plan to deceive them didn't work. While they were looking for me, I felt vulnerable, defenseless, and... and afraid. I was terrified that they'll find me and do unspeakable torture to get information out of me that something in just snapped... That was the first time the other side of me, Fliqpy came to be. Because I do remember what I did to them, but I had no control over my actions. I killed all of them in less than minutes and did the same to every Tiger base on the islands. That was how we won the war. The tiger army was afraid of declining into nothing and so their king decided to end the war.

Y/n: Flippy I-

Flippy: I killed them, with no remorse. Do I regret killing them? Honestly, no, because it was how we won the war. But in the aftermath of it all, that's what really hurts.

You know about his severe PTSD and Fliqpy. In fact, you even met Fliqpy a couple of times and he never hurt you. All he did was flirt with you, so in reality. You like both Flippy and Fliqpy, and you wouldn't mind being with him even if he blacks out into Fliqpy because you're not scared of him. And also, you couldn't care how many he killed during the war because you know he was only doing what was best to save himself and to save this country.

It almost seems like Flippy's thinking that you'll want to leave knowing all this since he's not looking at you right now. It almost looks like he's waiting for you to say something bad right now. Well... instead of something bad...

By placing your hand on his shoulder, you make him face you, and before he could say anything; you lean in, and with your other hand on his cheek, you kiss his lips. As shocked as he was, he doesn't stop you and gives in and places his hands on your waist. This kiss lasts for a few seconds before you pull away to look at him.

Y/n: It's okay Flippy, I still like you, a lot. I really like you and Fliqpy even after you did those things. None of that is going to change how I feel about you.

(Two Together by Kevin MacLeod plays in the background)

Flippy: (Smiles) Shall we dance?

You gladly nod yes before Flippy takes your hand and you both walk down the stone stairs and walk into the beautiful garden where no one's around. There you two stop in front of a large running water fountain.

You two move closer to each other, with him placing his hands on your waist and your hands resting on his shoulders. You both smile as he takes the lead.

You keep looking down at your feet to make sure you didn't accidentally step on him, but he just leans his forehead on yours to ensure that you're only looking at him, and it worked. Cause now you two keep staring into each other's eyes.

Then, catching you completely by surprise, he wraps his arm around you before purposely making you trip backward so he could catch you. You grip on his service jacket bringing him closer to you as he caught you. Now beneath him like this... you don't mind at all.

He then leans forward and you two share another kiss in front of the large water fountain, right under the full moon.