

One day Jin died and he transmigrated to young man who's name is Jin Kakeru. He found that this world was completely different from the world he knew. He gained a system that would help him survive in this world. Join him as he uncover the secrets of his system. ......... Worlds: *HighSchool DxD *Fairy Tail *Danmachi ......... Warning: This could damage your braincell!! Be aware of it's horrible grammar!! I'm not joking!! ......... Tags: Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Harem, World Travel, Weak to Strong, Romantic subplot, Gods, Devils, ... You can also read stock chapters at www.patre on.com/Lging08

RuinKing0899 · Anime & Comics
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150 Chs


In DxD world...

"Hahaha! Of course, I almost forgot! I'm stirring up war, so there's no need to hide anything!" Kokabiel laughed madly, "In the Great War, the Four Satans died, and so did God!"

Kokabiel's words shocked everyone.

"I-It can't be!" Xenovia said with widened eyes. She couldn't believe what Kokabiel said.

"God is... dead? You're crazy!" Rias said, "Such a thing never happened before!"

"The war brought an end to all Satans and many high-class devils, as well as Angels and Fallen Angels." Kokabiel said seriously, "Pure Angels could no longer reproduce, and there are very few pure-blooded Devils."

"There's... There's no way!" Asia looks shocked.

"All three factions needed to rely on humans to survive." Kokabiel continued, "The leader of the three major factions concealed God's death to make humans, who believe in God, survive!"

"Liar, liar!" Xenovia fell on her knees.

Asia fainted and Koneko quickly caught her before she fell on the ground.

Suddenly, a pillar of light appeared in the middle of the battlefield.


This caught everyone's attention. The pillar of light was releasing a very powerful aura.

"What?!" Rias was shocked as she covered her eyes.

"What's that, President?" Issei asked as he looked at the pillar of light.

"I don't know." Rias shook her head.

Akeno turned her head and looked at Kokabiel. She saw that Kokabiel was also surprised at the appearance of white light. It only means that he was also clueless.

After a few moments, they saw a few silhouettes coming out of the pillar of light.

Tap! Tap!

The whole place was devoid of sounds. They could only hear the unfamiliar footsteps coming from the pillar of light.

"Someone is coming..." Rias said as she focused on the pillar of light.

"From the sound of footsteps, it seems that there are two or more persons coming out," Akeno said.

"Who's there?!" Kokabiel shouted. He was angry that someone dared to disturb him.

Kenoko, Kiba, Irina, and Xenovia just looked at the pillar of light with a worried expression. They don't know if it's their ally or enemy.

After a few moments, they saw seven figures walked out of the pillar of light. All the figures were wearing a mask with the same crest.

That crest is the Thousand Abyss insignia.

"What season are we?" Jin said as he looked around him. He then saw Rias' peerage and Kokabiel.

"Oh? It seems that I've missed season 1 and jump to season 2." He muttered as he rubbed his chin.

"So, this is your world Jin," Ur said as she looked around. She saw Kokabiel and Rias group but she ignored them. Their strength couldn't threaten the Thousand Abyss.

"Yeah." Jin nodded his head.

"It's my first time going to a different world," Aisha said and saw Kokabiel. She pointed at Kokabiel and asked, "What's their race?"

Jin looked and replied, "Fallen Angel."

"Hmm..." Aisha looked at Kokabiel's wings.

"He looks like a harpy but with arms," Ranye said as she observed Kokabiel.

Jin then looked at Haruhime and asked, "Are you okay, Haruhime?"

"Yes, Jin-sama," Haruhime replied to him.

Rias group couldn't hear them as they were quite a distance away from them. They could only look at them who were talking to each other.

Looking at this, Kokabiel grew angrier and shouted, "Who are you?!"

Jin and the rest stopped talking after they heard Kokabiel. All of them looked at him.

Jin frowned and opened his mouth, "Can you please shut your mouth for a while? I'm entertaining my guests here!"

"You!" Kokabiel's aura flared up. He flew in the mid-air and raised both of his hands.

A javelin made of light formed above his hand. It grew larger and larger every second.

"A light and holy magic... I wonder if it's delicious." Jin muttered. He lifted up his mask and revealed his mouth.

"Ah!" Kokabiel roared as he throws the giant javelin.


Jin smirked and opened his mouth widely. He sucked the javelin the Kokabiel made.


"Hooo! It's not that bad." Jin said as he looked at Kokabiel.

"What?!" Kokabiel was stunned. He couldn't believe what he saw. This man... Eat his powerful attack just like that.

Jin looked at the sky and muttered, "A barrier, huh?"

He slowly raised his hand and made a grabbing motion towards the barrier.


The barrier was shattered just like that. It couldn't even resist his power even for a second.

"What's happening?" Rias, Akeno, and the rest couldn't understand what's happening. They only saw a man destroyed the barrier that Sona made just like that.

Jin glanced at Koneko and said, "I guess that I'm doing Kuroka a favor."

Then, the heavenly power that he sealed all the time in the Danmachi world broke out.


Powerful energy gushed out of his body. The ground below him started to crack and it slowly spread like a spider web.

Rias and the rest were shocked and they couldn't even move their bodies. The powerful pressure was stopping them from making any useless move. They struggled to lift their head and looked at Jin.

Kokabiel was pressed on the ground and he couldn't move his body.

Jin slowly raised his hand and said in a cold voice, "Come."