
HS DxD: The Path of Kings

What does make a king? Is it about honor, bloodline, or conquest? We are about to see the true meaning of a person who becomes the true king. Birth in poverty. Hiding great power deep inside. Acquiring knowledge from the Great Sages. The Rise of the Strongest King follows as such..

Dark_Spider · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 16 Ben Tennyson

Washington D.C.

After getting on the bus with Ben after the call from Max Tennyson, Aarush puts his bag that is almost as big as himself on the back of the bus before he introduced himself "Although you weren't able to receive me at the airport, it looks like our fate wanted us to meet anyway Mr. Tenyson."

"Yeah, I also didn't expect you to follow Ben but it's a good thing you were with him." said Max with a nod before he turned to introduce "Aarush this is Ben, my grandson."

"It's a pleasure to meet you friend, Ben Tennyson." said Aarush extending his hand towards Ben.

"Ben meet Aarush the grandson of a friend from India." introduced Max looking at Ben.

"I am also glad to meet you, I guess." being greeted with politeness Ben was out of the word for a moment, not understanding how to respond when someone is talking to him so nicely before he said while extending his hand for a shake and scratching the back of his head

"So what was with that four-arms back then can you tell me, if you don't mind that is?" asks Aarush with a curious face as he failed to detect any magical energy on Ben, so he is sure the kid is a human and it is truly a confusion to him at this moment.

"Ben you can tell him." hearing Aarush asking the same topic Ben wasn't sure how should he break things and looks towards Max who reassured him.

"You see with the help of this watch I can transform into different creatures." bringing the Omnitrix forward and showing to Aarsuh said Ben with a complicated face.

"You mean using this watch that is glowing with red light you can transform; this is truly marvelous." said Aarush putting his hand on the Omnitrix before sending a little magical energy to examine it just to get shocked by it in return before.

"Don't try anything because we aren't sure of its origins, so it's not wise to try something you should not." understanding what was he up to Max quickly warmed Aarush before he gets himself into trouble.

"After receiving a rebound I can already understand that point, anyway the color changed on the watch." said Aarsuh with an agreement before he discovers the color of the watch turning green from red.

"Oh~ it's recharged now I can transform once more." informs Ben with a smile when the phone in the bus started ringing as they saw the caller ID "Gwen?"

"Grandpa I am on top of the Monument tower save me!" immediately after receiving the call came Gwen's cry from the other side of the phone showing how scared she is.

"Hold on Gwen we are coming to save you." said Max with a serious face as Aarush shifts his gaze at the tower before informing "We need to hurry she is holding to the tower and the bird is flying around, so I am not sure if she can hold for much longer."

"How can you see that far?" asks Ben in disbelief when Aarush explains Gwen's condition.

"You aren't the only person here with a secret ability." said Aarush with a smile as he raised his hand which starts glowing in blue light.

"Are you a magician?" asks Ben with a glowing eye as a bright smile formed on his face.

"Almost similar to one." said Aarush with a smile.

"Cool let us have a dual sometimes and see who is stronger among the both of us." said Ben in excitement.

"Can you guys stop and focus on the important thing at hand, we need to help Gwen." called out Max with a serious face when the radio starts broadcasting emergence news about the biology award in DC.

"Grandpa that is the award Animo is after." Ben explains in a hurry.

"There is no time to care about Animo, we need to save Gwen before we go after Animo." announced Max without hesitation.

"Ben can you transform into something that can fly and distrust the bird, of so I can stick to the top of the Tower to save your life cousin." said Aarush with a serious face as he saw the phone in Gwen's hand finally fall from her grip while wonders 'I have to agree she is pretty strong to have the ability to hold on to the tower for so long.'

"Yes I think that will be easy but be careful on your end alright." says Ben as he pressed a button on his watch before moving the dial to show a fly on the screen.

"It looks like a fly but anything will be good as long as you can keep it's attention for long enough for me to save her." said Aarush as they arrived at the bottom of the Monument when a phone crashed from above.

"Gwen!" calls out Ben and Max in unison.

"Don't worry she is still up there but we better hurry to rescue her if we don't want her to end up lime that phone." says Aarush opening the door of the bus.

"Aarush don't do anything you will regret later." said Max from the driver's seat.

"I won't Mr. Tennyson." said Aarush with a serious face before he rushed to the monument.

"Ben attack the bird the moment I arrived at the elevator." instructed Aarush upon arriving at the elevator.

"I know." said Ben with a smile as he pressed on the watch in his hand as a green light soon covered his whole body and by the time the elevator door closed Aarush only saw a pair of wings growing out of his back.


By the time Aarush arrived at the top of the monument in front of the window, he can hear Gwen crying out in fear "Ben what are you doing come on save me, my hand is giving up?"

"It's about time you take action," says Ben with a serious tone as he brings the bird away from the movement after attacking it a few times.

Aarush who has covered himself with magic quickly exits the monument through the window just to find Gwen finally lose her grip on the tower and crying out in fear "I am going to die and become a jelly, why did you say it's a good idea to look this adventure mom!"

"Don't worry you aren't..."

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation! Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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