
HP: Wizard vs Sorcerer

Mc gets killed then finds himself in the void, kinda gets a cheat on accident and thinks he is in a normal world but later finds out he isnt

Charlotte_Mage · Anime & Comics
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New Life

Imagine waking up in darkness, not knowing where you are or how you got there. Yeah that's how it was for me. For what felt like ages, I floated in this void, grappling 

With the idea of being alone forever after my death, I would never see my parents nor my friends ever again, and it was eating away at me.

I always read about people getting into accidents and living an amazing life after getting reincarnated with some cheats for something but that doesn't seem to be the case as I've been here for who knows how long?

the funny thing is though is that now that i'm dead, i can vividly remember everything that happened in my life, and it was strange to me as i had a terrible memory in my life, like bruh i ever forgot some of my familys birthdays, and almost every year i had to ask when easter was again in march as i would completely forget,

but i guess now that i don't have a body i can explore what made me, me. as from my understanding our sense of self is made up of experiences and memories,

and that's what shapes the soul, and i was confused when i first woke up and couldn't feel a thing but after like a few years i started to question how i remember things without a brain and i came to a conclusion,

our lives we had lived that makes us who we are gets imprinted on our souls, but gets weaker when our body and soul are out of sync. I say this because I have no idea how long I had been here before I had woken up.

and when i woke up i was completely out of it,

like it felt like i had been underwater for too long but wasn't drowning just yet while also just waking up on a monday at 5am after only going to sleep at 2am and you just don't want to get up,

it also felt like a dream where you try to do something but even if you try you actually do something completely different, and have no idea what's going on,

and only after i think a few years of trying to work out what in the hell was happening i kinda managed to pull my soul and sense of self back together and from there is how

I started to basically relive my life but without limitations like a brain for me to forget anything, so I basically have amazing memories now.

after going through the thought that wasn't infact cool as i wouldnt be able to see my loved ones again and only really getting over it after a few years,

i started to try and do shit instead of just floating in this seemingly endless void, one of the first things i tried to do was move but that was hard, 

it was like trying to move fast when your hand is in non newtonian fluid, but what i tried to move was what i thought my hand was but it was a transparent white almost blank blob, 

which only then i realized i didn't have a body so no wonder why everything was so dark. from that revelation i tried to move my soul into something of the shape of my body well at least at first, 

and after probably a few hundred years i managed to do so, and yes when you're stuck with nothing to do you can actually concentrate on something which was very helpful in obtaining a shape for my soul. 

after doing this i realized that i didn't like the overall shape of my body and from there started to edit the shape of my body removing what was the fat of my body, 

obviously not all of it and basically used it to make myself look like what i could have looked like had i cared for my body more, and i got to say it was pretty handsome, 

anyways after that i basically just dived into my memory because after now having eyes i realized everything around me was still all black so i dived into anything i could remember even doing some math

that i had glimpsed in the past and couldn't answer, but after that i got really bored and started to just kind of sleep? 

it was like shutting down a computer and like setting a timer of when to wake up and that also got boring after a few thousand years, then one day i was like why don't i try interacting with the void like how in storys mages used mana, and that's what i did, i sat (Float?) and started to try and feel anything, and well i have no idea how long i had been sitting there so yeah, but eventually i had felt something, and i tried to move it and... 

nothing, it was like trying to grab smoke, it just didn't do anything, but eventually i after a shit load of time i could move it and even now properly feel it, now i had no idea what to do with this so i just decided ima try and collect it in myself like a cultivator or , and well it was scary as fuck, as once i let it in it was like my soul wouldn't stop absorbing it and it was scary, but it really got scary when i started to feel a fullness in myself and i realized shit i couldn't turn it off and i started to panic as i could feel my soul almost bursting at the seems, and honestly i realized you don't know pain until your soul is about to explode, but i somehow managed to turn off the flow.

After that scary act I just stopped for a while as I was really terrified. But once I calmed down I started to inspect what had happened and it would seem, my soul had changed, and the change was in my core, which made me, me. I realized that somehow I had become void? kinda it's more like the power of my soul had me and then surrounding what made me, me was a dense sphere of void. After a few years of i guess kinda refining it i realized i could use the void to enhance myself, and i did but i went flying and i mean shooting off in the distance and i had no idea how to stop, 

but i eventually had smashed into something.

Then, out of nowhere, I get flung into it. I have no idea, my soul barely holding itself together.

As I was shooting through the void wondering what in the world had swatted me like a fly away i crash through something, 

and all I can think about is how I wished my life would have gone as I was so sure I was going to actually die from the sensation of what I can only assume was me smashing a barrier of some reality.

I was ranting on how I could have had a normal death where I meet a ROB who would just grant me wishes and as I was going through the wishes of simpler reincarnation with some perks, but instead, I'm thrust into this mess. but just then i heard something like a robotic voice, and as i was listening it sounded like something i had watched before, 

and i realized it was talking about using karma to grant wishes but as i had no karma after living in the void for who know how long it decided to use the void energy I've absorbed 

to try and grant my wishes, however as i was thanking whomever had flung me here i suddenly feel another smashing sensation and from the voice it would seem that i had smashed through the other end of this reality and the thing trying to grant my wishes had an error, and as i heard that i once again started curing the thing that had flung me into this.

but just as i was going to continue cursing at the entity i saw for the first time a color other than black and i was heading right towards a multicolored crack in reality i think, and just then i was once again thrust into darkness 

but I could tell I was no longer moving. 

After calming down I quite quickly realized something rather different, and I realized what it was, I now had a body. 

but it didn't feel quite right, and as i was thinking why i couldn't move i tried to use my soul to sense myself and when i tried i felt something in the back of my mind or more like near my memories and core of myself, 

information started flooding me on my own soul sense but there was something different with this compared to my own and from it i started correcting my own and as i did i felt even more information flooding my mind. 

and after that i started to see what was happening, and soon i started to laugh in my mind almost manically 'HAHAHAAHHAhAAHAHAHAhAHAAHAHAH' it would seem that that wish granting thing wasn't a complete failure, but wasn't quite right, it would seem it tried to give me a cheat that was made from my own refind void energy but since the process was interrupted and the cheat wasn't finished being made my soul decided to re absorb the energy and somewhat completed what the entity tried to do, and as far as i can see it made something akin to akashic records where i could look for information, but instead, this uses my own void energy to take knowledge from nothingness after I've experienced it myself.

but my soul made it look like something that i was more familiar with and became a part of me once more, So basically I can now read or decipher my soul information, something like a Status from a game but I can't call it out but rather I would have to read my soul to see it. 

so basically it says my name which is blank for some reason and it say my soul rank which is apparently 2 and that i have a skill called Soul sense Lv2 and Soul protection Lv1 which from my understanding is a way for me to increase how long it would take for me to reassemble myself, so if my soul where to get obliterated and everything now thinks im gone it won't be true as i'm apart of nothingness and void as my core of me is a part of void, so as long as there is void there is me, but this skill would allow me to put myself back together.

So basically I can learn skills and it would be shown on my soul in which I get knowledge corresponding to the level of it while also getting something like a muscle memory but I need to use it more and improve for it to level up. which is pretty OP.'

It had been around 9 months since I had acquired a body and so now I understand a few things. First of all, the reason I couldn't move was because I wasn't born, and yeah I have just been born about a week ago. 

From this I realized that the reason why my soul did not show my name was because I hadn't been born as souls are supposed to be wiped of their sense of self and become someone new, but I was still me but now that has updated and my new name is Matthew White.

and it turns out i live in england and it was the year 1980, the only reason i know this is because i saw the newspaper my now father is reading and so i have come to the conclusion i have been reborn into the past which isn't so bad, as i still have the same first name, but different parents and honestly it will take time getting used to calling them mom or dad, but i get over it eventually. Another cool thing I've learned is that lately everything I do counts as a skill, everything! When i first cried, i got a skill called crying and over the passed week it had been leveled to level 3, 

yeah babies cry a lot, and well it basically helps me get over shit better, like it's literally effective and efficient crying, and when it reached level 3 it kinda now carried a silent intent, so now my mom know what i'm crying for or rather she has an idea, and also thanks to this skill i got more control over my facial muscles and now i didn't need to cry randomly and rather i could control it which was a relief i could see my parents that they didn't have to wake up at 3am to put me back to sleep.

but also when i first started hearing, seeing, touching, tasting ect i got skills for them and well i'm pretty sure i would become borderline superhuman one day cause these basically as they level up allow me to do them with the least amount of energy and more efficiently while also making me subtelly increasing them, but it's good that i can kind of control them so my hearing doesn't start to drive me crazy especially at night as i realized my parents are a fairly young couple and are regularly active and god damn, you 

don't even understand how haunting it is that you can hear everything they are doing. EVERYTHING! well anyways with my new abilities and all i had decided my future kind of, such as studying to get skills and investing in businesses for the future with my future knowledge, so as soon as i started to crawl and speak i would try to look around the house for things to study, but well yeah, 2 things my parents thought i was a genius because i started doing these things earlier than normal children, which translated into keeping a closer eye on me.

So i had a hard time escaping my mothers eyes and she would just put me back into my baby pen after making my amazing escape before i could find something to study, so eventually i relented and started just doing normal baby things, such as sleeping, eating, shitting, and sleeping and the such also fun fact i got a skill which is also as Lv3 and it's called Shitting, yeah, It was interesting and disgusting learning about how to be better at it, but on the plus side it was efficient as hell. Anyways I eventually got the reading skill as I was able to read some of the words in my dads newspaper and wow, it was borderline cheating, it basically allowed me to speed read of course not that fast as im still Lv1 but eventually i could probably read shit in an instance. 

(*Time skip*)

it has been around five years since i've been reborn into this world and things are going smoothly which wasn't unexpected at this was just a normal world and was the late 1900s so yeah, i had a really good childhood so far and the nice thing about it is that i'm actually going to remember it in this life as i hardly could remember it in my past life but of course i know it now after my stay in the void, but yeah, it's been pretty normal. I played and all that, spent time with my parents and now I even have a little sister who is 3 years younger than me called Lily.

And that is one of the most significant things that have happened as in my past life i was adopted and don't really care about it much but i also had an older sibling and i thought it was rather normal, but when she was born it was so special to me as now i had a younger sibling who can turn into my minion HAHAHA... cough i mean to properly educate and protect, and with her being a normal baby compared to me, she received a lot more attention from our parents as she cried, shit a lot more than i did, and it was pretty funny to see some appreciation for me in my parents eyes as i wasn't as much of a hassle. 

but yeah now i basically had a little follower everywhere i go and it was adorable.

In other news i got another op skill called Learning Lv4 so as the name saying it basically helps me learn and comprehend things much much faster and way more efficiently, at first i also though my skills aren't leveling up fast but it turns out that these skills are basically really powerful, like i have a breathing skill that reached Lv5 well because yeah i breath alot, and at first i thought it was a useless skill but how wrong i was. this skill basically makes it so when i breath it takes in only the good stuff in the air it basically filters out the majority of pollution, and it makes my breathing so much more beneficial and effective, like we went to do a doctors test and apparently i'm the healthiest baby they had ever seen, oh and i can hold my breath for like 10 minutes, no joke, so i've come to the conclusion that reaching milestones like Lv5 and Lv10 ect would have huge effects, cause just think about it, it helps filter out pollution now and would eventually be able to filter out other things like idk water???

Would I eventually be able to breath under water with this skill? Anyways, yeah I'm broken for such a normal world, and I love it. another skill i got was called babysitting, yeah that's thank to my sister, and well it basically made mom leave my sister more to me as my sister would really behave around me and it also passively made her more calm and happy around me which eventually gave way to a skill called calming aura, which as it sounds basically makes things around me more calm, and god that can be broken but luckily i can control it other wise things could get out of hand real quick.

I also realized the babysitting skill also give knowledge on basically most animals, 

as it was a baby sitting skill that considered every type of baby which could be looked after. That's why I realized it was hard to get it passed Lv2 as I had only been babysitting my sister.

But now animals love me because of both my calming aura and babysitting skill, because let's face it all animals no matter the age are babies. 

So yeah, that's pretty much what's been happening for the past 5 years of my new life and I love it. but don't get me wrong i can get board as hell, 

It's funny because with my skills it makes it look like I am very hard working ect but I'm still incredibly lazy so it's hard to focus on many things but boredom makes you do things to not be bored so some stuff was done.

(*Time skip*)

it's been 2 years since something interesting really happened and now that i turned 7 I would start to attend school, and i really didn't want to but then i realized it was really the only way for me to learn things more on my own and actually get out of the house, and well my sister didn't like that because it would mean she would be able to be with me all day, but i just said i would give her more head pats and well she caved, yeah like you have probably guessed i've got a skill called headpats and well it's really effective especially with the other 2 skills babysitting and calming aura in effect. 

and once I started school I realized I really didn't need to pay any attention in class as well. It was grade one stuff and well I already knew all of this stuff. 

Plus I've got math and other subject related skills and well yeah math is pretty easy now. and just like that a few months had passed by of me going to school and learning shit, 

and well i've made an interesting discovery. and that is if i were to learn 5 skills that were similar to other skills i would get a new skill all together which would replace those five but they wouldn't actually be replaced 

and more live merged and well the skill that merged was English, Spanish, laten, japanese and German. 

and don't get me wrong these skills were only at around lv2 with english being lv3 and i only was able to get these skills by looking through the very limited library and only found relatively few words of the language as 

it was more of an alphabet book, but once i had learned the 5 language my skills began to merge and gave me the skill linguistics Lv1 and on that day shit got weird as i thought it had just basically allowed me to know the basics of every language but that was until i heard something with my amazing hearing which was "Jonny don't piss on me you idiot piss on the prey so others don't take it." 

now mind you it was pretty broken but i was like what in the fuck was happening and so i looked out the window looking to see some but found nothing, but i heard random talk like that again and when i checked i realized something fascinating and , the only thing that was there were 2 stray cats, now i was confused still and dismissed it until i heard the voices and again and finally realized where it was coming from, it was coming from the fucking cats! The skill of linguistics allows me to know every language and that includes animals, and at that time I was shocked and didn't really know what to think. After school I went to where the cats were and tested out my theory. I looked at the cats with my calming aura and said, "Could you 2 keep it down when you're fighting?"

They looked at me and I looked back 'maybe it was a mistake, there is no way I can speak.-'

"Did that human just speak our Language?"

"nah, don't be stupid you know humans have no idea what they say to us, like you know missy she was saying the other day she has to shout at her owner until he understand what she is saying and even then he just kept saying tax invoice and she was saying even if her human is stupid she still loved him."

'Holy shit I was right!! And that kinda makes sense what he said'

"No i can understand you, i was just making sure i could, i thought i was going crazy you know?" "holy! He can understand us, you see this jonny i knew it would happen one of these days!'

So after talking to the cats a bit more I started to understand more of what they were saying, and I was curious how I sounded, like was I meowing or something? But it turns out cats make an almost invisible sound that they use to communicate with each other and when a can meows it's basically yelling, so I can now understand why my cat used to meow at me when I got home.

From there the year was going rather well and sometimes I would hear the most random crap from somewhere but I also was lucky, like at one point I thought I would be talking to mosquitos or something but luckily they apparently communicate weirdly so I was happy with that, and also I started to do some exercise at home, just light stuff and once again after doing 5 different types of exercise my skills combined and became Exercise Lv1 in which case it give me basic information on all types of exercise while also making my gains more efficient, well It makes sense because if you do exercise right you get the right results, and it also helped with muscle retention and compression, by like 5% which is actually a lot especially for lv1 but I also realized that this skill is going to be really hard to level up.

Funnily enough I have a skill called running and walking which basically makes it use less energy and make me more efficient in it, and well breathing and running and exercise, is god damn broken and I'm not complaining. But the real cheat was after a week of doing some light exercise was when I started getting information on a new skill called growth. Yeah just from the name you know it will be op. And it was! This skill basically helps me grow in the most optimal way while retaining any gains of anything, that includes the growth of my muscles and shit, which gives another 5% and that's only level 1. And there is an important thing to note, my brain is a muscle, yeah you know what I mean, so I could basically train my brain and my skill makes it hard for me to lose progress, imagine what it would be like at lv10, and from this I got yet another skill called multitasking, yeah I drew a circle and a triangle at the same time and it came to me, and it is pretty op, I can basically focus on more than 1 thing, and with all my skills you just know I'm going to be amazing in the future. 

One day I was on my way back from school with my mother and while we were walking I heard someone speaking and it turned out to be one of the old cats, it walked up to me and said hello before telling me that there was some kids bullying a little girl and apparently they wanted me to help her because she would leave food for them, so I told my mom I heard something and ran in the direction and soon I found 3 boys around my age and 1 really fat one and I could see them cornering a girl, so I quickly went over there, and asked them to stop, but of course there not going to listen. 

"haha, You idiot why would I listen to you unless you want what she has and get beaten." 'isn't this supposed to be a high school thing? Like why are they bullying children, it's honestly disgusting' and so I decided to get a little physical and yanked the boys away and scared them off, and after they had called the girl a freak and nonsense I didn't really listen to and for them saying he would tell their parents they left. After they left I went up to the girl and helped her up and picked up her glasses from the ground before giving them to her. "hi, are you okay?"

I asked the girl, to which she looked at me with her vibrant green eyes and thank me for helping her, while she was thanking me I took a quick once over of the girl and realized she was really small for our age and I could see she was wearing like 4th hand clothes, and was seriously malnourished. Just then I tune back in. 

"thank you for helping me, but i don't want to bother you with him because now he will try to target you, he has done it in the past, i'm really sorry for getting you into trouble, but please forgive me brother" "whoa- hold on, did you just say brother?!" "yes?" she squeaked her reply. "what the hell type of brother does this to there sister!" I was seriously Getting pissed off. "well i'm actually his cousin but my parents passed away so i've been living with my aunt" "still! That doesnt give him any right to do this, it's disgusting."

"Anyways I'm Matthew, Matthew white. Nice to meet you." I say while putting my hand out for a handshake, "ah, my name is Rose, Rose potter, and thank you again for helping me.'' Just as we shook hands, I got information on a new skill and I was stunned.

Mana sense lv1, 'hold the fuck on, what the fuck' I was so confused that I had to re read it and I was right 'holy shit, magic' it was something I didn't even think of and noe that I am thinking this changes everything.

'Wait a second, an ugly fat kid in gourdy clothes, a malnourished person who wears glasses and her surname is potter. Holt shit!! I'm in an alternate universe of Harry Potter!' while I was going histerical in my mind I looked up and indeed it was there, the Scar on her forehead, with that I was convinced, and I was super excited about learning magic and going to hog warts but I soon found out something shocking, I was using my magic sense on Rose while we were talking and I could sense I guess a baseball size thing at the center of her body between her chest and navel, and soon my skill leveled up to level 2, from there I could feel more of her mana and I followed it up untill it reached her scar, and from it it felt off, like it had a really disgusting feeling, but soon I also sensed something else and I realized what it was, it was the horcrucx, as it was part soul I could feel it, and from what I was sensing it was soo dense there that I could see a faint greenish colour, and I was right because just then I got a new skill mana sight, and wow, I could now faintly see the mana over Rose, as it seemed that I could only faintly see it thanks to her dense ish Magic while I still couldn't see the mana in the air only faintly sense it, and soon enough the skill levels up to level 2.

From there I was getting interested what my mana looked like, but just then my mom had come and I explained how I found Rose like this, and she was also appalled at Roses state, so I asked if she could come over and we could play and mom could look at her injuries, at first Rose wanted to refuse, but my Mom was very persistent on this as this was the first time I asked for a friend to come over, well what do you expect?

So eventually I just told Rose I would like to hang out with my friend, and she was a bit confused until I said I wanted to be friends and she was happy as she didn't have any friends so she said yes, and from there I started hanging out with Rose pretty much Everyday, and my mom also went to talk to the Dursleys about the horrible treatment of Rose and well nothing really changed but now Rose basically was with my family from breakfast till noon, as she just slept at the Dursleys and my parents were fine with this as they tried calling child services but nothing changed and I'm pretty sure that's due to Dumbledore, bastard, well anyways I made a very alarming discovery when I was trying to look for my magic core.

I couldn't find it, in other words I was a muggle. Yeah, I honestly didn't expect it, especially after reading so many hp fanfics but I realized life doesn't always go as planned, but honest I did have a plan on how to fix this, and the plan was manga, yes manga, if harry potter was real that would mean all other fiction had to be real too right? And so I embarked on the journey of studying magic at least related to magic from what I understood, but besides that, Rose and I because the bestest of friends, and well my only friend, and throughout the next 2 years we had lots of fun, and i got a few new good skills, and for one that would be mental defense and the story how I got this was kinda scary, as from what I Was able to recover was that one day a person had come to my family while Rose was here and erased our memory of Rose while also making Rose forget us as it wasn't what Dumbledore wanted, and the only reason I know this is because I decided to use my soul one day to fly around London, and once I had, suddenly a rush of information came to me in which I could remeber Rose and that day, it was thanks to my soul not being affected by my body's brain as well as soul protection which had leveld up and I also saw in my soul I had a skill called mental protection, which then I quickly as possible started using and went back to my body and I used mental protection untill the day became clear, after which I subtly started teacher my parents it untill they remeberd, this was thanks to my skill teaching, as I would often teach my sister and Rose as it was rather fun doing it and the skill allows me to basically teach any of my skills to others up to a certain level and it was at Level 3 so it was effective l, and thanks to a skill called mind arts which I got from practicing mental protection I was able to somewhat make some good Sheilds as I had all diffrent beginner types of ways to protect the mind, with this I was able to subtelly teach my family this without them knowing while making a front in their minds so if people tried to read it it would look normal as if it were still without Rose, and with Rose when I saw Her I just quickly fixed her mind and made things look normal while also putting a front in her mind so that if people try to read it, it would look like how the original story was supposed to look like with a few minor changes such as instead of Harry it would be Rose, and the daily life would be similar repeats of what her life was like before meeting me, and while I was at it, i built her some rudimentary Shields for her.

After doing all of this my mind arts levels up, and with that things returned relatively back to normal, and as another year passed, I was ready to try and give myself a magical core like Rose, and I was able to do this thanks to the skill Mana manipulation Lv4, yeah I had been practicing a lot. And I also realized a loophole that I was exploiting and that was I had a skill called mind arts right? Well I got this skill before mana manipulation which means I had control over the mind without any magic whats so ever, and now that I could use the ambient magic I used it to reinforce my mind and my families and friend mind even more, and my skill level up even more, and with that I had a strong mind, and let me tell you something, when your able to basically make it so your mind only focused on one thing you get shit done really efficiently, I could do this by basically making a mental partition and using multitasking controlling them, so the one partition would be the thing my mind subconsciously controlled, while the other mind now was completely focused on studying things that I believed would help me make a magic core. 

When I first tried to gather the ambient mana in my body like how the void for my soul but it didn't work and just dissipated, then I tried to make mine look like Rose's, but that also didn't work so I decided I would use a method I read and I believed would work, and that was what I was going to do tonight, I had snuck out and asked The surrounding animals to clear the area, cause I don't know what will happen, I first started by once again gathering the Ambiant mana in my body and started condensing it, with that I slowly moved the mass of mana to my heart, from there I used my knowledge of runes to start making a binding rune, while doing that I also used mana to create the latin alphabet and as many mana runes as I could before putting the runes around the mana, from there I stretched the mana around my heart and made a ring shape, but I wasn't dont yet, because if I were to stop the mana would just dissipate, from there I used some of the mana to draw a little bit of blood directly from the heart, with it I used my mana to mix with it while putting the other half of the runes in it, after which I placed it on the inside of my heart directly In the center. The mana and blood began to form a crystal and started to output a new type of energy which I found out was called life force, with this I connected the runes and with the crystal in the center projecting life force all around and the mana circle surrounding my heart keeping it in, the runes connected And then a sudden explosion happened around me just then I could now see that without my input the magic ring around my heart was spinning by itself, and I could feel mana start to permeate my body. Just then I got new knowledge and a skill called mana heart had been created and in my information I could see a new section under soul rank that says first circle sorcerer and I realized I had done it I had made a magic core or rather a man's heart, now you may be wondering why it was so important for me to have a core and the answer is because the magic quill that writes the letters for hogwarts wouldn't be able to find me and then I wouldn't be able to go to hogwarts, and if the magic world finds out there is a person who could use magic without a core I would probably be hunted down, anyways now that I have my core I quickly went home and went to sleep, sleeping LV 6.

(for those wandering the magic rings came from the manga the sorcerer kings return)

Rose and I were now respectable 10 and 10 as my birthday was in December and today was the day, everything was going like normal and then suddenly I heard pecking at my window, and as I looked my eyes shone with excitement as I saw an owl with a letter, I went over and spoke to the very surprised owl and thanked It and gave it some bacon. after which I opened and it read.


Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock,

Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Mr White,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall signed

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress



First-year students will require:

Three sets of plain work robes (black) One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar) One winter cloak (black, with silver fastenings)

Please note that all pupil's clothes should carry name tags.


All students should have a copy of each of the following:

The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1)

by Miranda Goshawk

A History of Magic

by Bathilda Bagshot

Magical Theory

by Adalbert Waffling

A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration

by Emeric Switch

One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi

by Phyllida Spore

Magical Drafts and Potions

by Arsenius Jigger

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

by Newt Scamander

The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection

by Quentin Trimble


1 wand

1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)

1 set glass or crystal phials

1 telescope

1 set brass scales

Students may also bring, if they desire, an owl OR a cat OR a toad.



Yours sincerely,

Lucinda Thomsonicle-Pocus signed

Lucinda Thomsonicle-Pocus

Chief Attendant of Witchcraft Provisions

It was somewhat surreal, as who would have thought that this would happen, well it was pretty amazing, I quickly came down stairs and gave it to my parents and they didn't believe it, and I mean I understand why as it did sound like a load of bull to normal people, but then Rose walked in the house gave me a hug and said good morning to my parents and sister, and as we were having breakfast Rose started talking about a weird letter she had gotten about a school of magic, and I then took out my letter and showed her it, she was surprised and my parents looked at each other. We continued our day as usual.

We waited for the specified day when they said someone would come to see us, and one day on Saturday, someone knocked on my door, and I went to open it. When I opened the door I saw a person who looked familiar and yet not, as she looked exactly like her actor from the movies. It was Professor McGonagall in the flesh. ``Hello there young man, I presume you must be Matthew White? " "that would be correct, whom might you be miss?" "you can call me Professor McGonagall"

Just then Rose came to the door, and McGonagall had a really surprised look as she thought i had a younger sister, but then Rose introduced herself and the McGonagall was incredibly surprised as it is almost impossible for there to be 2 wizards that would know each other outside of hogwarts unless they were magical familys then after her surprise she came in to meet my parents, she introduced herself and started giving the hole shtick of hogwarts and showed us some actually magic, which was really amazing to see, she then stated how she was surprised that Rose was here and my parents explained that she had be practically living with us as her relatives abused her and even after 4 years there were still some signs how her treatment, she looked furious but quickly looked stoick, after which she said that she would come back tomorrow to take us all shopping in diagon alley.

My sister was very sad to say the least that Rose and I were going to basically be going to boarding school, and cried a lot, as throughout the years Lily was slightly jealous of Rose for being so close to me, but she soon got over it after hearing about what Rose had been through but once again she was sad and slightly jealous that I would be gone for so long, after consoling her, she said that she would also go to hogwarts and be with me, and then I realized well shit, she doesn't have a core, I guess i'll have to make here one in the future else something like Lily and petunia would happen and I don't want that to happen. 

The next day we all went to dragonally and it was really magical, it was amazing, especially with the so many people I presume doing school shopping. The first stop was the bank, this is where I asked a bit about the bank and I got her to say stuff about bloodline and vaults, so I asked the goblin when I got there, to transfer the 1000 pounds in gallons and to also set up a blood line Inheretance test for both Rose and myself, McGonagall was a little suprized and irritated but let it go after some puppy eyes which I'm a master at as the skill was already Lv4 and with that Rose and I got tests done, it turns out I have absolutely no inheritances which makes sense as I was a muggle not to long ago, but as it turns out Rose had 3 yes 3, she had the Potter inheritance, the Evans inheritance which her mother had made which isnt surprising as Rose's mother was an amazing witch and probebly studied how to do it, and she also had the blacks inheritance due to magic and contract as Sirius black was in askaban, from this she got 3 heir ring and was said to be able to become lord at 17 years of age, from there they called the account managers, and asked my family to leave but Rose insisted on me staying which really warmed my heart, she clung to my sleave as my family and the professor left, once the goblins came in they started to describe her current situation and I helped her better understand, I then asked under Rose's permission "does anyone else besides Rose have access to her vaults? Also could you bring her parents' will? As since 2 magical familys were involved there had to be a will.``

From there they asked Rose if that was fine and from there Rose got her rings to merge and she made the Potter ring the visible one.

Once the goblins came back they showed that Rose's Magical guardian had access to her potter family vault to which I asked what guardian and they explained it to be Dumbledore. From there I asked who this person was and why had he never come to look after Rose, and from there Rose got where I was going and continued the questions. 

The Goblins realized something was indeed wrong here. "so where is the will?" "Here is the copy of the will '' and as we read through it it just didn't make sense. So I asked about the original in which they said it should either be in the potter or Evans vault. We went down to the potter vault in which I asked if we could go look for the original will as the guardian hasn't been using the funds from the vault properly and there should be some way, they agreed and allowed us to search but nothing, then we went to the Evans Vault, and as we went to explore I found something under a rag, and when I lifted the rag I saw a painting, It was a painting of a beautiful red haired girl with glowing green eyes, and I realized who it was, but before I could say anything she asked "who are you! What are you doing in the Evans family vault!" 

I then called out to Rose "Rose! I found something you definitely want to see, oh by the way I'm your daughter's best friend." Just then Rose came to where I shouted and was about to ask me about what I was calling about, then she saw the picture and asked me "Matthew who is this lady?" The woman in the painting looked confused at first then hurt I then said "oh come on, look at her eyes, she is obviously your mother" I said with a smile and I could see the shock in her eyes and then she turned her head so fast I was concerned that she may have broken it and asked The woman "is it true? Are you really my mother? My mother died in a drunk car crash?" she was skeptical and I don't blame her as this would be the first time she had seen a moving image, her voice was trembling as she tightly grabbed my arm.

Lily at first appeared confused and then realized and then angry. "Yes, my name is Lily Evans Potter, mother of Rose Evans Potter, but I'm confused as how did you get here in the vault since you're clearly not 17 and what do you mean by car crash? Your father and I died due to Voldemort, and I'm glad I could see you again, my sweet baby girl." she had a very motherly and teary smile and face while speaking, we then explained Rose's life up until now, and to say she was angry was an understatement, she was absolutely furious, she asked about her will and we showed her the copy in which she shouted that, that wasn't the will and that the original will was in one of the safes in her vault, and we went and got it and I was stunned, in the will it was stated that in the case of Rose's parents death she were to go live with Alice lonbottom and if she wasn't alive then it would go to Andromeda black and if she wasn't around It would go to sirius black, it even stated under no circumstances would her daughter go to her sister Petunia Dursly.

After this revelation we asked Lily on what to do as again we are still children, and at that she asked us to call her vault manager and we did, the goblin was at first suprized at the portraite of Lily but after hearing what we had found out he had gone angry and pale as the will they had, had been forged and that this involved illegal bank transfers of the potter vault as the guardian for Rose should be Andromida black, so at that the Goblin had sent a message for Ms black to come to the bank urgently and not even 15 minutes later she arrived, she was escorted to the vault where she cried after seeing Lily's portrate as she thought that they had all been destroyed, after the tear full reunion, Rose and I introduced ourselves and then gave her the will, and after she had finished reading she was shocked and angry and she voiced it by explaining that is was the first time she had ever seen this will and she was furious at whom ever had done this, and after that she agreed to be Rose's Gardian after asking Rose and Rose asked me which was very cute but I nodded as I knew Andromida was a good person. After all of that was sorted out Rose got an expanded bag and had taken a hundred galleons while also taking the painting of her mother. 

Once we were outside we saw an angry McGonagall and a worried family, and before she could get angry I had briefly explained what had happened and to say the least was McGonagall furious would be an understatement of the century, after all that we continued doing our shopping and on the way Rose got an Owl, while I found a black kitten to my liking and she seemed to like me well most animals do but I just clicked with the cute thing, I named her Nana just because it fit. And then we went to our last destination, which was the wand shop and I was really skeptical as I knew I didn't need a wand to do my magic thanks to my magic circles but I still needed one and as we went in, the whole shtick about Rose's sister wand being the wand that gave her, her scar it was my turn, mine was 13 inches made of cherry wood and had a thestral hair as a core, he said it was a very unusual combination as the wood Is about the beauty of life and how it was great for charms while the core represented death and loyalty till the end, a very powerful wand. And with that, we were ready for hogwarts. 

As we were leaving there was a little ruckus as Rose's had to Leave with Andromeda, as she was Rose's new guardian and Rose didn't want to leave me, but with a few words that we will see each other soon and a good head rub with a long hug she reluctantly went with Andromeda who by now had a wry smile on her face.

*Pov McGonagall*

Today was just an ordinary day where I went to visit this new student who would be attending Hogwarts and while I arrived at the house. I knocked and a boy opened it for me. Who I presumed to be Mr. White? He introduced himself as such and I introduced myself as a professor as per usual. But then a strange thing Happened a girl came to him and the girl turned out to be Rose Potter. Who was the savior of wizarding Britain, I was incredibly surprised to see her here. As she should be living with her relatives safe and sound, later I learned the story from Mr. White's parents. That she had been abused practically her whole life and it was only thanks to them that she wasn't still currently being abused. At first I thought they were lying. However, I too noticed the signs of malnourishment and abuse on her body. After all these years they still stayed there, I was incredibly furious and straight after the meeting. I went straight to Dumbledore's office. I demanded to know what the hell he was doing having sent Miss Rose to live with her relatives that have been abusing her for her whole life. However, I was very disappointed in his response about how it was for her own safety due to a charm of family protection. After a while I was consoled and was somewhat okay with his response but still very angry.

The next day I went to pick up the children to take them diagonally so they could get their supplies for school. The first stop was the wizarding bank and it took a lot longer than expected. Mr. White had asked the goblins for an inheritance test. And it turned out that he had no inheritance, which was no surprise and that Miss Potter had 3 inheritances from the Potter family, the Evans family and the black family. I was surprised by this as I hadn't realized that Lily had made A new magical house but it's not surprising considering her amazing aptitude for magic and the ability to learn.

After that, they disappeared to the vaults for a while and it took a long time and I was very irritated once more, but when they came back, they explained that apparently the will of the potters and Evans family had been tampered with and that. Rose was supposed to go live with Andromeda black. If the longboard, a long bottom family was dead.

And it seemed that the new guardian of the family who turned out to be Dumbledore had not even once visited Rose nor had she been explained about who her parents were. I was incredibly furious. This was one of my student's daughters and she had been treated poorly her whole life and she shouldn't have had a completely different life.


After the whole ordeal, I marched into Dumbledore's office once more. I demanded an explanation from him about what in the hell was happening. And why had Rose Potter's will been tampered with? He looked incredibly surprised and quickly composed himself. He then asked me to explain to him What i was talking about. I then explained how Lily had made a new vault. It's the Evans family and that the original will was found in there. And it turned out that the will had been completely tampered with and I demanded to know what was going on. He said he had no idea but I knew he was lying and even if I were to go and tell that to the ministry no one would believe it especially without proof I said that, because as it stands, he was the number one suspect for changing the will, as he was in charge of the money from the Potter vault because he had become The Guardian of Miss Rose Potter. After having another argument with him, I stormed out of the room as I couldn't understand why he had done it or if he had even done it.

But from now on I will look after Miss Potter during school. As there's no doubt she will Be in my house, both her parents were Griffindoors and I could see passion in her eyes for Justice and the incredible ability to learn and love.

*Rose Pov*

It was just like any other day. I'd been bullied by Dudley My cousin. My whole life had been like this so I thought nothing of it as I had become used to it over the years. But then 1 day everything changed. It was the day that my life changed forever and I couldn't be more grateful. It was the first year of school and once again. I was being bullied by Dudley and his friends but then A boy showed up and helped me. At first I was incredibly sorry to him because I knew that Dudley would not let him go now like he had done all in the past. I tried to convey this to the boy. But he didn't listen and said it was fine. He introduced himself as Matthew white and I introduced myself and from there. His mother came and I went to his house and from that day onwards my life had changed.

It was strange at first because no one had ever shown such care for me, but Like this the days went on and even if Dudley tried to do anything to Matthew, Dudley would fail. It was rather satisfying seeing him get what he deserved tho. 

After a week of befriending matthew I was really loving my time I spent with him, it became what I looked forward to each and everyday, but one day his parents had come to my house and started demanding that the Dursleys treat me properly, eventually it came to that I would sleep here but otherwise I would basically be living with matthew, and at first I was scared but in the end I loved it as to me Matthew because my new family. 

As the months go by I get used to basically living with the Whites and I'm now practically part of the family, and it feels so warm to be here, I basically had my own room here which was connected to Matthew's, we spend all the time together, weather it be at school or at home, and everything with him became the best moments of my life. Getting to know Lily was something as I could see that she was incredibly attached to Matthew which made me realize that, that's how I had been with him.

As the years go by I realize that I wouldn't be able to now live my life without him in it. He was my reason to get up in the morning, and it didn't help that he was pretty much perfect in everything he did, and at first I was slightly jealous but soon I started becoming less so when he started teaching me and his sister as the knowledge just flowed In when he was teaching us and honestly he was a way better teacher than any of the teachers at school and at most he would only have to explain something twice for me to be able to understand it. We did everything together. And then one day I woke up and had gotten a strange letter in which it talked about some magical school and I thought it was just a scam and when I came over to tell it to Matthew he had a letter as well.

It turned out that both him and I were wizards and witches, and it was amazing seeing real magic but I noticed math didn't seem so surprised but more in awe of it. The next day we were taken to the Wizarding marketplace basically where we were to buy our supplies for the school. The first stop was the bank and what a stop it was. There I learned that's too Matt that I was basically a noble and that I was an heir to 3 different houses, which was amazing, and I thought that matthew must be even more amazing but it turns out he doesn't have an inheritance whats so ever, if I could I would have given it to him but when I asked he rejected it saying it was part of who I could be and that it opens many doors for me, and it's sometimes so frustrating that he is so considerate of me but that's why I L- cough admire him so much. But as it turns out apparently there was a mistake in my will and thanks to Matthew we were able to find the original and I was even able to meet my mother whom we had a tearful reunion With. I honestly don't know what I would do without him. Anyway after all that and our shopping and the weird words of the wand maker we were returning home and just then I was told that I would be going with Andromeda Black who apparently was my Second Godmother, and I really didn't want to as I wanted stay with matthew, but after he gave me his heavily head pats and the best hug of my life I reluctantly agreed as it turned out I wouldn't be able to talk to my mother in a muggle house hold. 

"thank you for having me miss black" I said to the woman who gave me a stern look in which she said. "no need fot that please just call me aunt Andy, as you are my god daughter, if only i had known sooner" she said with regret in her eyes. I nodded. Soon after words she showed me where I would be staying and later that day I was introduced to her daughter and husband. They were surprised to hear about me and what I had been through, but it didn't bother me anymore as I had him by my side.

I already miss him..