
HP: Thunderstorm, Moon, and The Seer

What would happen when Fate decided to alter things a little? Harry's years of abuse left him broken more than one could imagine. An ever-changing meeting shall reshape Destiny Albeit for whatever Fate bestows, there is always a price.

RazielLNovellius · Book&Literature
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40 Chs

Chapter 22: All I Want for Christmas Is...

December 25th, 1989, 12 Diagon Alley, London, 11:10 AM

Under the pale-yellow light of the crystal chandelier, seemingly warming up the office on the top floor of Atid Stella's HQ, one could perceive the joyous expression blooming on Remus, the werewolf, dressed in an exquisite brown business suit and tie.

He was busy with all the reports regarding the company's newest products. It wasn't anything worth noticing—just a few errors here and there during the testing phase. Ethan's hypotheses and research weren't exactly as 'easy to grasp' as he assumed.

It was at times like this that Remus usually rushed to seek guidance from him via letter or whatever was available. However, the man mentioned above was currently sightseeing in some snow-coated mountains somewhere in Switzerland with his dearest godson.

Therefore, Remus had to handle the heavy theory-decrypting part with his employees.

Luckily for him, his employees were enthusiastic and capable, which saved him tonnes of headaches. Still, being left behind with the whole company to run while the two bosses of yours enjoyed their winter vacation carefreely didn't sound that pleasing to Remus.

Sigh. Remus had come to like the place, the busy, enthusiastic working atmosphere, and the positivity around his employees and customers. He did not deny that discrimination still found its way looming in the background, yet improvement was made along the way with the big help coming from Miss Verrona Rogeiros.

Now, considering all the awkwardness when the company first opened to the public for a visit, it was such a relief to have such a capable manager on day one.

Snapping out his vivid memories, Remus focused on the other thing that brought a joyous smile to his face today. This was a letter sent a few minutes ago by none other than the renowned potioneer Damocles Belby.

Yes, Remus had been waiting for his reply ever since that face-to-face exchange they had a week ago.

Which was initiated hastily by Mr Belby just a morning after he received a small package containing a newly brewed vial of improved Wolfsbane potions by Remus, along with a 2-foot-long letter describing the potion effects, improvements and some criticisms regarding Mr Belby's version, which Remus intentionally derived from what Ethan had handed him that day

And finally, a note expressed Remus's will to 'discuss' the matter further.

He must say it was amusing to see the hairy grumpy when they first met at a nearby tea shop in Diagon Alley. The old wizard could be said to fit the image of what Muggles would have thought of a traditional wizard: a blue denim layered robe, a pointy hat, golden-rimmed glasses, long white beard matching hair, and striking blue eyes despite his age.

He bore a face filled with astonishment as well as embarrassment, for Mr. Belby wouldn't have come to realise that Remus was infected with lycanthropy if he had not mentioned it himself.

The potioneer soon returned to his professional posture, as he still wanted to hold on to whatever was left of his dignity since he practically left his creation to be improved to almost perfection by someone like this.

Mr. Belby began questioning all the side components added in this version. He was most taken aback when he read the part involved in using Moonstone!

Moonstone, also known as the wishing stone, was a gemstone of medium value, which meant they were as plentiful as grass on the sidewalk, yet the handling procedure that came along was even more intriguing.

The potioneer was that much of a narrow-minded old hag when it came to his field of study, yet he found these rather outrageous despite their innovativeness.

However, Remus only showed a condescending smirk towards Belby's attitude as he seamlessly countered all the old pioneer's remarks. He had long thoroughly done his study.

Then, no sooner than Remus finished his statement inviting collaboration from the ashamed potioneer, he nodded in agreement like a chicken, as if the old wizard had just found his saving grace.

Remus smiled in satisfaction as he kept on using the leverage to push the potioneer to sign the prepared contract smoothly. Now, this would no doubt save the company an abundance of time dealing with the Ministry and the issues revolving around the authority of such a high-end potion.

Plus, they get to have another capable potioneer in the upcoming future operations of the company. Regardless of Ethan's not-so-positive impression of Damocles Belby's character, the old wizard's talent was undeniable.

This was also a positive sign for all those who suffered the curse of lycanthropy; a glimmer of light lay ahead of their darkest future, as the improved version would no doubt be much more available and effective for all.

Therefore, the letter Remus held sealed the deal that day. The werewolf smiled in relief. 'It's good to see some hope in this world.'

Carefully putting away Mr. Belby's letter of agreement, Remus enthusiastically retrieved another unopened letter sent shortly by none other than his dearest godson!

Remus almost burst into tears, as he seldom received such heartwarming letters in his long-cursed life. Especially when it came from his godson, who was just a few months ago still subjected to the savage slavery life imposed by those who were supposed to be his family.

His mouth curled up into a genuine smile as he recalled how Harry's been doing much better, much happier with his new Guardian. Ethan was truly the one that Harty needed at that time… They both needed each other at that time.

Slowly, Remus opened the elegantly decorated letter from Harry, of course with Ethan's help.

In the letter, Harry told a lot about the trip around Europe, where they had visited, and the local specialties, muggle or magical.

Remus read all that with satisfaction and astonishment, as he was truly happy for Harry.

Accompanied by the letter were also dozens of moving pictures taken by Harry, depicting the wondrous scenery across every place the two had been. There were even some notes on the back of each picture, partially recounting their trip.

Amid reading this letter, a seemingly foreign idea surged within Remus's mind. Maybe he should press his two elusive bosses for a vacation! Especially with his curse no longer an imminent problem, it's time to experience some Qualities of Life.

For a second, an insidious grin bloomed on his face, which was veiled within the shadow where the sunlight could not reach, making the scene much more horrifying should any of the employees witness it now.

Remus snapped out of his scheming state as he caught the announcement at the end of the letter.

"PS: We will be back by the afternoon. Uncle Ethan hopes you can come by in the evening to celebrate Christmas."

It was then a realisation drawn upon Remus, for the man had been enthusiastically immersed in his job to even forget that it was December 25th today. He did even have time to shop for some Christmas gifts for everyone, as tomorrow was Boxing Day.

Setting aside the cheerful feeling of seeing his godson again, Remus glanced at the clock residing in the corner of the room, He quickly wrapped up the remaining paperwork before leaving the office at precisely 1 p.m.

As he made his way to the entrance of the company building, Remus could now clearly savour the Christmas spirit permeating the entire building.

Christmas decorations pervaded every corner, from the top floor down to the lowest floor, from every employee's workplace to the grand main hall, as the interior was also bathed in the warm orange hue of the setting sun.

Remus quickly announced to all the employees to wrap things up, as today is Christmas after all.

The joyful sound of greetings exchanged reverberated as Remus spotted his wondrous manager, Ms. Verrona Rogeiros. Donning her usual suit and over-knee-length skirt, she was bidding farewell to visitors and subordinates.

"Merry Christmas, Miss Rogeiros!" Remus walked over with a brighter smile than usual.

"Merry Christmas, Mr. Remus!" Verona's eye's sparkled with friendliness as usual, with a tinge of surprise to see Mr. Secretary here at this hour.

After two exchanged pleasantries, Remus even took the opportunity to ask for Ms. Rogeiro's advice regarding Christmas gifts, for it had been a long time since he had celebrated this day with anyone, especially after that faithful night.

The manager was taken by surprise by such questions, but soon she maintained her composure as she enthusiastically gave Remus some pointers.

With that, Remus urged her to finish the work earlier than usual to go home and celebrate Christmas with her family. Seemingly understanding Remus's reason, the manager gladly obeyed, showing her gratitude towards the capable Secretary before her departure.

Remus quickly closed off the building with magic as he ventured out into the Alley.

He intended to apparate right to 221B Baker Street but refrained from doing so as he now had to do a little shopping for tomorrow.

The man quickly made a few stops at different shops on the Alley as he looked for suitable gifts for Harry and his two intriguing bosses.

Seeing as the time hadn't reached the evening, Remus decided to just leisurely do some sightseeing on the way to Harry's place.

London bathed in the glorious and warming atmosphere of Christmas despite the biting cold wind and snow.

Each street and store took on a new coat adorned with various decorations, sparking light bulbs illuminating the elegant white snow.

Remus observed the busting pedestrians coming back and forth, greeting each other 'Merry Christmas.' Couples, families, and even groups of friends could be seen all across the street, engaging in the dynamic atmosphere of one of the biggest and most meaningful holidays of the year.

The air in London was filled with smiles and gleaming golden lights from the never-ending yet iconic song of Christmas.

Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock

Jingle bells swing and jingle bells ring

Snowin' and blowin' up bushels of fun

Now the jingle hop has begun…

What a bright time, It's the right time

To rock the night away

Jingle Bell time is a swell time

To go glidin' in a one-horse sleigh...

The upbeat and slightly hoarse yet cheerful voice of Bobby Helms echoed every crook and cranny, bringing up the Christmas spirit.

'Did I truly miss out that much?' Remus's mind drifted to the Marauders, the accompanies, and the adventure they shared—the innocence of youth despite his eternal curse.

Traces of sadness flash over Remus's face as he comes to realise how long it has been since he truly enjoyed such occasions… He breathed in the atmosphere, not letting the negative thoughts catch his mind, as the image of a cheerful Harry waiting for him surged up the man's spirit by a lot.

The man marched forward on 221B Baker Street whilst admiring the presents presented in front of various stores along the way; maybe he'd find something distinguished as a gift.

He believed that, with Ethan's attitude, a Muggle gift would be much more interesting.

The image of the building at 221B Baker Street, emitting golden light through the window, finally came into Remus's view. He didn't think it would take longer to arrive, as the sky was already painted with numerous stars surrounding the silver moon.

Adjusting his attire before any meeting had become a new habit for Mr. Secretary, seemingly affected by Ethan's mannerisms.

No sooner had Remus proceeded to push the door's bell than his dearest godson answered the call with a bright smile on the boy's face.

"Good evening, Uncle Remus. We've been waiting for you!" Harry swept into a warm embrace with Remus, as he seemed to be much more excited than usual.

The boy enthusiastically gestured for Remus to come into the living room, which was decorated with a Christmas theme; some were even enchanted, and everything was bathed in a glorious and warming colour of pale golden.

The boy eagerly retold every detail of his first ever winter vacation with Ethan.

There were brief moments of surprise on Remus's face, though soon replaced by a genuine smile. Looking into the boy's sparkling emerald eyes, he could see Harry acting like any other normal child.

It wasn't that Remus hadn't noticed Harry's opening up to him lately, but still, to see the boy this enthusiastic was a relatively new experience.

'Did something happen during the trip?'

Having spotted Ethan clad in a formal linen shirt, black vest, and navy trousers as he leisurely leaned by the kitchen counter, savouring a mug of latte.

Ethan was waiting for the food to be cooked when he noticed Remus's puzzle look at Harry's sudden enthusiasm. Ethan just smiled in acknowledgement

Remus subconsciously nodded in return with a greeting smile before he turned back to Harry.

"It must be a very spectacular trip, then. I can't wait to see the souvenirs; they must be amazing." Remus remarked truthfully as he ruffled the boy's head whilst grinning brightly.

"Thank you, Harry, for the letter and all those photos; they meant a lot to me... I… It's been a long time since anyone did this for me. Thank you."

"Y-You're welcome, Uncle Remus," Harry said quietly as he gently pulled a feeling blue Remus into a warm embrace.

Just then the doorbell once again rang, and Ethan quickly made his way to answer the call, not wanting to disrupt the two precious moments.

At the moment the doorbell rang, Ethan already knew who it was. It was also one of the wards he set up to have the function of checking individual signatures.

Waiting eagerly at the front door was none other than a grinning Samatheus.

"Merry Christmas, my friend! How was your trip? I could still smell the hot, delicious smell of Switzerland's cheese and chocolate on you."

Still dressed in a formal deep emerald suit, accompanied by a turquoise scarf tied into a false knot, the most distinguishing, almost unmatched garment that made Ethan raise his eyebrows was a prominent red and white Christmas hat with various patterns on Sam's head.

Seemingly noticing his friend's gaze, Sam proudly introduced the hat; it was a souvenir he brought whilst on his small trip with his godson.

"We were having a great time too. Merlin! It would be awesome if Draco and Harry could meet someday. Don't you think so, after all… I believe the two will become great friends." Sam's eyes shone with hope, and he thought about such a future.

Ethan nodded in acknowledgement, for Harry really needed to make some friends his age; this could prove to be better for Harry's mental health.

"So, Draco is your godson. How spectacular! Mr. Malfloy must be so thrilled to have you in his family; as a matter of fact, you're still here, in one piece. Should we celebrate this historical victory of Samantheus Faramundo, the arch-enemy of the Pureblood supremacy!"

Sam rolled his eyes at Ethan's mocking tone, as the not-so-welcoming attitude between Sam and Lucius wasn't something unfamiliar to the Ravenclaw's genius.

"To be fair, I did this for Draco, poor boy; you know how his father could be when it comes to drilling all those 'noble ideologies' into his own son's head, rendering the boy's true happiness." Sam's tone was tinged with pity and a little bit of hatred.

"Indeed." Ethan let out a long sigh.

"Yes, yes, and now could you please let your guest in? It's freezing!" Sam gritted his teeth as he put up a menacing grin.

Only then did Ethan smile mischievously before letting the poor middle-aged man into the warm living room. "Oh, my apology. Please come in, boss."

Sam hissed in return for such courtesy.

When the two finished their small chat, Remus and Harry had already finished plating the food.

"Merry Christmas, Remus, my trusted Secretary!" Remus shook hands with the vigorous boss of him, smiling, yet he still darted Sam a piercing look, which made the man flinch briefly with a somewhat toned-down laughter as if he telepathically received the message.

Remus kept up a few more piercing glances at his grinning boss as he watched him waving contently at Harry.

Seeing everything was in place, Ethan clapped his hands, signalling to begin the feast.

Before that, Harry quickly ran up to his room under the puzzled looks of Remus and Sam, whilst Ethan had a mysterious smile on his face.

Moments later, the boy came back while holding something carefully in his hands. Ethan smiled sheepishly, as he stated.

"On our hike up the mountains in Interlaken, we encountered him alone, buried in the snow. Uncle Ethan and I decided to take care of him for now."

'Huh?' Both were attentively watching Harry unfold the surprise they brought back from their trip.

Seconds later, Remus and Sam were rendered speechless as they were taken aback by the golden thing dashing in the air once it escaped Harry's hold. Its round figure resembled that of a small ball, yet it had golden wings and prominent red eyes.

Remus was stunned to see the spiritual creature of Quidditch presented in front of him. The man grasped. "A Golden Snidget? In The Flesh? How could… Why…" Remus carefully examined the exquisite creature, seemingly a newborn. It looked exactly like how he first learned about them at Hogwarts.

This was the first time Remus had ever seen one, for they were classified XXXX by the Ministry for obvious reasons.

Whilst Sam looked back and forth between the magical creature and Ethan, His mind told him that something was off; picking up a XXXX whilst hiking was convenient.

Sam could smell Ethan's cooking up something. Knowing his friend's superb intelligence, Sam could guess his trip to Switzerland with the purpose of research bore much more meaning to it. Sam gave Ethan side-eyes for a while before deciding to leave the matter behind as it was Christmas.

Still, Sam was astonished at such a rare magical beast. "Fascinating."

Harry smiled contently as he watched their reaction and Ethan's approving nod.

The bird flew around the living room a few times before settling down on Harry's head which the boy let it do all the time. Harry had been very fascinated by the bird throughout the time he spent taking care of it under Ethan's guidance.

"It seems to be very fond of you," Remus remarked amusingly

Harry sheepishly nodded. "We decided to call him Jasper." The moment his name was sounded, Jasper let out a vigorous hoot.

"Maybe he finds that my head resembles that of a bird nest." Harry's innocent remark earned him a blush as the three let out small giggles.

Ethan cleared his throat as he gestured for them to take them and begin the feast. "Anyway, thank you for coming, and... Merry Christmas!"