
HP: The Stealing Isn't That Bad! Is It?

Everybody learns things from their childhood, be it their good manners, bad manners, or something as small as speaking manners. And just like this They learn things in their childhood like playing, seeing some truths, some lie, stealing and many other things. All it comes downs to environment and how the child is getting raised most of the time. So, what forced Harry to learn stealing did it something happen when he was a child or something else entirely.

Player0273 · Book&Literature
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73 Chs


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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"You can't always run away from your troubles Harry. Sooner or later you have to face them, head on." Penny advised. "And we're always here to help you."

"I'll consider it." Harry replied. He stood up and kissed Penny in the cheek before vanishing.

"Look at the bookworms." Malfoy said. He spotted the group of second year Ravenclaws studying in the library and decided to pay them a visit. "Do you claws even have a social life?"

Michael Corner frowned at the Slytherin and his two bodyguards. "What do you want Malfoy?"

"I just want to say that you better prepare against us after we defeated those Gryffindor dunderheads this Saturday." Malfoy said. "I'm the new seeker of the Slytherin Quidditch Team."

"That's nice of you." Hermione said. "Now please leave, we are doing our revisions."

"I wasn't talking to you Mudblood." Draco said. He smiled in satisfaction as the three Ravens gasped in indignation while their fourth member ignored the conversation entirely.

"What about you Potter?" Draco decided to taunt the famous Boy-Who-Lived. He had tried several times in the past but his fellow second year always refused to take the bait. "I must say it is fitting for you to get betrothed to a half blood freak like yourself... still it's a better choice than a mudblood."

Hermione was about to draw her wand from her robes but was stopped by Padma who grabbed her elbow.

"I really don't have the patience with you right now Malfoy." Harry looked up from his notes and stared at the annoying Slytherin. "Leave... now."

Malfoy looked taken aback at Harry Potter's statement. He looked at those green eyes that stared at him and despite his two bodyguards, he suddenly felt uncomfortable. "And if we don't?" Draco replied.

Harry Potter smiled, but it was not the usual friendly smile he wore after a satisfying meal, but one that meant a promise of something else, something sinister.

"Let's go." Draco said to his guards and walked away. He looked back at the Ravenclaws and noticed that those green eyes were still looking at him and he suddenly felt a cold chill up his spine.

"Whoa." Michael said. "I never thought you could pull off the intimidating card."

Harry smiled faintly at his friends and went back to his work.

"You're late mate."

"I just finished detention with your head of house." Harry said.

"What did you do?" George Weasley asked.

"I skived from Transfiguration." Harry said.

"Like a true Marauder." Fred beamed at their new accomplice. "Now, are you ready?"

"Yep." Harry replied. "Let's get to it."

Harry followed the Weasley Twins through a series of secret passageways, and after making sure they were not followed, headed towards the secret tunnel to Hogsmeade.

"Where to first?" Harry whispered.

"The candy shop." Fred said. "I promised Alicia that I'll get her some chocolates."

"Fred here is trying to woo Alicia." George teased.

"At least I have a steady date for the Hogsmeade weekends." Fred argued. "It's only a matter of time before she becomes my girlfriend. What about you dear Twin, are you going to play tag along during my date?"

"I'm just smart enough not to commit myself too early." George said."Though if a hot Veela decided to sink her claws into me, who am I to say no?"

George winked at Harry and patted him in the shoulder. "You're my role model."

"Huh?" Harry asked.

"George here wants a Veela girl too." Fred sighed. "As if that's going to happen."

"You know, Fleur has many cousins your age." Harry grinned. "I could introduce a few to you George."

"You'd do that mate?" George asked, his eyes wide with hope.

"Of course... provided you help me in a project." Harry said. "It's going to be risky though."

"Say no more... I'm in!" George said eagerly. "Just leave my poor and uneducated twin with Alicia."

"Hey... can you introduce a girl for me too?" Fred whined.

"What about Alicia then?" George asked.

"Crap." Fred whispered. "Alicia really has a nice rack. Give it a few more years and she'll be the biggest in Gryffindor."

"Nah... Katie is bigger compared to Alicia at that age." George argued. "She also has a petite frame, and that makes her breasts bigger on her."

"Do all you think about is sex?" Harry asked.

"Yes!" the Weasley twins replied. "Now let's hurry up, we might get lucky and find Madam Rosmerta wearing that low cut dress again."

Harry laughed and followed the twins through the dark tunnel, his mood better after seeing the amusing antics of the Weasley Twins.

"Why don't you go out with your friends dear?" Andromeda asked. "You can't spend all your free time moping around the house."

"I don't feel like it mum." Tonks said. She continued to flip the channel, looking for a good movie to watch. After a few minutes she gave up. It wasn't the same without Kit curled up on her lap or right in front of the telly watching the screen with fascination.

"You have anything good to read mum?" Tonks said as she turned off the telly.

"Just the usual magazines." Andromeda pointed to the stack of magazines. "There's a good article about Harry Potter somewhere there. You met him personally, didn't you?"

"Yeah." Tonks said absently. She took the Witch Weekly from the stack and stared at the colored cover of the magazine where Harry Potter was featured prominently. The-Boy-Who-Lived was blinking his eyes as a flash from a camera surprised him and Tonks smiled when she remembered her meeting with him.

She was sure that Harry Potter found her name amusing, even though he denied it. When she met him at Diagon Alley, she was sure that she had met him before and his even his eyes were like Kit's...

"That idiot!" Tonks stood up as realization of the events dawned on her.

"Dora? What's wrong?" Andromeda asked.

"Nothing Mum." Tonks said. She had wondered how Kit... or Harry found her and she finally realized it was through the bond. She had half a mind to storm Hogwarts and confront Harry Potter but she decided against it after considering what it will do to him. One thing that puzzled her though, was how Harry Potter or Kit managed to travel from place to place so quickly?


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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