
HP: The Magical Gamer

A 10 year old Harry Potter was sleeping soundly in his house when something extraordinary miracle happens to him. He is Chosen to be the first gamer of his world by someone called Creator, and there are no conditions on how he should use it. And after discovering this he decided to become the strongest one in the world.

Kitamari · Book&Literature
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107 Chs

Chapter 69: New Member!

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"Someday, Harry, you will have to come clean with me. I don't like it when my children keep secrets from me as if they don't trust me. I won't ask you to tell me how you revived Iris since you asked me not to. I will respect that. But please, you don't have to hide anything from me, you can tell me anything. I won't ever judge you or belittle you. You just have to trust me." Lily whispered somberly and went away.

Harry winced at the parting remark and glanced at Iris who too was frowning thoughtfully.

"What mum said is true, Harry. You shouldn't keep secrets from your family." suggested Iris.

"I know, Iris. It's not because I want to, but because I didn't have another choice. Thankfully for us, now I can reveal my secret. One person at a time. You will understand what I mean in a minute. Wait a second." Harry told her as he clicked on the party system.

Iris gave him a curious look but held her silence.

[ Current Members(0/1) ]

— [None]

'Isis, add Iris to the party.' Harry commanded the system mentally.


[Do you want to add Iris Potter to your party? Once she is added she won't be able to be removed unless she dies.]


Isis' perfunctionery notification came up. Harry clicked on yes and there was a soft bell sound. If the way Iris' eyes widened was any sign then she heard it too.

[Congratulations, Iris Potter is now added to your Party.]

[Current Members(1/1) ]

[Iris Potter]

Shared Perk(0/1)

— [None]

Shared Skills(0/2)

— [None]

— [None]

Harry gasped in surprise. This was good. Too good. He could now give Iris one Perk and two Skills.

[Note: The basic perks like [Gamer's Mind] and [Gamer's Body] and [Observe] and [Skill Create] can't be shared. ]

Well, even then it was a great feature nonetheless. With this he could easily make her powerful swiftly.

"Iris, do you feel anything different?" Harry enquired excitedly.

She shook her head. "No. I did hear some bell sounds though."

"Okay. Let me tell you the truth now. All of the truths." Harry began and told her everything about the game system.

He told her how he needed to complete quests to level up. He informed her how he was actually very powerful. He didn't go into the details. There was no need to tell her that he basically murdered hundreds of people for a level up. She would eventually come to know that, but it didn't have to be today.

He even revealed that he went to another world and stayed there for a year to become powerful. She could hardly believe him when he said that he met the personification of Death who told him about the Creator and Isis.

"You are telling me that there is a Harry Potter, your variant, who is actually the Creator and the ruler of the multiverse. And that he gave you your gamer power because otherwise our family would have been enslaved. Also, your system is a sentient being who is another Harry Potter, but a female one who once rebelled against the Creator. Her name is Isis. Also, the Creator expects you to become his equal and be the co-ruler of the univ— I mean multiverse. Is that all?"

"I am probably missing something, but yeah, that's it for now."

"Harry, I need a few hours to process all these before I can even start asking questions."

"Okay. Take your time. We will talk again tomorrow and then we will assign you your Perk and Skills."


Harry sat on his bed in his room, alone. He needed to do one more thing before his Necromancer journey could be concluded. He closed his eyes and prepared for the spell.

[Soul Searcher]

He searched for the soul of Voldemort. His brows furrowed in confusion when instead of various soul pieces as he expected, there were only two and both of them situated at the same place.

In the Albanian forest.

Harry opened his eyes and ended the spell. He shook his head disappointedly. It was far too optimistic to think that his trick would work. Just because Voldemort of another world had made horcruxes didn't mean it would be the same here.

Voldemort of his world currently didn't have any horcruxes. While he did shred his soul in two, it was done differently. It was not a horcrux. It eerily felt similar to a horcrux, but it wasn't one.

Something strange was going on with Voldemort.

For the brief moment when he saw his soul, he easily recognised that the Dark Lord was still more powerful than him.

Easily surpassing him. Somehow being a maxed class Necromancer wasn't enough to challenge Voldemort. Go figure.

It was a frightening thought. How much more powerful did he have to become to challenge the Dark Lord? What was the required power level which would let him kick Voldemort into oblivion?

It was frustrating to think that all that one year of grinding didn't help in making him powerful enough to take care of his Voldemort.

Well, he could send his undead and army, but he wasn't sure if it would do anything other than notifying Voldemort that someone was after him and knew where his lair was.

No, he wouldn't be offensive now when his own strength wasn't greater than Voldemort's. He would bide his time and would strike when the chance of losing was zero.

He needed to be careful, otherwise a new tragedy might play out. And he wasn't in a mood for more tragedies after Iris' death.

He laid down on the bed and tried to sleep. It was no good worrying over the future. Something would happen to tip the scale. Maybe a new Class or maybe an overpowered Perk.

Something would be given to him by the game to make him exponentially more powerful than Voldemort. All he had to do now was wait, keep on getting stronger and be alert for danger.

Making his sister stronger was also a new goal. If she became strong enough to protect herself or escape dangerous situations then he would have one less thing to worry about.


Hey guys if u like the fanfic and want to read 35+ chapters ahead or just want to support take a visit on my patreon.

