
HP: The Gray Sorcerer

Arthur finds himself reincarnated into the world of Harry Potter and awakens a powerful Gacha System. He begins his new life by acquiring a phoenix as his pet and spending time playing Quidditch with his girlfriend Cho Chang, reading books in the library with Hermione, or searching for the rare Crumple-Horned Snorkack with Luna. -------------------------------------------- patreon.com/Abyssuit You can find up to 35 advanced chapters at my patreon

Abyssuit · Anime & Comics
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237 Chs

Chapter 84: Wolfsbane Potion

The entire day was spent in the Room of Requirement. Even their lunch was delivered by house-elves.

Due to their age, Cho and Hermione didn't have large magical power, and they needed to take breaks after casting spells a dozen times of spell.

However, the two young witches didn't feel tired at all.

After all, they had never had the opportunity to freely release their spells like this before.

Speaking of which, Arthur couldn't help but blame the education system at Hogwarts.

The school strictly prohibited casting spells in the room, and the school focused mainly on teaching spells.

During summer vacation, young wizards were not allowed to use magic outside of school grounds.

It was like Muggle students learning the subject topic in class but being completely prohibited from doing after-school activities.

No wonder each new generation of Hogwarts students seemed to be worse than the previous one, and Harry had even gone to using the Disarming Charm in the final battle.


"Alright! Let's call it a day here," Arthur said, checking the time and realizing it was time for dinner, so he called everyone to a stop.

Harry let out a long sigh of relief.

He had been reading the Dark Arts Defence – Basics for Beginners since morning, and every time he got distracted, Arthur's spells would come flying at him.

Although they were non-offensive spells, they made him itch all over, almost like real harm.

But there had been progress the whole day. By the start of the new school year, he had already forgotten several spells he had learned last time.

Today, after a day of reading, he had recalled many of them and even learned the Stunning Spell.

Fred and George were also happy.

Their talents were indeed impressive, as they were already proficient in using the Levicorpus spell.

At that moment, the twins whispered to each other, discussing who should experience the spell.

As the group left calmy, heading towards the Great Hall, Harry suddenly slapped his forehead in frustration halfway through. "I forgot, tonight I have to help Professor Lockhart with replying to fans' letters."

This was Professor McGonagall's punishment for Harry and Ron for flying the car to school.

Ron had to polish the trophies, while Harry had to help Professor Lockhart with fan mail. However, Harry would rather switch with Ron than be alone with Professor Lockhart.

Arthur thought for a moment and realized he should go talk to Professor Snape about the topic of Wolfsbane Potion.

He turned to Cho and Hermione and said, "I have something to discuss with Professor Snape. You two can go to the Great Hall."

The two girls nodded and separated from Arthur.

Arthur also made his way to Professor Snape's office.

Professor Snape didn't like having meals in the Great Hall; he preferred to be alone in his office, especially since Arthur had given him the Garden of Eden.

As a result, Professor Snape's visits to the Great Hall had become even less often.

After a knock on the door and receiving Professor Snape's response, Arthur pushed the door open and approached.

Professor Snape's office was still as gloomy and moist as ever.

However, to Arthur's surprise, Draco Malfoy was also present.

When seeing Arthur entered, Draco's face was immediately expressionless, and he quickly stood up from his chair, hiding behind Professor Snape.

Arthur did not mind Draco's almost PTSD-like behavior and cheerfully greeted him.

"Hey, Malfoy, are you here to talk about Professor Snape?"

"No! That's not it! The professor punished me to copy the potions textbook today. I'm not here to talk."

Draco was afraid that Arthur would misunderstand him, so he quickly explained the reason.

He didn't want to turn into a ferret again.

The experience of the whole day would surely haunt him like a nightmare for the rest of his life.

Arthur didn't expect Professor Snape to be so harsh, making Draco stay behind to copy the textbook right after the transfiguration ended.

"What brings you here, Arthur?"

Professor Snape ignored their conversation and asked Arthur instead.

Arthur shook the bottle in his hand and replied, "There's an important matter that can contribute to peace in the wizarding world. I'd like to discuss it with you."

After speaking, he slowly glanced at Malfoy.

Professor Snape furrowed, unsure of what scheme Arthur might be up to this time.

However, he started to speak to Draco, "Draco, you can leave now. I hope you remember what to say and what not to say in the future."

Draco was relieved, so he quickly nodded to show that he understood and got ready to leave this horrible office.

But as he was about to leave the office, Arthur stopped him.

"Wait a moment, Draco."

Draco stopped his steps and anxiously looked at Arthur.

"I believe pure-blood glory isn't achieved through a few spiteful words."

Arthur's unexpected words took Draco aback.

"I may not be pure-blood, but do you dare to offend me?" Arthur continued.

"You don't dare because you know how powerful I am. Weakness or ignorance is not a wall to survival, but arrogance is."

Draco lowered his head, clenched his fists, and tried to say something, but no words came out.

Arthur waved his hand, showing that he could leave.

Arthur was simply acting on a whim today.

After all, Malfoy's current personality might be due to the unfortunate environment he grew up in.

He didn't expect his words to instantly change Draco's mindset. He just wanted to plant a seed for the future.

Once Draco left the office, Arthur appeared more relaxed. Without waiting for Professor Snape's invitation, he found a sofa and sat down on his own.

Then, he used magic to place the bottle of potion and the parchment with the brewing instructions on Professor Snape's desk.


Draco returned to the Slytherin common room and immediately lay down on his bed.

The day's running around and following detention had drained him. He had been longing for a good night's sleep.

But no matter how hard he closed his eyes, Draco couldn't fall asleep. He couldn't stop thinking about Elwin's words from earlier.

What is the glory of pure-blood?

He couldn't understand it.

Since childhood, his father taught him that he was pure-blood, and inherently superior to others.

But when coming to school, he realized that not only Arthur but even Hermione surpassed him.

There was jealousy behind the insults he threw on the pitch.

Today, Arthur's words completely shattered the perspective his father had set on him, making him think for himself for the first time.

He wanted to become like Arthur, a star figure in the entire school, step by step, using his own abilities, despite being a half-blood.

Even in Slytherin, the school that supports pureblood supremacy, he had many followers.

With these thoughts, Draco's confused gaze slowly became firm. He silently decided in his heart.


Meanwhile, Arthur had no idea about the change in Malfoy's mindset. He was currently staring at Professor Snape, with both of them exchanging glances.

Arthur: (⊙o⊙)

Professor Snape: (=.=)

Finally, Professor Snape couldn't help it anymore and asked, "Why did you develop the Wolfsbane Potion? Most werewolves in the wizarding world are poor and won't bring you much profit."

Professor Snape was unhappy with Arthur.

Didn't he know that his archenemy is a werewolf?

Ignoring Professor Snape's dissatisfaction, Arthur sincerely said, "I'm not doing it for the money. I just can't bear to see these werewolf wizards being discriminated against and other wizards fearing for their safety."

"I developed the Wolfsbane Potion for the help of the magical world, so that werewolf wizards can return to society."

Professor Snape silently watched Arthur's emotional speech but remained unmoved.

After a long silence, he finally spoke up.

"Speak in plain English, Gaunt."

Professor Snape knew Arthur too well.

He was a person who didn't do anything unless there was some benefit for himself.

Professor Snape couldn't believe Arthur's words about the well-being of the magical world.

"Well, I want to get a reward from the Order of Merlin." Arthur shrugged and revealed his true purpose.

"Are you serious?" Professor Snape looked at Arthur, surprised by his goal.

It was unheard of for an underage wizard to receive the Order of Merlin.

Not to mention Arthur, even Professor Snape himself didn't have one.

Of course, this could be related to his Death Eater past. Otherwise, with his knowledge of potions, he could easily write a few papers and get one.

"Of course, my professor. You, a famous potions master in the magical world, with your connections, could help me achieve that, right?"

Professor Snape thought for a moment, realizing that it might actually be possible.

The current Minister of Magic, Fudge, was a complete politician. If they could solve the werewolf issue during his time, along with Professor Snape's own connections...

Rewarding Arthur with an Order of Merlin wouldn't be a big problem.

Once he figured it out, he turned his gaze back to Arthur.

"Are you sure you want to publish this formula for free, just for an award from Order of Merlin?"

Arthur nodded, expressing his determination.

"Well, I'll try my best. But don't get your hopes up. Giving an Order of Merlin to a second-year student has never happened before."

"But in 1827, they awarded one to Shane Levans, and he was only in the first year."

Arthur retorted as he was familiar with the history of the Order of Merlin.

"That's because he died protecting ten Muggles."

Professor Snape sarcastically mocked Arthur.

Arthur: "..."

Well, he did forget about that part.



You can find up to 35 advance chapters at my patreon.