
HP: The Gray Sorcerer

Arthur finds himself reincarnated into the world of Harry Potter and awakens a powerful Gacha System. He begins his new life by acquiring a phoenix as his pet and spending time playing Quidditch with his girlfriend Cho Chang, reading books in the library with Hermione, or searching for the rare Crumple-Horned Snorkack with Luna. -------------------------------------------- patreon.com/Abyssuit You can find up to 35 advanced chapters at my patreon

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237 Chs

Chapter 223: The Bad Twins

Arthur, who had read the entire Harry Potter series in his past life, actually didn't have any ill feelings towards the Dursley family.

In fact, he started off hating them, but as he grew older and gained more experience, Arthur's perspective slowly changed.

After all, how many relatives in the real world would take in an orphan labeled a freak?

When Dumbledore brought Harry to their door, the Dursleys didn't want him to stay with them, but in the end, they agreed to let him stay and give him the education he needed.

While it's true that Dudley bullied Harry, Hagrid had given Dudley a pig's tail when he first arrived at the Dursleys', and Harry also disrupted important business partners' visits, inflated Aunt Marge, and so on—these were also facts.

Despite all this, Harry could safely spend each summer vacation there.

Arthur felt that they had done their duty.

As for helping Harry this time, one reason was to repay him for the Invisibility Cloak, and the other was that Arthur didn't think this family was that bad.

Feeling good, he decided to lend a hand.

Ron and the others hadn't arrived yet, so Arthur decided to talk with the Dursley family.

However, they didn't talk about the wizarding world but had some business-related exchanges.

The atmosphere became quite pleasant for a while.

Dudley sneered at Harry, then looked at Arthur with admiration, making his intentions very clear.

"Look at them, and then look at you."

Harry was quite frustrated.

Who could compete with Arthur, the great wizard with remarkable magical talent who was successful in the Muggle world of business as well?

Suddenly, from the fireplace came heavy knocking and scraping sounds, startling the Dursley family.

"What is that?"

Petunia had already backed up against the wall and was looking at the fireplace with fear in her eyes.

Arthur looked at the sealed fireplace and suddenly remembered that Mr. Weasley and Ron seemed to have said they were coming through Floo Powder...

He pointed at the fireplace, and the nailed wooden boards on top came off, and Fred and George rolled out from inside, covered in dust, making the entire living room dusty.

"Phew, thanks, Arthur. We almost thought we came to the wrong place."

The twins stood up and smiled brightly.

Then, two more loud bangs followed, and Mr. Weasley and Ron's figures appeared in the fireplace.

"Harry, it's great to see you."

Mr. Weasley walked out of the fireplace and warmly hugged Harry, and Ron greeted him as well.

"Hello, I'm Arthur Weasley."

Mr. Weasley greeted the dumbfounded Dursley family, but not getting a response, he didn't mind and started exploring the room, showing great interest in anything related to Muggles.

"What's this? Are they using electricity?"

Looking at the microwave in the kitchen, he asked, like a baby who wants to know everything.

Meanwhile, Harry took the twins upstairs to help with their luggage while the rest of the Dursley family stood shaking and looking for Arthur to help.

The magical world is filled with a bunch of weirdos, and now they have Arthur to help them.

"Mr. Weasley, this is a microwave, Muggles use it to heat food."

Arthur served as a commentator and told Mr. Weasley about different household items. Mr. Weasley listened very carefully and sometimes exclaimed in surprise.

Fred and George also came downstairs carrying their luggage.

"Dad, we should go back now. Mum can't wait to see Harry."

Fred said.

Hearing this, Mr. Weasley reluctantly walked to the fireplace and lit the flames.

"Fred, Ron, you go first!"

As Fred walked towards the fireplace, he dropped some candy on the floor slowly and pretended to pick it up quickly, but he let a few pieces roll toward Dudley.

Seeing the colorful candy wrappers, Dudley instinctively swallowed nervously.

"Floo Powder!"

Fred shouted and disappeared into the flames with Ron.

"George, you help Harry with the luggage. Both of you go together."

Mr. Weasley didn't notice this detail, and he led Harry and George while Arthur followed them from behind.

In his last glance before leaving, Arthur saw Dudley secretly eating a piece of toffee.

"Hahaha, Fred, you're so bad!"

In the Burrow, Harry was laughing uncontrollably.

Just now, Fred explained the effects of the Ton-Tongue Toffee to him, and he immediately imagined how Dudley looked at the moment...

Mr. Weasley was puzzled by their laughter.

"Are you sure Dudley will be okay?"

Arthur asked quietly, and Fred quickly nodded, "The effects of the candy we made are not strong. It only lasts for five minutes."

Both Fred and George were aware of their actions. This could be either a simple prank or a violation of the Muggle Protection Act if taken too far.

After dinner, Arthur was about to go back to rest but was stopped by Harry.

"Arthur, I saw something in my dream... It's been bothering me."

Harry led Arthur out of the Burrow and pointed to the scar on his forehead.

Arthur's expression turned slightly serious, "Harry, what did you dream about?"

Harry thought for a moment before saying, "I dreamed of a young man and that criminal."


"Yes, her. They were in a large mansion, discussing something, and they killed a witch, but I didn't catch her name."

After hearing this, Arthur fell into thought.

Based on the mark he left on Bellatrix, it was clear that she hadn't returned to England.

As for the young man beside her, he must be Voldemort.

Thinking of this, Arthur used his wand to draw a figure and asked, "Is this the young man?"

Harry looked at it carefully and then nodded in confirmation.

He was puzzled. The scar on his forehead was left by Voldemort, so what was the relationship between this young man and Voldemort?

Arthur didn't tell him that this was Voldemort's appearance when he was young.

"Harry, how's your Occlumency training going?"

Hearing Arthur's question, Harry felt a bit embarrassed and shook his head.

Occlumency was still too difficult for him.

Arthur didn't mind and patted his shoulder, saying, "You don't need to worry about that now. Your top priority is to master Occlumency, so your scar won't easily affect you."

With that, Arthur turned and left, disappearing into thin air with Apparition.



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