
HP: The Demon King System

Traveling through the world of Harry Potter, Wayne awakens the Demon King System. This system rewards him for causing chaos and breaking school rules, leading to a period of unprecedented liveliness at Hogwarts. Dumbledore acknowledges, "Every student should break a few rules in their lifetime, but Wayne... please try to exercise some restraint." McGonagall adds, "I always thought the Weasley twins were daring, but I never expected Wayne to surpass them in bravery!" Snape exclaims, "Azkaban! He deserves to be sorted straight into Azkaban!" Voldemort proclaims, "Forget about the Children of Prophecy. My only desire is to kill Wayne Lawrence! Right away!" Wayne raises his hands in a helpless gesture and explains, "I'm just doing System missions!!" **************TRANSLATION************** Original Chinese Title:- 霍格沃茨:求求你快毕业吧 ****************************************** If you want to Support me then, Check Out~~ p@treon.com/FicReader OR buymeacoffee.com/ficreader Uploading Daily 1 Chapter Just a Translator and a Reader

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75. Big-Eyed Cute Moon-Crazy Beast, You Deserve To Make Money

"This is the Moon Crazy Beast," Wayne pointed out, drawing attention to the identities of these cute creatures.

I silently added in my mind.

This little thing looks unique, resembling a small alpaca. Especially those unusually large eyes, which are inexplicably cute.

Cho and Hermione couldn't help but have the urge to rush forward, but fortunately, Wayne held them back. "Don't worry, if we are discovered, these moon-crazy beasts will all run away."

The Moon Crazy Beast is a very shy magical animal. It only emerges from its lair to bask in the moonlight on full moon nights. They quickly flee when disturbed.

"Take a look first, they are going to dance soon," Wayne comforted the two women in a low voice.

On the open ground, the big-eyed cute beasts raised their heads, and their hind legs began to swing irregularly, jumping up and down. Hermione and Cho watched without blinking, their attention fully focused on the Moon-Crazy Beasts.

Gradually, little silver stars appeared around them, falling with the wind. "It's so beautiful," Cho sighed.

Wayne re. "Those silver things are the feces of the Moon-Crazy Beast."

"It's fascinating. It's the first creature that dances and... I've heard it also has courting intentions."

The smiles on the two witches' faces faded, and they turned to Wayne with numb eyes. Wayne was baffled. "Look, it's all written in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them."

Cho's little hands grasped onto his waist, and Hermione playfully hit Wayne twice in annoyance. "I know you're right about everything, but could you be more mindful of the occasion next time? What kind of atmosphere is this... is it really appropriate?"

However, they only pretended to be angry, barely touching Wayne. So he just tolerated it, determined to write it down in a small notebook for future revenge.

A quarter of an hour later, the silver brilliance gradually disappeared, and the crazy beasts stopped dancing. "Just wait for me," Wayne said, giving instructions. He lifted his phantom spell and walked towards the moon-crazy beasts, activating his magical animal affinity talent.

Moon-Crazy Beast screamed in fear upon seeing a sudden appearance but sensing Wayne's animal affinity, it did not run away. "Easy, easy," Wayne soothed. "Relax, I'm just here to make friends."As he spoke, Wayne also plucked some dandelions, though they were a bit dry since it wasn't flowering season. Yet, they still caught the attention of the Moon-Crazy Beasts.

Out of the dozen or so Moon-Crazy Beasts, two were particularly bold. They cautiously approached Wayne, but seeing that he made no threatening moves, they began eating with confidence. Once the others noticed this, they followed suit, and in an instant, Wayne found himself surrounded by these adorable creatures.

Reaching out, Wayne touched their heads, enjoying how their long necks stretched and contracted. It was a delightful sight. Cho and Hermione, who had been hiding nearby, looked on with envy.

"Come on," Wayne called to them, not forgetting about his friends. He waved them over, assuring them, "Don't be afraid. They are my friends and won't harm you." With this initial trust established, the Moon-Crazy Beasts allowed the two women to approach.

By the time the dandelions had been eaten, the three of them had their fill of interacting with the beasts. Aware of the limited time they had, Wayne took hold of the reluctant Hermione and Cho, and they continued their rush into the depths of the Forbidden Forest.

Before departing, Wayne took a moment to collect the Moon-Crazy Beast's droppings, intending to use them as fertilizer for the biting Cabbage.

Near a small stream, they found a fertile grassland devoid of small animals. Hermione felt confused, but Wayne reassured her by curling his thumb and index finger to his mouth and whistling.


In the darkness, a faintly fluorescent white figure came rushing towards them. Its speed was so fast that Hermione and Cho couldn't make out what it was. The white light reached Wayne, causing them to take two steps back in fright.


Fox also flew over from not far away, attempting to land on Wayne's shoulders but realizing it was too big and settling on a nearby tree instead.

Compared to Fox, this newcomer was twice as big.

"This is..." Hermione trembled as she spoke, her eyes widening. "A unicorn!"

The creature resembled a white horse, with a spiral horn on its forehead. It emitted a pure and sacred aura, and its snow-white coat remained untainted.

All these distinct features revealed the identity of this magnificent being before them.

"Hestia, why were you running so fast? What if Diana had fallen?" Wayne gently touched Hestia's slender neck, scolding her softly.

Diana was the name Wayne had given the baby unicorn.

The name came from ancient Roman mythology and represented the moon goddess. In ancient Greece, she could also be called Artemis.

The image of a light shining upon Diana had left a lasting impression on Wayne, which inspired him to christen her with that name.

Unicorns grow quite swiftly. In just over half a month, Diana had grown a beautiful mane and was able to walk on her own.

She was small and incredibly adorable.

The hair is always golden but turns silvery white when they reach adulthood.

After holding Diana in his arms and lifting her, Wayne said, "Hermione and Cho are my friends. I brought them here to see you today."

The two little witches were too excited to speak. They looked eagerly at Wayne and Hestia, unsure of where to put their hands.

Trusting Wayne, Hestia no longer felt wary of the two women.

Unicorn is even better than Wayne at judging a girl's purity.

She walked gently towards them, slightly lowering her head and bending her legs forward. This gesture, similar to a hippogriff's behavior, was a signal of friendship.

Unfortunately, neither Cho nor Hermione had taken the Care of Magical Creatures class. Wayne could only remind them, "Hestia has recognized you; treat us as friends."

Hermione and Cho exchanged looks, their eyes filled with joy.

Unicorns may not be the strongest creatures, with a danger rating of only 4X. However, their significance surpasses that of many powerful magical creatures, especially for girls. Given the choice between a unicorn and a fire dragon, girls would choose the unicorn without hesitation.

The Fox, who is the master's favorite cub, was unhappy. "Okay, you're so old that you're even jealous of a child," Wayne criticized, as Diana blinked with a worried expression.


Master, do you want to see what you are talking about?

I'm not even half a year old yet!

But Wayne was just talking. He still had to take care of his birds. He put Diana on the ground and asked her to go play with her mother. Then he took out the prepared herbs from his pocket and gave Fox a feast.

Wayne now carries around five or six dragonskin bags with the Invisible Stretch Charm cast on them, containing everything. Just the ingredients prepared for the Fox and the Unicorn filled a bag completely and cost a lot of money.

To be honest, Wayne doesn't know how powerful Fox is now. There is no specific grade classification, but it's certainly far from its heyday. For Fox, his role at this stage is to act as a taxi and part-time as a wet nurse to provide treatment. After arriving, his job is to help Wayne and the people around him become immortal. As a mythical beast, the Fox has such strength. What Voldemort was searching for, Wayne already had it before he entered the magical world. I have to say, this is very cruel to Tom.

Wayne walked up to the two women who had already established a relationship with Hestia and were able to have simple contact. Cho held Diana while Hermione turned her wand into a comb to comb Hestia's hair. "Ah! So soft and comfortable!" exclaimed Hermione. "Ah, so fluffy and fun," said Wayne.

You touch my horse and I'll touch your head.

"Shall we go?"

After checking the time, it was already close to two in the morning. Hermione and Cho both started to yawn and were reluctant to leave. Wayne was also helpless. It's not like we'll never see each other again after today, so we don't have to work so hard. "Take tomorrow off, and I'll bring you back the day after tomorrow." After hearing Wayne's promise, the two stood up and said goodbye to the two unicorns. Watching them disappear into the dense bushes, the three of them walked towards the castle.

"There are even unicorns in the Forbidden Forest," Hermione murmured. "Are they just Hestia and Diana?"

"No," Wayne shook his head. "I asked Hestia. There are about a dozen unicorns in the Forbidden Forest, but they are not social animals. Instead, they like to live separately."

"How did you find them?" Cho asked curiously. "It was Fox who discovered them. I often come here to see them, and I became familiar with them after going back and forth." Wayne did not tell the real situation, as it involved killing and thrilling experiences. Telling them would only make them worried and angry, so he simply didn't say anything. Fortunately, the two women did not continue to ask any more questions. After walking out of the Forbidden Forest and approaching the secret passage, Hermione suddenly burst out laughing.

Feeling Cho and Wayne's confused expressions, she quickly waved her hand and explained, "I just remembered that only pure girls are allowed to approach unicorns, but Wayne..." Hermione laughed again, and even Cho joined in, looking at Wayne teasingly, hoping to see a deflated and depressed expression from him.

To their surprise, Wayne not only wasn't annoyed but nodded thoughtfully. "You're right, I should talk to Dumbledore and request to move into the girls' dormitory."

"You wouldn't dare!" the two girls shouted simultaneously, expressing their displeasure.

"But isn't that what you said? I think it makes sense," Wayne replied.

"Big pervert!" Hermione pushed Wayne angrily. "Go back to bed, I'm so sleepy." Cho also rolled her eyes at him.

The three of them then returned to the school, emerging from the blank frame once again.

Coincidentally, Mrs. Norris locked her gaze onto them as they appeared. This caused Hermione and Cho's faces to turn pale with fright.

"What should I do? Filch will catch me!" Hermione worried.

"Don't be afraid, Mrs. Norris won't betray us, right?" Wayne knelt down and gently rubbed Mrs. Norris's head.

Mrs. Norris, a Norwegian forest cat with larger ears and thicker fur than other cats, had a soft and pleasant feel when brushed. "Meow~!"

"How did you do it?" Hermione was surprised again when she saw this scene.

Mrs. Norris would only get close to Filch and wouldn't even let the little wizard feed her, let alone touch her.

"I'm a Hufflepuff. I have a good relationship with animals. It's normal," Wayne explained.

Rolling her eyes, Hermione couldn't believe that Wayne was claiming to be a Hufflepuff. He was the least Hufflepuff-like person she had ever seen.

After seeing a unicorn once, the two young witches became completely fascinated by the beautiful creature.

Even though it was against school rules, Wayne felt compelled to visit Hestia and her daughter in the Forbidden Forest every two days, and also see the Fox.

The other students at the school were also excited about this.

Next weekend, the Quidditch match would officially begin.

As the most popular sport in the wizarding world, Quidditch was always highly anticipated.

In the first week, the competition was between Slytherin and Gryffindor, which only added to the intensity.

Even the professors were involved.

To Oliver Wood's frustration, Snape granted Slytherin three days' use of the Quidditch pitch, preventing Gryffindor from practicing.

Helplessly, Oliver could only watch as Marcus Flint, the Slytherin captain, leisurely played with his team.

Just as the twins had said, Flint was simply the son of the troll and a template for Crabbe's future.

Within the castle, the atmosphere became tense, and each Quidditch team member was accompanied by several classmates for protection.

At least they didn't bother anyone other than the Weasley brothers.

In order to ensure the food was safe to eat, all team members had to let someone else take a bite before continuing to eat.

Wayne was stunned by this requirement.

"Is it necessary to be so cautious?" he asked.

"You're still too young," Cedric replied, patting Wayne on the shoulder like a seasoned veteran. "Last semester, Whateley missed the Slytherin match because of food poisoning."

"Damn it." Wayne couldn't help but curse. "That's so outrageous. Why didn't you ask the professor?"

"Why didn't you notice it?" Cedric sighed helplessly. "But there was no evidence, and Snape vouched for them, so we had to let it go."

"Tsk." Wayne looked at Snape, the guest of honor, with contempt.

Snape felt Wayne's eyes on him and felt a bit confused.

No, I haven't settled the score with you yet. Why are you looking like that?

I'll make you regret it on Tuesday night.

Snape groaned, already thinking about which potion he would use to make Wayne's life difficult next week.

"Cedric, I have a task for you," Wayne said.

Although he was puzzled by the Slytherin team's quality, Galleon was innocent and deserved to be earned.

He whispered in Cedric's ear for a long time. Cedric's expression became more and more strange, and finally, he said:

"Wayne, you've earned the money."On Saturday, the restaurant was filled with the enticing smell of grilled sausages as the weather remained sunny but cold.

Everyone was eagerly anticipating the Quidditch match, although it couldn't last too long as it would drive people crazy.

The longest-recorded Quidditch match in history lasted for three months. Eventually, both teams' players went crazy and gave up on catching the Golden Snitch.

Interestingly, there were several pregnant women in the audience who had actually given birth during the match.

While Hogwarts has condensed this record significantly, it still stands at a duration of ten days.

During that time, the audience had to wait until they had a chance to come and watch the match.

Regrettably, the most exciting moment of the match, the capture of the Golden Snitch, occurred in the early morning when no audience was present and everyone was asleep.

By eleven o'clock, nearly all the teachers and students of the school had gathered at the Quidditch stadium stands. Many students had even brought telescopes, as the seats were positioned over ten meters above the ground.

Slytherin and Gryffindor students were fervently cheering for their respective houses, while Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff students were merely observing the festivities.

Suddenly, a loud bang filled the air, and a colossal burst of green smoke appeared. Within the smoke, a python and a lion made of smoke materialized, with the python swallowing the lion in one massive bite.

The Slytherin students erupted into boisterous cheers as if they had already won.

The smoke lingered for quite some time, hovering above the heads of the Gryffindor students, adding to the pressure.

Ronald expressed his discontent, asking why they hadn't prepared a similar spectacle.

Hermione, however, rolled her eyes upon hearing his complaint, responding, "Because we don't have a Budget!"

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