
Chapter 100 : The Misadventures of Lockhart



And remember what I told you, Harry." The boy nodded and ran to the Gryffindor Tower, making it there only seconds before the rest of the Gryffindors; he had to speed to the stairs towards the boys' dormitory so that he could hastily strap the letter on Hedwig's leg and send her off, climbing down the stairs to meet with his housemates. A few moments later, when his brother returned and he was certain he was still in one piece, Harry felt the tiredness of the day catching up with him. He retreated to his bed with a few short goodnights and after making his brother promise him he would tell him exactly what had happened in the morning, Adrian and Ron soon following his example.

The hazel eyed Potter twin did indeed honour his promise and told Harry of how they had found the passage to the platform blocked and how they had decided to take the car which turned out to truly be a creation of Mr. Weasley. When Harry asked them why they didn't wait for their parents, the two boys exchanged a lost look. Harry just shook his head with wonder. It was only when he asked his brother if he had any idea why the passage was blocked for him and Ron since everybody else had made it through that he realized his brother was holding something back from him. The supposedly inconspicuous look he exchanged with Ron spoke volumes and Harry was suddenly hit with the realization he was once again being excluded from something quite important in his brother's life.

The lessons started that day, as always. Well, there was the matter of two Howlers addressed to Ron and Adrian that morning and Harry found himself once again dumbfounded on just how loud his mother could scream; even if the voice was amplified magically, it was still an accomplishment, Harry thought.

The walk to Herbology had been quite interesting too. A first year student, a boy called Colin Creevy managed to snap a photo of Adrian, asking him if he could sign it too. Adrian on his side stood confused and was eventually pushed towards the Greenhouses where they -unfortunately- run into Lockhart; dressed completely in turquoise that day, he was walking briskly next to a very disgruntled and bandaged professor Sprout -Harry could see the infamous Whomping Willow with many of its branches in casts in the distance- heading towards the gathered second year students. The majority of the student body was ushered in Greenhouse three while Adrian was withheld by the blond professor. Noticing his almost fearful expression, Harry decided to take pity on him and not just leave him alone. He approached professor Sprout with that purpose.

"Professor?" He asked timidly.

"Yes, Mr. Potter." She was obviously still annoyed on Lockhart enough to make Harry's appeal easier to get through.

"I was wondering… Could I wait here for Adrian?" The Herbology teacher clearly didn't expect such a request. "You see professor, we first ran into Lockhart in Flourish and Blotts a few weeks ago and there had been a, well, an incident including a reporter from the Daily Prophet and…" Harry knew professor Sprout had heard about the incident seeing how the picture taken that day had made first page on the papers. "What I'm trying to say is that Adrian has been a little uncomfortable around Professor Lockhart since and, with all due respect, the Professor does get carried away sometimes…"

"Alright, Mr. Potter." The plump professor stated, her cheery personality that had been dampened a little from Lockhart's attempts to criticise her work returning. "You can stay. And three points to Gryffindor for standing up for your fellow students." She turned to the rest of the class as Harry exited the Greenhouse smiling softly. That had gone better than expected. Then again, Professor Sprout was the Head of Hufflepuff House; loyalty would have to go far with her. He heard voices coming from around the corner.

"Adrian, Adrian, Adrian…" Lockhart exclaimed theatrically. "When I heard, well, of course it was all my fault! Could have kicked myself!" What? Harry froze on his tracks, his curiosity getting the better of him. Had he missed something? Adrian must have been equally confused because he hadn't spoken yet himself. "Don't know when I've been more shocked. Flying a car to Hogwarts! Well I, of course, knew at once why you'd done it. Stood out a mile. Adrian, Adrian, Adrian."

"What?" Harry mouthed inaudibly.

"Gave you a taste of publicity, didn't I? Gave you the bug. You got onto the front page of the paper with me and you couldn't wait to do it again." Harry would have laughed if it wouldn't blow his cover; this was far too great as blackmail material to pass by.

"Oh, no, Professor, see…" Adrian voiced, sounding just as surprised as Harry was.

"Adrian, Adrian, Adrian." Lockhart continued unfazed. Harry, who had peeked just a little around the corner, could see the blond Professor had placed a hand on his brother's shoulder. "I understand. Natural to want a bit more once you've got the first taste –and I blame myself for giving you that, because it was bound to go to your head…" Harry snorted silently. As if Adrian gave a Knut for fame… "But see here, young man, you can't start flying cars to try and get yourself noticed. Just calm down, alright? Plenty of time for that when you get older. Yes, yes, I know what you're thinking. 'It's alright for him, he's an internationally famous wizard already!' But when I was twelve, I was just as much of a nobody as you are now. In fact, I would say I was more of a nobody! I mean, a few people have heard of you, haven't they? All that business with He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named!" Harry had to bit on the inside of his cheek hard to not break out laughing. "I know, I know -it's not as good as winning Witch Weekly's the Most-Charming-Smile Award five times in a row, as I have- but it's a start, Adrian, it's a start."

"Now, wait a minute Professor…" Adrian was getting rather red in the face and was about to showcase the famous temperament they both had inherited from their mother. And since, in Adrian's case, said temperament was paired with James's attitude, Harry showed fit to intervene before his brother found himself with a detention on his first day."

"Hello, Professor!" Harry exclaimed brightly as he walked towards the pair, seemingly not noticing his brother's angry face. Gilderoy hadn't anyway.

"Young Harry Potter, if I'm not mistaken!" Lockhart exclaimed. "I think I have heard you're first in your year, correct? And Adrian's brother too?" No, I'm his Great Aunt, Harry thought sarcastically but let it pass.

"Yes, I am." He turned to his brother. "Professor Sprout sent me to get you Adrian; we're starting our lesson." He smiled at his brother and turned to face Lockhart again, channelling his inner Hermione the best he could. "And I've been dying to ask you Professor, when you tracked down those vampires in your book, Voyages with Vampires, did you use a traditional tracking spell? Because from what I understood it had to be a variation to work so exceptionally!" Lockhart's brilliant smile faltered a little at Harry's question.

"Ah, yes, as much as I would love to pass down my knowledge, I fear I have delayed your brother from his class for too long. Time to go!" And with a hearty wink, he turned around and left. Harry winked at his brother in turn.

"I figured you might need rescuing." He stated, making Adrian laugh.

"Best brother ever!" The hazel eyed twin exclaimed, placing his hand over Harry's shoulders. "That bloody git!" He continued, glaring daggers towards the direction Lockhart had disappeared to. "If he keeps going that way, I swear he'll regret it!"

"You know what, Adrian?" Harry pondered out loud, an interesting idea popping into his head.

"What?" Adrian stopped as he was about to enter the greenhouse.

"Wouldn't Lockhart look great with green hair?" Harry asked and entered the greenhouse, leaving a stunned brother to trail inside a few seconds later. Adrian passed him a piece of paper with a single word written on it right after Harry answered a question Professor Sprout had asked about Mandrakes. Brilliant, the parchment wrote. Harry smirked at his brother who was silently explaining what had happened to Ron. Now there was a plan worth considering…

They were introduced to a boy named Justin Finch-Fletchley, a second year Hufflepuff who was seated on the table next to the one Harry was sharing with his brother, Ron and Hermione. He shook all of their hands, complimenting them on their, well, their existence in general, Harry figured.

