
Chapter 30 : An Unexpected Friendship



"Don't I always?" Severus asked rhetorically, assuming a mock superior air. Harry laughed and the black eyed man congratulated himself for lifting the boy's spirits. The conversation turned towards the castle and how the various repairs where proceeding. Severus explained he was renovating the western tower, which was the tallest of the keep, so they could use it for astronomy lessons and so on. They reached the dungeons soon enough and Severus led the way towards what he remembered was the potions lab. His smile widened at the sight and at Harry's exclamation of "Wow".

The lab was much larger than he had expected; not quite as large as the one at Hogwarts but then again this one wasn't supposed to fit twenty students and their cauldrons. They looked around for a while and Severus made a mental note of the ingredients he would need to buy so he could stock the now empty ingredient cabinets. After inspecting the room closely they went to observe the rest of the dungeons. They found an armory -to Harry's delight- and a vast empty room probably designed for training. Exactly what we needed, Severus thought. The castle apparently came equipped with its own holding cells and Harry's imagination once again led him to a time of battles and heroic deeds. The morning was spent in walking around the castle and its fields, including a visit at the stables where the house elf in charge -a shy female elf who introduced herself as Millie- showed them around and gave them the name of the eight horses currently residing there.

It was already early afternoon when the two wizards remembered they had to eat. Minnie decided, eying their thin bodies suspiciously, to feed them double rations than they usually ate. They decided no training was to take place that day and instead opted for a short trip to Diagon Alley for potions ingredients and a few items needed for Harry's upcoming astronomy lessons. Severus was trying to decide which telescope would fit Harry better as the boy absentmindedly looked over some charts that depicted various constellations when he bumped into an old man who seemed just as absorbed as himself.

"Forgive me sir, I didn't see you standing there." The boy said blushing profusely. The man smiled kindly and waved his hand dismissing the apology.

"No need for apologies young man. I didn't see you standing there either." He explained. Harry took that moment to observe the man closely; he was old, almost as old as Dumbledore or Merlin had looked and he had kind brown eyes and a short white beard. His equally white hair was long and he wore a pale green wizard's hat on his head that matched his long robes. The man's eyes twinkled as he noticed the boy observing him. "Tell me, are you interested in astronomy? It's very rare to see a boy your age in such a store."

"I'm actually here to buy a telescope sir." Harry said blushing again.

"So you are interested in astronomy!" The man exclaimed. Then he looked at Harry with worry. The boy couldn't be older than six, maybe seven years of age. "But are you here alone?"

"No, sir." Harry said with a smile. "I'm here with Sev." He said and pointed at Severus who was conversing over a telescope with the shop's owner. The man cocked his eyebrow at the introduction but let it slide.

"So you're interested in astronomy." He repeated. "But how old are you?"

"Seven sir." The boy stated, looking at the old man with curious green eyes. He didn't want to give out more information than necessary but the old man felt trustworthy.

"Seven and interested in more than Quidditch! Will you look at that!" He said good-naturedly.

"I'm interested in Quidditch too. Sev says I have a curiosity streak a mile wide." Harry explained with a smile, making the man laugh.

"Ah, curiosity! Troublesome at times but where would we be without it?" The man exclaimed. "And sadly very few possess creative curiosity anymore; it's good to meet a fellow spirit." Harry laughed lightly at the man's words. "But where are my manners?" He wondered out loud. "My name is Nicholas. And you would be?"

"I'm Harry, sir." The boy said and shook the old wizard's extended hand.

"It is nice to meet you Harry." The man stated with smiling eyes.

"Nicholas!" A woman's voice sounded from outside. Harry turned to look and his eyes met with an elderly woman that looked about the same age as the man. "What are you doing in that shop again? You have more charts than you'll ever need!"

"Ah! That would be my wife." Nicholas said conspiratorially. "I believe that's my cue to leave. It was a pleasure meeting you Harry." He said looking at the boy with a smile. "I have a feeling we shall meet again." And like that, he turned around and left a slightly confused Harry Potter looking at his retreating form before shrugging his shoulders and joining Severus at the registry.

"You're always in that shop, Nicholas!" The old woman commented with a fond smile, trying to look exasperated at her husband of many years.

"My dear Perenelle, I fear I'm too old to change my antics now." Nicholas said smiling.

"I know that look, Nicholas." His wife stated as she took in his pleased look. "What did you do this time?"

"I believe I made a very interesting acquaintance today my dear." He stated as they walked towards the Leaky Cauldron. "A very interesting acquaintance indeed!"

