
Chapter 20 : Wand's Choice



"Slow down, Harry! First of all, it's dangerous to run down the stairs and secondly, the shops in Diagon Alley open at seven. We have exactly," he turned once again towards his alarm clock "thirty five minutes till then."

"Oh okay." Harry said considering what he had heard. "I'll go make breakfast!" he stated and walked down the stairs with a skip in his step. Better go down to help him, Severus thought to himself as he had a quick shower and got dressed. Harry had already been dressed when he woke him up he realized and tried to imagine when the boy had woken up himself. Shaking his head with mirth, he went down the stairs and towards the kitchen where he found the seven year old wizard pouring tea carefully into two cups he had placed on the table. Smiling at the view he approached him.

"Good morning officially, Harry." He said smiling wider as he eyes the toast Harry had placed on the kitchen counter. "How long have you been up?"

"Since five; I couldn't sleep!" He stated excitedly drinking his milk in large gulps.

"Slow down Harry! You won't get a wand if you drown yourself!" Severus admonished cheerfully as Harry's eyes bulged and he drank slower.

"Sorry Sev." The boy murmured, his cheeks blushing a faint pink.

"It's understandable." The young professor said smiling. "But we have to make a few things clear if we're really going through with this." Harry nodded. "One, your wand will stay with me when you are at the Potter Manor; those hours you can read up on theory that will help you practice." Harry nodded his head in agreement. "Two, you will not speak of this to anyone; if you want things to stay as they are, your training is to be kept secret." Severus regarded the boy carefully. "If you want to tell your parents at any given time I won't judge or try to stop you, but, once it happens, it will be final, okay?"

"I won't tell Sev." Harry stated resolutely. "I'm the one who asked to be trained like that, remember?" Severus smiled and continued.

"Number three, you'll have to study hard. Not that I doubt you will, I just had to get it out of my chest." The potions master added as he noticed Harry was just about to protest. "And finally, let's not speak about meeting Merlin outside these walls." Severus said with a smirk. "It will be hard to train you from St Mungo's psychological ward." Harry giggled at the last statement but agreed nonetheless.

"Now can we go?" Harry asked unable to rein his enthusiasm any longer. He was practically bouncing on his chair and Severus decided to take pity on him.

"Go get your cloak." He stated in a form of an answer as Harry giggled excitedly before giving him a tight -albeit short- hug and running to get his cloak. The boy had potential, Severus had always known and having a wizard like Merlin agree was just added proof to that fact. Severus couldn't wait to see how Harry would evolve with the years; and, as the green eyed boy came back inside the room bursting with joy, he repeated the oath he had silently given last day. He would be there for Harry come what may and he would make certain that, no matter all the prophecies and destinies, the boy would enjoy his life; that Harry would have a childhood he could be able to look back and smile at fondly when he was older and not spend all his days single-mindedly devoted to training. Defeating all the Dark Lords in the world would never make up for such a loss.

"Ready Sev!" Harry exclaimed grabbing the young man by the arm and leading him towards a repaired fireplace. Severus marveled on the fact he had had enough presence of mind last night to cast the spells needed without damaging the wall any further. They flooed to the Leaky Cauldron and from there walked straight to Diagon Alley without stopping to converse with anybody; not that there were many people there to begin with at such an early hour.

"First stop Gringotts and from there we go for your wand." Severus said to the skipping boy beside him, bringing him to an abrupt standstill. "What's wrong Harry?"

"It's just that… Sev I don't have any money and…" Severus started laughing at the great shock of the boy.

"Harry, I will be responsible for you training, so I believe it falls to me to present you with all the necessary equipment, may that be a wand or whatever." The potions master assured Harry, motioning him to start walking again. "Besides kid, I have told you about my mother's family and all the money I have inherited from her. I believe it's time I put them to good use." His smile seemed to reassure the young boy enough to stop protesting. Talking about his mother's inheritance… Harry would need space to practice and his house at Spinner's End didn't allow such luxury. Maybe it was time… But he would think about that later, he decided, as they entered the grand marble building that was the magical bank. After a fast ride on the wagon that Harry -and Severus though he was loath to admit it- enjoyed, they entered the vault where Harry just observed the piles of gold in awe as the young professor gathered the money needed for the day.

It was ten minutes later that the two wizards stood outside Ollivander's, Severus remembering the first time he lay eyes on that shop to buy his wand; his mother had died a year prior and his father had let him go alone. He took the scared boy's hand and led him through the door, determined he would never had to live through such an experience.

"Mr. Snape! Or professor now, is it not?" An old man with white hair and the most intense blue eyes Harry had ever seen asked; Harry couldn't make heads or tails of him. "And young Harry Potter! Earlier than I expected to see you, but then again your brother was here a few days ago himself. An ebony wand he chose, with a dragon's heart string; flexible and good for transformation, just like your father's! I say he chose, but in truth it is the wand that chooses the wizard Mr. Potter." Harry was getting more and more agitated as Mr. Ollivander spoke and Severus, understanding the boy's fear, stopped the wandmaker's monologue.

"We would like to get Harry his wand Mr. Ollivander."

"But of course! Now tell me Mr. Potter, which is your wand hand?" Harry looked at Severus confused.

