
Hp: The Black Magic Apprentice

In a world where magic and mystery intertwine, meet Jesse Florence, a child with deep red eyes and an enigmatic aura, embarking on an extraordinary journey. Dragged into a magical universe, Jesse faces mystical creatures, sorcery, and ancestral secrets at every turn. However, an unimaginable threat awaits, a sinister force never before challenged... In this untouched realm, Jesse discovers a magical system governed by the elements of Fear, Death, Blood, Energy, and Knowledge. These hidden secrets unveil sinister challenges. This is not the story of a hero, but the journey of a survivor determined to grow and thrive in the face of unspeakable horrors. ........... (The art is not mine) (English not my first language)

Tavares13 · Book&Literature
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5 Chs

Confrontation (2)

In that moment of intense tension, Jesse found himself in a distressing situation, surrounded and isolated, facing five older boys with hostile looks. His senses were heightened, carefully observing each of the boys. He managed to identify each of them: Barry, agile and Evandro's friend; Brian, the burliest of the group; and Peter, the boy who wore glasses and was Evandro's best friend. Jesse also noticed that they were all around 8 to 9 years old. Despite being physically larger than him, their thinness gave them a vulnerability that could perhaps be exploited in his defense.

However, before resorting to drastic measures, Jesse opted for a more peaceful approach, not out of compassion, but because it seemed to be the most convenient path. With a soft and friendly voice, he addressed Evandro, the apparent leader of the group, in the hope of uncovering the origin of the anger fueling the imminent conflict. "Hey, Evandro, why so much hostility? We're all unfortunate orphans, fighting for survival. There's no need for conflict." Jesse chose each word carefully, hoping that an appeal to reason could calm the situation.

As he uttered these words, Jesse felt his heart beating strongly in his chest, an overwhelming mix of fear and nervousness pulsating through his veins. His hands began to sweat, and the realization that he had never faced a real conflict flooded him with insecurity. It was inevitable to feel apprehensive in the face of the unfolding uncertainty.

Amidst the growing tension, Jesse found himself at the epicenter of an impending conflict, surrounded by the older boys, while Evandro expressed his anger with fervent intensity. Evandro's words flowed like a whirlwind of bitterness, his feelings of resentment and jealousy overflowing in his heated rhetoric.

"All of this because you think you're better than us in this orphanage!" Evandro shouted, his face red with fury, his eyes locked onto Jesse, flashing with resentment. "You stand there all pompous, with that superiority complex. You wear better clothes than we do, you were the old director's favorite. You stole our turn! You stole my chance! It was supposed to be the director paying attention to me, it was supposed to be me having all those things, but you always have everything to yourself just because others find you cute!" Evandro's words cut through the air like sharp blades, leaving a trail of bitterness in the atmosphere.

As Evandro vented his repressed anger and jealousy, his accomplices echoed his words with fervent agreements. Barry was the first to speak up, displaying blind loyalty to Evandro. "Exactly!" he exclaimed fervently, his voice resonating like an echo of Evandro's words. "He looks at us with those eyes, as if we were idiots." Barry seemed to be the most gullible and easily influenced among the boys.

The scene was charged with intense emotions. While Evandro vented his anger and repressed jealousy, Jesse struggled to stay calm and avoid a direct confrontation. Hostility hung in the air, and the feelings of resentment and rivalry among the children created a tense and conflict-ridden atmosphere.

Carefully analyzing the situation, Jesse understood that there was no escape without a direct confrontation with those hostile boys surrounding him, all displaying expressions filled with animosity.

However, indifferent to the fate of the others, Jesse decided it was time to act. Without hesitation or remorse, he approached Barry, the boy he judged to be the least perceptive, taking advantage of his lack of cunning.

"Don't worry about it; I promise I'll change and start helping all of you," Jesse said with a friendly smile as he approached Barry. Barry seemed momentarily distracted by Jesse's words, lowering his guard slightly.

Seizing the opening provided by Barry's distraction, Jesse acted quickly and delivered a precise punch aimed at the boy's chin, aware that hitting this area could cause significant damage. Jesse's punch was accurate, and the impact was immediate.

Barry staggered backward, his face contorted in pain, his eyes displaying a mix of shock and confusion. Blood dripped from his lips after Jesse's unexpected blow. Surprise and bewilderment were evident in his expression as he tried to comprehend how someone he had underestimated could be so effective in a confrontation. Barry's previously pale face now bore red marks, and his hands trembled, revealing his vulnerability to the unexpected.

Jesse, engaged in a fight against four opponents, waged a desperate battle as it was the only option he saw. While Barry tried to recover, the other boys closed in, determined to overpower Jesse. Brian, the burliest, was the first to arrive, charging at Jesse with overwhelming force. He grabbed Jesse's legs and violently threw him to the ground, worsening the distressing situation.

Jesse now found himself on the ground, with Brian mounted on top of him, delivering punches to his face with uncontrollable fury. Pain and frustration were evident on his face as he struggled to protect himself. His arms were raised, desperately trying to avoid the relentless blows.

However, in a moment of desperation and cunning, Jesse found an opening in the fight. Feeling the roughness of the sandy terrain under his hands, he grabbed a handful of sand. With a quick and precise movement, he threw the sand into Brian's eyes. The boy, hit by the sand, let out a cry of pain and surprise, instinctively bringing his hands to his face, trying to remove the sand causing intense agony.

In that high-tension moment, Jesse quickly got up, his mind racing for an escape. However, the opening he sought was fleeting, and before he could catch his breath, the other three boys were already upon him, like relentless shadows haunting him. The feeling of being cornered and powerless overwhelmed him as the cruel reality of the confrontation unfolded before his eyes.

The boys violently threw him to the ground, the impact of the fall reverberating through his spine. Jesse was now lying there, vulnerable, at the mercy of his aggressors. The anger and frustration building within him were almost palpable, a overwhelming mix of emotions boiling inside him.

However, even in the face of the boys' brutality, a flame of resistance burned within him, a fierce determination not to yield to those who were subjugating him. And then, something truly extraordinary happened. Jesse felt a powerful energy pulsing within his body, an uncontrollable force that seemed to understand and respond to his will. It was as if every fiber of his being was vibrating with an unknown energy that he now controlled.

Jesse's body became the epicenter of this powerful force, a repulsive energy that erupted from him with astonishing violence. The impetuous force pushed Evandro and the other boys with overwhelming intensity, throwing them through the air and hurling them a considerable distance. The impact of the force was so devastating that it left them unconscious, with evident serious injuries.

However, Jesse, in that moment of ecstasy and disbelief, remained sprawled on the ground, panting and completely astonished by what he had just witnessed. Jesse was euphoric with this power that had emerged from him, and he cared little about the condition of the other children. For him, rebellion and self-discovery were much more significant than anything else in that moment.

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