
Chapter 31: (One extra chapter earned!!!) Part 2

"Well, I'm not going to deny that!" I replied with a shit-eating grin on my face.


"I knew it!" Alice threw out, amused.

"See, I am a special breed of a human being, I am simply amazing, and that is in all honesty an understatement on my part, I might be one of your best shots at getting pregnant, but I am not the only option," I explained.

('Well, technically they might also be able to use a Squib, although that would bring forth a weak offspring, or they may somehow stumble into a church-sanctioned werewolf and bed him! Now that would be one heck of a forbidden romance! Their final option is to fuck one of those Indian weredudes or skinchangers. I have to meet them anyway; maybe they can help Fang and his pack transform. After all, I promised to help them.') I thought while shielding my thoughts from Gayward.

"What are the other options?" one of the men asked me.

*Tsk* I click my tongue, because with me here why would you need a second option?!

('Just be good cuck, and let me breed your wives!') I think annoyed.

"Well, if you find a woman with a strong life force and bed her, she will get pregnant and birth you a child. But it will be one hell of a dangerous pregnancy, and she will only survive if you aim to help her stay alive! If you embrace her, the child dies, and if you do not, then you have to help her stay alive, all along the way; otherwise, the child will inevitably kill his mother upon birth, and he will be aware of that fact," I explained.

"But how?!" Kate asked, shocked upon this disturbing revelation.

"Magic?!" I replied, not sure if it was an answer or a question.

"My assumption is the curse that your whole species is placed under," I eventually added after a short silence.

"Like, you mean Apollo's curse forbids us, lovers, from having a child, and only one out of wedlock that is going to inevitably create problems is allowed?! How insidious!" Tanya finally says shocked.

"Yeah, something along those lines. I cannot be sure how those beings think, but going based on how infidelity was perceived and is still perceived, I think the curse more often than not does its work as it is intended," I replied.

"Mhh, we have to think about how we will use this information," Eleazar finally said.

"See to it, that you do! It is neither a simple, nor easy decision nor one that can be made spontaneously!" I replied, before adding, "And remember your contract. This tidbit of information must stay between us, and the contract also helps protect your feeble little minds from mind rapists like Gayward here!" I add smugly.

This had been one heck of a challenge—hiding and locking memories within the mind of an individual—but I managed. Mostly thanks to the improved [Bookeater] Skill, because I started abusing the shit out of it. Still, accomplished Legilimens might find the information, albeit broken and in pieces, if they really tried and had months to use.

"I know, but how do we go about it?" Rosalie asked, voicing a very important question.

"Well, you're in luck because I am managing a budding crime empire!" I said with a wicked grin.

"See, my idea goes something like this we can start blood banks all around the globe and pay humans for their blood without actually killing them, next we will create settlements. They'll be warded to the max, helping you stay away from prying human eyes. You will be able to raise your families and live among yourselves, just like the wizards tend to do," I explained my idea.

"But we will all basically become your work slaves!" Eleazar added with some displeasure.

"Mate, honest pay for honest work!" Liam, the dude from the Scottish coven, added, not really seeing a problem with my offer.

"Right! I am offering you a choice, one you never had before. But I need help, and having an immortal workforce with centuries worth of experience and powers beyond human understanding might just give me the edge to get ahead of my enemies," I explained my point of view to them.

('I tried those stupid werewolves, but that shit failed apparently spectacularly!' Now, I am used to find a new working force, and one that I can use without worrying about getting backstabbed.) I think to myself.

"Severus, your offer is a great one, but some of us will have to think about it and talk amongst ourselves before we come to a conclusion!" Carlisle said, trying to buy some time for his people.

"I understand, and I am giving you two weeks. By then, I need to know if I can rely on you or if I have to find other allies," I replied.

"I still have one last question!" Rosalie threw out before everyone could disperse.

"Then ask away, Rose," I said, amused at her being flustered.

"If... if we sleep with you and get pregnant, what will your role be in the child's life?" she asked with blushing cheeks.

"Oh, that is quite simple. I will be a co-parent! I am not going to lie and tell you that I will not take part in raising my children. They are as much a part of me as they will be yours. So, we will raise them together, and I will even teach them magic or my other set of powers, should they have inherited the talent for it," I explained, and I saw some faces light up, even among the men.

"Anyway, this is a lot to take in. I say we end this here for today and discuss our final choice at a later time," Tanya said, breaking the tension.

"Sure. Carlisle, I'm heading out for a bit. I want to see what Forks has to offer," I told Carlisle, who looked at me questioningly.

"May I have the keys to your car, pretty please?!" I asked, putting on my most innocent expression.

"Can you even drive?!" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I beg your pardon!! I am a wizard with the power to jump through space, bend reality and make it my bitch, put death into a bottle, and give life to the dead, and you dare to ask me if I can drive a measly car?!" I responded incredulously.

"Yes," came his deadpan reply.

"No, no I cannot," I answered honestly, catching Maggie's intense, creepy stare.

"Thought so!" he said with a triumphant grin.

"I will have someone drive me around, right?!" I asked, hoping to salvage some dignity.

"Absolutely. Can't have my nephew running around town and causing trouble," Carlisle said with a grin.

"I'll do it!" Kate shouted, raising her hand enthusiastically.

"No, you will not!" Tanya said, clearly annoyed.

"I..." Alice started, only to be cut off by a death glare from Emmett.

"Gayward, you do it!" Emmett declared.

*Teeth grinding noises*

"Why always me?" Gayward asked through gritted teeth.

"Because you'd be third-wheeling here anyway!" Kate said smugly.

"Isn't that what you also do?!" he shot back, and I saw them exchange venomous glances.

"Ladies, please don't fight over little ol' me," I said in a mocking tone.

"Buhahaha! He called you a lady! Aren't you happy, Ed?!" Emmett burst out laughing.

"Shut it!" Gayward snapped, dragging me away before the situation could get even more humiliating for him.

"See ya!" Alice and Kate shouted simultaneously, throwing me burning gazes.

"So, where are we going?" I asked Gayward, settling into the car.

"Anywhere but here," he muttered, revving the engine with a grim look on his face.


Hey everyone,

I finally finished posting the last chapter of the first Ark for my Patrons, if you want to read the whole Ark, you know where to go!!! I will now be writing/posting the second Ark!!

Here's the deal: we have a few milestones to hit, and if we can reach them, I'll release an extra chapter as a thank-you. Here's where we stand:

- **2500 cumulative PowerStones**: We're just around **60** currently short of this goal, standing at ~2440.

- **50 cumulative reviews**: We still need **21** more to reach this milestone, standing at 29.

- **450 cumulative comments**: We're just **27** comments away from hitting this target, standing at 423.

- **5000 cumulative collections**: We're short around **1k** collections to make this happen, standing at ~4k. 

-**50 cumulative Patrons**: We're short **35** Patrons to achieve this goal. I suppose my irregular release rate is the cause, but cut me some slack I have ADHD, and get bored easily....

The most achievable goal is simply giving me all them Power Stones!

So, if you're enjoying the story and want that extra chapter, let's work together to hit these goals. Every bit of support counts, and I'm excited to see what we can accomplish as a community!

Link: pat**on.com/ikaru5

As always a big "Thank you!" for all your continued support!