
Chapter 100

"We've just received news from our Crows. There are two incidents that are being investigated: whether Slytherin's last goal was legal, and whether Mr. Anderson's catch was legal. Let's go further into detail with this. Alaric, start us off with the Slytherin goal."

"While most of us were focused on the chase between the seekers, the Gryffindor team was busy. They tried and tried, but they couldn't stop the relenting pursuit of Slytherin. The Slytherin captain managed to score his 15th for the day, but we do not know if he scored before or after the golden snitch was caught. If it was before, Slytherin have managed to draw, and if not, Slytherin have lost their opening game for the first time in eleven years."

"Now, onto the next incident. We saw Mr. Anderson catch the golden snitch twelve minutes into his debut. The fastest person in Hogwarts' long history, however, Slytherin appealed this. They claimed the Gryffindor seeker used Wronski Feint, which, by the official Quidditch definition, he has. Professor McGonagall argues it was the boys first match and that she should show some leniency. While Professor Snape wants her to, I'm quoting Professor Snape quoting Professor McGonagall: 'One must always follow the rules'. If it doesn't count, Slytherin will have to score one more goal. And if they do, it doesn't matter who catches the snitch. Slytherin will win. Here comes Madam Hooch. Good afternoon, Madam Hooch. Have you come to a decision yet?"

"Yes, I have. It is clear to all observers that Mr. Anderson did in fact use the Wronski Feint; however, it will stand. Mr. Anderson has the record of catching the golden snitch in the shortest amount of time in their debut."



"I know this decision is not what some of you want, but I have decided to show some leniency. Mr. Madoo's 15th goal will stand. The ball went through the net before the golden snitch was caught, accurate to 0.00001 seconds. According to the official Quidditch rule, I can only be accurate to 0.001 seconds. The game should have ended 170-160 for Gryffindor, as the golden snitch would have taken priority in this situation. I would like to end this match early, as players on both teams have sustained injuries and key players were in need of time to cool their heads. As a result, the game will end with both sides netting 170 points each. Thank you."


"Thank you, Madam Hooch. This time, it's the Gryffindor fans who are angry. Understandable, as if she hadn't, they would have won. The Slytherin fans were seething in anger when Madam Hooch made her first announcement, but are now rather tame hearing why she did that."

"A rather unexpected end to a game filled with unexpected events. The match ended level, with both teams scoring 170-points. The Slytherin captain wins the 'Player of the Match' award and receives twenty additional house points. This has been Alaric Spinster and Mason Tipson, and we'll see you next time."

Gryffindor locker room

Returning to the locker room, the team was followed closely by Professor McGonagall. Once she entered, she used her wand to cast a drying charm on all the players. She then went around and ruffled everyone's hair in excitement. She also used her wand to take off everyone's protective paddings and placed them in a basket. A house-elf popped up and took them away.

"Congratulations are in order. To be brutally honest, there was no chance before we restarted that I thought we were going to win the game or even come very close. You all have surpassed my expectations. A special set of congratulations is in order for Angelina Johnson and Albert Anderson. Mr. Weasley, when you host your celebration party later this evening, make sure to enjoy yourselves, but do not give any alcohol to third-year students and below," Professor McGonagall said with a smile on her face. "I will be in Hogsmeade with a few members of staff today, so I expect to see the common room in pristine condition in the morning. I would also suggest all of you head to Madam Pomfrey so she can check on all of you. Also, check in on Mr. Wood. Once again, well done. I'll see some of you later, and for the others, congratulations. Right now, I'll be off."

"You heard her; tonight we celebrate, and tomorrow we regret. Mario, Daniel, and Jackson, you three are on drink duty while Irene and Mark are setting up. Well done, you two. Be ready to get smash faced," Charlie said.

"Do you know what they're talking about?" Angelina asked.

"No idea. Just play along," Albert replied.

"It's our celebration party. We always have one when we beat Slytherin or humiliate Slytherin. And you, Albert, have definitely humiliated them," Irene said.

"The blood puritans may be on your back from now on. If you get into any trouble or if trouble comes looking for you, don't hesitate to ask us for help. We'll get someone on it," Mario said.

"Why don't you guys do something about it?" Angelina asked.

"If us sixth and seventh years get involved, we would break our pact," Mark said. "And if we break our pac with Slytherin, everyone is far game."

"Imagine sixth and seventh years bullying first and second years. There would be chaos, and somebody might get hurt," Jackson said. "And we don't want that."

"Is that why we rarely see older students bullying younger students?" Albert asked.

"Yes. We have this silent pact with every house, and it reduces the workload on the professors," Charlie said. "Now enough chit-chat; get changed. We're heading to the castle after everyone is ready."

Hogwarts' infirmary wards

"Here we are. The quidditch team's second home in all its grandeur," Charlie said as he walked in. "Good afternoon, Madam Pomfrey. How's the wife?"

"Mr. Weasley, refrain from asking personal questions when in a professional environment, but she is in good health. She asked if you were going to visit her soon. She's feeling a little lonely."

"I'll ask my mother if we can visit during Yule," Charlie replied.

"Charlie, how do you know Madam Pomfrey's wife? It sounds like you two are really familiar," Angelina asked.

"She's my mentor. She's the one who secured my internship with the Dragon Sanctuary in Romania," Charlie said.

"It sounded like you were closer than that in another way," Albert said.

"Enough talking about my wife. Take one bed each, and I'll attend to you soon," Madam Pomfrey said as the Slytherin team walked in. "Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Just like the Gryffindor students, take a bed each, and I'll attend to you when I can."

"Thank you, Madam Pomfrey," Locke said as he turned to face his team. "Settle down and be respectful. Charlie, may I have a word with you?"

"Yeah sure. Outside or in here?" Charlie said.

"Whichever one you want," the Slytherin captain replied.

"Outside it is," Charlie said as the two boys walked outside. Both of them spoke some words before shaking hands and walking back in. Locke walked towards an empty bed near the rest of the Slytherins, while Charlie took a seat near the Gryffindors.

"What was that about?" Irene asked.

"We both apologised to each other," Charlie said.

"You forgave him after what he said?" Mark asked.

"I spoke to Professor McGonagall during the match, and she said that most of what Locke said was true. Locke just told me that his brother told him that she's alive and is a teacher's assistant at Durmstrang." Charlie said.

"What about what he said about her being a 'good sport'?" Albert asked.

"Slytherin have a different system where they stick together. Even though she was a Weasley, they wouldn't do anything like that to another Slytherin. If they did, they would probably be exiled from Slytherin, and from what I heard, it's not pretty," Charlie said. "My emotions got the better of me, and I could think properly. If I did, I would've known he was trying to rile me up."

"Oh. So you're not mad?" Angelina asked.

"No," Charlie said.

"Gryffindor, I've just finished patching up your goalkeeper. You can go say hello," Madam Pomfrey said. "Let's start with you, young lady. Follow me."

The Gryffindor quidditch team walked towards where Madam Pomfrey came from. There, they saw Oliver in bed with a bandage around his chest. They walked closer to speak to him.

"Oliver, you've broken your teeth?" Jackson asked.

"Yeah, I chipped my front two teeth. Madam Pomfrey said she'll give me a potion before I fall asleep to fix that," Oliver said. "Locke really did a number on me. So, how bad was it? How much did we lose?"

"Actually, we drew," Mario said.

"We drew? How?" Olivaer asked.

"Albert became the faster player to catch a seeker on his debut," Charlie said. "It ended with both teams getting 170-points."

"Angelina, your turn," Irene said as she walked into the room.

"Coming," Angelina said before leaving the room.

"Who scored our other goal?"

"Angelina did," Irene said as she took a seat on Oliver's bed. "She dribbled past the whole Slytherin defence before scoring. It looks like you have a gem in your hand."

"Two gems, Oliver. You have a real chance of ending Slytherin's reign when you become captain," Charlie said.

"Did you get hurt anywhere else?" Irene asked as she slapped his legs.

"Oww. Yeah, my legs as well," Oliver said.

"Albert, your turn," Angelina said as she entered the room.

Albert left the room and headed to the room where Madam Pomfrey was.

"Good afternoon, child. Stand over there," Madam Pomfrey said as she went to the cabinet to pick up a potion. She turned and lifted her wand. She cast a diagnostic charm to see if anything was broken.

"You are fine. Take this and then call Jackson to come here next," the healer said. She handed him a potion. Albert drank it and then left the room. He went to Oliver's ward and told Jackson that Madam Pomfrey had called for him next. When everyone had been checked up on, they left the infirmary. They headed towards the kitchen. Mario, Daniel, and Jackson left the group early. Irene and Mark headed towards the common room.

Once the group got to the kitchen, Charlie and Kyle went in and got a few baskets of snacks. They took the long route back to the common room, and when they entered, the whole house was there cheering their names as they entered. Due to Gryffindor traditions, the MVP for their side must chug a mug of fire whisky in a certain amount of time; however, as Albert was a minor, he had to chug either apple or orange juice.

While the older students went off and celebrated, Albert and Angelina joined the other first-year students. A gryffindor first year that Albert had never met joined them later on. Angelina introduced her as Katie Bell. Angelina said that she was having a hard time adapting to Hogwarts, and this is the first time she has joined in on a large-scale social event.

They played games like gobblestone and wizarding chess. Later, Albert introduced the first years to UNO, and they played UNO with consequences. The loser had to sing a song of the winners request. Later in the day, house elves brought some food for them to eat. Some of the older students drunkenly joined in with them, and some of them started to flirt with the younger students.

Lucky for us, Percy Weasley came to the rescue. He stopped them from going too far, and he even fed some people knockout potions to knock them out. He asked the house elves to send them back to their room.