
HP: The Achiever

Reborn into the world of Harry Potter, the MC uses his knowledge and power to explore the unsung mysteries of the world. He discovers that the world is quite different than he had seen in the movies and read in the books. He goes into many magical exploration. Some Information: 1. Yes, the MC would have a system but it will be passive. 2. The MC won't be a Harry Potter fanatic, following Harry Potter around everywhere or getting involved with him. 3. MC will be older than Harry 4. Although he will take part in some of the plots and change them. 5. MC will be manipulative. 6. The world is an Alternate Universe, so some of the timeline and plot might be changed my me -------- ------- Disclaimer: I do not own the Harry Potter series or any of its characters, it is completely owned by J.K Rowling ------ If you want to support this fanfic and help me improve my writing and your reading experience, kindly provide your comments through reviews and comments.

FT_Rhino · Book&Literature
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17 Chs

Chapter 10: The Right Way

Chapter 10: The Right Way


Shelby Mansion


Potions were said to be one of the most ancient and powerful forms of magic, with only a handful truly mastering their essence. Or so it was claimed. Watching their son, Lisa and Robert Shelby couldn't help but think it was the biggest joke.

Just a week after being introduced to potion-making, Leo brewed his first potion perfectly. What stunned them was that he didn't stop there; he continued to brew any potion he wanted with uncanny success. It seemed less like a skill and more like a matter of simply mixing ingredients.

For Leo, potion-making became his favorite branch of magic. It linked seamlessly with his past life as a researcher and chemist, leading to a deeper understanding of the principles behind potion theories. His photographic memory and Analyze skill, which allowed him to detect the possibilities of success in potion-making, further boosted his abilities. This prowess unlocked an achievement:


{Achievement Unlocked:

Novice Potion Master

Description: You can brew most potions with a high success rate.

Reward: Potion Insight (Skill)}

Potion Insight enabled Leo to perceive the qualitative and quantitative factors of potions with ease. This newfound skill transformed his understanding and approach to potion-making.


"Wizards don't understand the science of chemical reactions and therapeutic effects," Leo often mused. "They don't know proper extraction methods and solely rely on cutting, crushing, and grinding. Are they always going to stay like that?"

One evening, as he sorted through various samples, a knock on the door interrupted his thoughts.

"Come in," Leo called. Lisa entered, her expression curious. "Need help with something?"

"Yes, can you produce a flame hotter than 300 degrees Celsius?" Leo asked without looking up from his work.

"I can, but it's dangerous to make a flame that hot," Lisa replied, her tone cautious. "Care to tell me what you're up to?"

"I want to check the purity of these magical plants," Leo explained, still focused on his samples.

Lisa raised an eyebrow. "Purity? There are multiple methods to check it. I can simply use detection magic."

"I know, but I'm not trying to find magical purity," Leo said.

"Then what kind of purity are you looking for? Magical purity determines a plant's potency for making potions," Lisa said, puzzled.

"And it also results in various side effects," Leo replied with a knowing smile. "It's a useless way."

"What kind of purity are we talking about then?" Lisa asked, now genuinely intrigued.

"Did you attend a Muggle school or any institute after graduating from magical school?" Leo asked.

Lisa hesitated. "No, I didn't. Why?"

"Muggles have advanced in technology, and you've seen that. But wizards haven't evolved. Instead, they've devolved," Leo said.

Lisa, unable to keep up with her son's cryptic explanations, pressed him. "What are you getting at? Be clear."

"What if I told you I could make these potions more potent with little to no side effects and using even fewer materials than it takes normally?" Leo said, his eyes gleaming with confidence.

Lisa was dazed by his claim. She knew Leo was much more mature than his peers and wouldn't bluff about such things, but she needed to be sure. "Can you prove it?"

"Yes," Leo said confidently.

From that day, Robert and Lisa helped Leo create the necessary instruments he required. Leo's approach was simple: since wizards had developed the magical part for centuries, he focused on the non-magical aspects. For instance, if materials couldn't be mixed due to loss at high temperatures, he used a reflux condenser; if the substance had a volatile nature, he used fractional distillation, and so on.

With his parents' assistance, Leo built all the modern equipment and apparatuses. Robert, being skilled in ancient runes and alchemy, made the process easier. It took three months to build everything.

On this day, Robert and Lisa stood by as their son prepared his potions. The room was filled with new equipment. There was a large cubical with a nameplate, "Oven," capable of reaching 1500 degrees Celsius thanks to fire-making runes. Another was labeled "Shaker," and a massive tube bore the name "Reflux Condenser," among other devices.

Lisa and Robert exchanged smiles. They had lived among Muggles for years but had never seen such integration of both worlds. They eagerly anticipated their son's success. They left the room, instructing Eva to keep an eye on Leo.

The next day, Lisa and Robert saw a tired Leo emerge from the room. Due to their younger twins, they had been called away, worried the toddlers might start showing accidental magic soon. Returning home, they found Leo looking like a zombie.

"Leo, don't tell me you stayed awake all night," Lisa said, her tone laced with anger.

"I'm fine," Leo replied, barely registering her concern.

"Eva, did he eat dinner? Why didn't you tell him to go to bed?" Lisa demanded.

"Eva tried, but Master Leo didn't listen," the house-elf said, worry and fear evident in her voice.

"Mum, don't scold her. I ate dinner and wanted to stay awake," Leo said wearily.

"Leo, it doesn't matter whether you succeed or fail in making the potion. Your health is more important to us," Robert said, worry etched in his face.

"Fail? I never said I'd fail," Leo replied, a hint of a smirk appearing. "Come, I'll show you both."

He led them back to the potion room. Inside, they saw twelve vials lined up, each filled with a potion.

"These potions were prepared with about 60-70% of the usual raw materials. They are ten times more potent than traditional ones with no side effects, but we'll need to experiment to confirm that part," Leo explained, introducing his creations.

Lisa and Robert were stunned. They had anticipated some improvement but hadn't expected such extraordinary results.

"Leo, if what you say is true, you'd win the most prestigious award in potion-making tomorrow. This could make us the richest in the magical world," Robert said, his voice filled with awe.

"I don't want awards, but I'd love to sell them," Leo said with a determined glint in his eye.

"Don't worry. I won't let your work go in vain," Robert assured him, a proud smile spreading across his face.




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