
CH 23: Book Hunt

{[Last Time in Tainted Desire]}

"Really," I said. "That's your story huh." She nodded, and I continued talking, all while walking closer to her. "Maybe we should ask professor Dumbledore," I said even as I put my hand on her cheek, enjoying the way she trembled helplessly under my touch. "No," I added after second. "Professor Dumbledore is far too busy for such a minor thing." She relaxed until I brought my hand down to her neck, gently caressing. "Maybe Professor McGonagall."







The fear on her face was palpable. "No, please not Professor McGonagall."

I smiled. "You are right, she is more likely to have a heart attack in this case. Professor Snape is the best option." This time, her fear was almost a physical entity. I leaned to whisper softly. "What do you think, Miss Granger, do you want to stand there and listen as I explain Snape how I caught you in the library, your tits dangling like tasty treats, begging for lips to treat them like a tasty ice-cream, on display for the first taker." I could feel her trembling under my touch, arousal rising quickly to catch up with her fear. "Or," I whispered, this time my lips touching her ears. "We can come up with a punishment to handle it between ourselves." My hands, sliding down to her breasts, massaging her soft flesh left no doubt about what I was talking about.

She nodded, which was all the consent I needed. I pressed her shoulders, forcing her to sit down. "Keep your beautiful ass connected to that chair," I ordered, only to get another shaky nod in return. "Good girl," I said, even as my hands slid towards her chest, and started massaging her breasts over her clothes.

"What are you doing," she managed to ask a few seconds later, each word interrupted by deep moans.

"If you got a problem," I said, twisting her nipples to extract a yelp. "We can always go to Snape, what do you think?"

"No," she exclaimed in panic, trying to jump in panic, which was aborted since I was keeping my hold on her nipples.

"Good girl," I approved, my touch once more soft. She whimpered helplessly, but still, the arousal was present in her tone. I massaged her body for a while, until I could feel her relaxing under my touch, knowing that pushing her too far too fast would only backfire.

Surprisingly, it took less than a minute for her tense whimpers to get replaced with a satisfied, low-key purring, indicating that my dream ploy was wildly successful. Of course, that just gave me the opportunity to push farther than I had initially planned. "It's a disgrace, leaving your breast naked for all to see, we need to cover them," I said before covering them completely. But considering I was using my hands as a makeshift bra, it was doubtful just how effective it had been in terms of my stated aim. I let my fingers sank into her breasts, treating them as the most amazing stress-balls I had the pleasure to touch.

It was there where my plan almost hit a snag. In her backed up state, the stimulation from my touch proved too much for her magically enforced the state of arousal, and she started shaking in the chair she was sitting, her eyes showing white. Of course, I had no intention of leaving her alone that cheaply, definitely not after she managed to arouse my interest in such a spectacular manner. I kept one of my hands on her breasts, molesting her flesh, though careful not to leave any mark, and the other sneaked under her skirt, a move she made no attempt to prevent.

I felt her burning arousal around my fingers, combined with a dash of wetness to enhance it even further, her mouth perpetually open to let out her cries of pleasure. How I longed to feast on those lips before pushing my cock, breaking her under a rush of pleasure, but unfortunately, such aggressive moves risked to break the illusion I had managed to establish.

Still, nothing prevented me from leaning forward until my lips pressed her neck, the soft suction I delivered further enhancing her pleasure. Soon, she shuddered for the second time, this time shouting my name. At that point, I was unable to resist the temptation. I placed a soft, lingering kiss on her lips. Marvelous, I thought even as I stunned her with a low-powered stunner, then put her head carefully on the table in a sleep pose. I didn't bother about fixing the state of her clothes. After all, they were already messy when I arrived. Then, I put her hand under her panties, canceled the spells on the environment that I used to make it look like Hogwarts before starting to browse the shelves for the useful books.

The book hunt was much more fun, considering I had an eye candy to observe whenever I got bored.


Tired after my adventure, I went directly to the bed, and spent the morning focused on my magical studies. My magical abilities were increasing at an impressive speed, maybe due to the effect of the two disconnected perspectives, maybe due to the elder wand, but nevertheless, I managed to learn a lot of arcane magics from Malfoy and Black library, getting them right after a couple of tries, despite most of them requiring months of training for a normal wizard. Curses and hexes of untold destructive potential flowed from my wand unrestricted, all while barely draining my power. Still, I wasn't sure I could fight against Voldemort. At least in a fair fight, which I had no intention of experiencing.

With most of my plans in a standby, the day after passed the same, only with a brief break where I sent tonight's attire to Fleur. When the clock struck seven, I was already in the living room of the vacation home, waiting for Fleur's arrival. This time, there was no potion waiting for her, I wanted to test the limits of her training.

When she arrived, she was wearing the bulkiest robe I have ever seen, her arms wrapped around to provide extra protection. That view excited me instead of disappointing. After all, there a reason for her apparent vulnerability, likely the fact that what lied underneath was much different than her usual mode of dress.



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