
HP: Ronan's Journey

Ronan Johanson, a normal orphan living in Little Whinging when he realized that he had transmigrated, was pleased. With the knowledge of a 35-year-old stock broker, who hand transmigrated into 1991, he realized that he would be able to become a billionaire if he played his cards right. Transmigrated with the gift of photographic memory and minor telekinesis he thought that his life would be awesome. But when a squat little old woman, calling herself Professor Sporut comes knocking at his door, he realizes that his life is not going to be as easy as he thought it to be. __________________________________ Please note the following things:- >MC would be a villain. But, keep in mind that this is not the kind of novel where the MC acts like a psychopath from day one. He will walk on the path slowly. >MC won't remember the full extent of the story of movies. >For the first few chapters, the story would follow canon, but variation would start taking place soon when MC would enter the second year. >This is not a harem fic. I have not thought about the love interest, if anyone has any suggestions then feel free to comment. ____________________________________ The book will be updated every Monday to Friday.  To read chapter ahead of public release and to support me, consider becoming a patron on: patreon.com/Yash_Vardhan One can chat with me on my Discord: https://discord.gg/kb7jehGPFX

YashVardhan_OG · Book&Literature
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Chapter-71: Halloween

It was the morning of Halloween, and the whole Slytherin common room was filled with a buzz of students and was decorated very nicely for the occasion. Another reason why whole common room was buzzing with activity was that today was the first Hogsmeade visit of the year. And everyone was excited to visit the place. From what Ronan knew Hogsmeade was the only all-wizarding establishment in Britain. It is a wonderful place, full of different wizarding shops. But Ronan was not excited at all, because he would not be able to visit it.

One of the reasons that he wouldn't be able to visit was because he had no one that could sign on his consent form. Another reason was, that today he would be tested by Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick. If he is able to pass their test, only then he would be able to be granted permission slips from both of them.

Ronan's friends didnt like that Professors decided to test him today, of all the days, but he didnt care as it was not like something he had major plans for the day. And he would rather give those tests today, than on Christmas. He had major plans for Christmas. Because this year, he had decided that it was finally the time to visit his other house in Scotland…

Ronan was sitting on a sofa near the fire, busy in planning his upcoming calender, when Blaise called for him. "Is this it?" Blaise asked, "You dont want anything, other than Honey Duke's candies?" he held in his hands the list of candies that Ronan wanted to try.

Ronan simply shrugged, "I dont want anything else… if you find something interesting, do bring me some,"

Blaise nodded, "You got it,"

"You know what, it is not fair," Daphne complained, she was sitting in front of Blaise and him, with Pancy, "Considering that you dont have any family members, I think Professor would allow you. You should ask Professor Snape. He would surely allow you,"

"I dont think so," Ronan said. "Professor Snape is a stickler for rules. And he would not bend his rules for anyone." He then further added, "Also, I have to give two tests today, remember?"

"I will be honest, I dont get you," Pancy said, "Who in their right mind would give these… tests.. On Halloween?" she emphasized again, "On Halloween,"

"Well it was not like I had any plans for the day," Ronan said,

"You should have plans!" Daphne ranted, "It is Halloween. You are a kid right?" Ronan didnt answer, just stared at her confused by her sudden outburst. She once again asked, "You are a kid, right?"

"Yeah," he said, still confused about what was going on,

"Then you should come to Hogsmeade! This is just absurd! I think you should go talk to Professor Snape, surely he would be able to do something. You cannot just stay here,"

"I dont get it… what is going on?" he asked her, "Why are you so upset?"

"I am upset because today we should have been going to Hogsmeade as a group. We should be having butter beer in Rosmerta's bar.. And yet here you are, staying back. AND the worst of all, you didnt even tell us that you could not go! How is that fair?"

Daphne then got up and snatched the list of candies from Blaise, "Come on, Pancy, we are going,"

"Well didnt we have a good hour before we need to…" Pancy tried to reason, but Daphne was not having it. "Pancy!" Daphne yelled, and immediately Pancy jumped and started following her. And soon they were out of the common room.

"What the hell was that about?" Ronan asked Blaise, to which he only shrugged…


Sitting in McGonagall's office, Ronan's mind was not in the least worried about the test. He was still thinking about Daphne's outburst. He couldnt understand why she behaved that way. Her birthday was in February, and he celebrated it with the rest of the gang in the common room. He was pretty sure that he had not backed out of any promise that he made her. So he had no idea what prompted her to behave in such a way.

It was the door of the office flung open and the professor walked in. He stood up and greeted her, "Good evening professor,"

"Good evening Mr. Johason," she said, and then gestured for him to sit down, "Please have a seat."

He sat down, and then she continued, "Now, I get it you want to give your OWLs this year. I must say, this is a very unprecedented situation. And we dont normally allow students to give OWLs this early. But in your case, no faculty member raised concerns. You have managed to impress everyone, especially Professor Snape which is quite impressive."

"I just try to do my best, ma'am," he said.

"Well, let's just start now, shall we," He nodded, and hence the test commenced. The professor went on to ask him several theories and tough questions regarding transfiguration, and he was able to handle them with ease. After a long session of viva questions, came the time of the practical exam.

"For the practical exam, I believe that I can only pass you if you can transfigure all of those creatures in the room," she gestured towards the varieties of rats, birds, turtles, etc, in cages in her officer, "To an inanimate objects. We would start from something smaller, then we would move on to something bigger with every step,"

He then whipped out his wand and said, "Professor, allow me please.." 

Without saying a word, he pointed his wand toward the old curtains of her office. Those curtains were tied together with a golden rope. He waved his wand and the ropes transfigured into snakes.

"In-animate to animate transfiguration is the seventh-year topic, Mr. Johanson," Professor mumbled, as she was too impressed by his magic.

"That is not all," he said. Then he waved his wand again and the snakes moved each other and entangled their bodies with each other.

"Controlling transfigured objects.. This.. Is very impressive!" she said.

He smiled and turned the snake back to the ropes. Needless to say, he was able to get the permission slip from Professor McGonagall…

When Ronan reached Professor's Flitwick office, the old professor was eagerly for him in the office. Polietly he came in and sat down in front of the smiling professor.

"Good evening Professor,"

"Mr. Johanson," said the professor with enthusiasm, "First of all let me tell you, it is my utmost pleasure to take this test. You have been a remarkable student, and I will love to have you as my NEWT student."

"It would be my pleasure to be your student, sir," his words made Professor chuckle.

"Speaking of which," Professor leaned in his seat, "Professor Lupin told me that you are able to cast a Patronus Charm. And that too, you can cast a Corporeal Patronus." He nodded.

"Could you show me?" With a smile, he showed the Professor his charm.

It was no surprise, but after an hour of questions and practicals, Ronan finally got a permission slip from Flitwick. And as the session came to an end, Ronan asked the old man a question that had been eating him for a while, "Professor, can I ask you a question about a certain charm? I have been reading up on it, and I quite dont understand it's.. Intricasies."

"What is it, boy?"

"I want to know about Deming-away Charm."


"It is not fair," Neville complained. And Harry nodded with acknowledgment.

It was not an easy task, to get signature from his uncle and aunt on the form for the Hogsmeade Visit. He was able to get the permission after a lot of back and forth. And yet here he was standing with Neville, looking from the small window of a dirty classroom, overseeing Hermione and Ron going to Hogsmeade with the rest of the 3rd-year students. It was just not fair.

"I wanna kill the man who exploded the dung bomb in Snape's office," Neville said.

"Me too," Harry sadly said.

"It is so not fair… We didnt do anything. It was a setup! Why the hell would we explode the bomb in Snape's office and then just leave our textbook just lying around? This is a very big setup."

"I still have a feeling that Malfoy would be behind this," Harry said, "After all.. Who would enact revenge on us, other than him?"

"But Harry… How can Malfoy get his hands on our books? That just doesn't make any sense. I am with Hermione on this one, there is no way that a Slytherin student could access the Gryffindor common room."

"Do you think that he could have used a polyjuice potion?" 

"Nah.. He dont have the brains to prepare it. I think, only Ronan might be able to brew some among all the Slytherins,"

Harry nodded, "You are right,"

"Well, let's just get this over with," Neville said, looking at the cauldrons lined before them in the classroom. As a punishment, Snape had ordered them to clean all these cauldrons before nightfall.

"Yeah," Harry said, grabbing the brush.

"Hey, do you think that this happened for good?" Neville asked.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked.

"Well, in divination class, Professor Trevenaly said that she saw a Grim in your tea leaves. It is a good thing that you are not able to go out. Dont you think so?"

"Hermione thinks that she is a quack," Harry said, he was not worried at all about Grim. "And even Ronan thinks that divination is a dead-end subject."

"Speaking of which… have you seen Ronan recently?" Neville asked, "I have not met the man since the train."

"That is true.. And you know what, he didnt have anyone that could sign his Hogsmeade form for him. He must be in the castle right now. I reckon we can find him in the Library if we hurry." It is then Neville and Harry come to an agreement and start working faster to go and meet their friend…