
HP: Ronan's Journey

Ronan Johanson, a normal orphan living in Little Whinging when he realized that he had transmigrated, was pleased. With the knowledge of a 35-year-old stock broker, who hand transmigrated into 1991, he realized that he would be able to become a billionaire if he played his cards right. Transmigrated with the gift of photographic memory and minor telekinesis he thought that his life would be awesome. But when a squat little old woman, calling herself Professor Sporut comes knocking at his door, he realizes that his life is not going to be as easy as he thought it to be. __________________________________ Please note the following things:- >MC would be a villain. But, keep in mind that this is not the kind of novel where the MC acts like a psychopath from day one. He will walk on the path slowly. >MC won't remember the full extent of the story of movies. >For the first few chapters, the story would follow canon, but variation would start taking place soon when MC would enter the second year. >This is not a harem fic. I have not thought about the love interest, if anyone has any suggestions then feel free to comment. ____________________________________ The book will be updated every Monday to Friday.  To read chapter ahead of public release and to support me, consider becoming a patron on: patreon.com/Yash_Vardhan One can chat with me on my Discord: https://discord.gg/kb7jehGPFX

YashVardhan_OG · Book&Literature
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Chapter-26: The Deathly Hallows

I was too lazy to set the timer.


Announcements for the week:- 

1> This week will be a chapter bonanza. I will be uploading every day for the week, and even going far as to upload two chapters on Sunday. The reason you ask...

Well, the chapter on Saturday is going to be the makeup chapter for the last week. As far as Sunday is concerned, it is my birthday. I always throw a party to all my friends on my birthday, as I cannot invite all of my readers to my party. I will be celebrating my birthday by doing a special mass release. 

2> I have been suffering from a Viral Fever since last Friday. I was not able to write anything during that time, but I was able to edit some of the chapters of my original book. So, now I have officially launched the books and will be uploading regularly till mid-March. That is when the first volume would be over. 

My original book is available on Royal Road and on Scribble Hub only. If someone is interested in reading my work, go the web browser, open the sites and search for League of Assassins. That is the name of my book. 

Or one can also hop into my discord server and get the link from there. 

3> Thank you guys for your support. 


An hour after going through the book, Ronan couldnt find anything that could tell him or give him any clue about the tale. By the time he decided to retire, Neville and his friends were also getting up to meet up with Hagrid.

"Would you like to go with us to meet Hagrid?" Harry asked, to which he swiftly and politely declined, "Nah, I have to complete my research. You guys have fun, but dont forget to call me if something crazy happens"

With that the group left, Ronan got up and put his back to where he picked it from. As he was about to exit the Library, he realized that he could just ask Madame Pince about it. As this is harmless knowledge, she would have no problem with telling him about the tale.

With that, he went to her desk which was situated in the middle of the Library, from where she could keep an eye on everyone. As usual, she was busy with her paperwork, when he got to her desk, "Ahem ahem," he cleared his throat to get her attention.

She glanced up with her glasses still on her nose, "What is it, Mr Johanson?"

"Ma'am, I was wondering whether I can ask you about a topic that I have recently read."

She got back to her work, "What is it?"

"Well, I read The Tale of Three Brothers in Tales of Beedle the Bard, and was wondering whether artifacts in the story are real or not?"

She kept on working, "So you wanna know about Deathly Hallows?"

That definitely sounded familiar to Ronan, and if he is not wrong then Deathly Hallows was the title of one of the movies. This meant that his suspicion was dead on, that fairy tale is part of the Harry Potter universe. "I dont know what these Deathly Hallows are."

She stopped working, and then looked at him, with a sigh she left whatever she was doing and took a fresh piece of parchment, "It is a mere legend. And I dont personally believe in it, but if you are curious about it…" She then drew a line on the piece of parchment. "This line represents, The Elder Wand. The most powerful wand in the world."

She then drew a circle around the straight line, "This circle represents The Resurrection Stone." And then she drew a triangle around the line and circle, enclosing them, "This triangle represents The Cloak of Invisibility… And when all of these things are combined, they form what we call Deathly Hallows."

"Woah," he said, being amazed.

"The tales of Beedle The Bard integrated this story later on, the legend of Deathly Hallows was present even before the book. There is no concrete proof that these Hallows ever existed, so you will never anything related to these legends in any books. But some people in the world do think that these things exist. According to the legend, if someone gets hold of every artifact, they would become the Master of Death, or Vanquisher of Death, or the Conquerer of Death."

"This is it? There is nothing else?"

Madame Pince shook her head, "No concrete proof had been found of the existence of these things. There are invisibility cloaks, but they are very hard to get hands-on. The resurrection stone does not exist, as far as the Elder Wand is concerned, no wand in the world could help the person win every duel. This is simply not possible."

"Oh," He acted disheartened, but the thing was that he was really excited. Madame Pince might think that these things dont exist, but he knew better. He knew that these things were real, and were hidden somewhere in the world. He bid the Madame farewell and went his way, trying to think about the location of these hallows…


Easter went by in a blink of an eye, and people started panicking for real this time. Professor Snape had just handed out the timetable for their yearly exams, and this came as a wake-up call for all students. Everyone started brushing up their notes, asking seniors or toppers of the class about their doubts, it was a whole mayhem. And Ronan was at the center of it.

Julie had the brilliant idea to spread the word around that Ronan had fully read and learned the whole second-year course, and he knew everything. So for most part of the week, he was surrounded by students from both first and second year, as they wanted him to teach them. Slytherins had a very high pride and ego factor, so they hardly asked for help from anyone, but when they got to know that one of their own could help them, they would shed their pride and ask for help.

Hell, in fact Draco also came for help, which Ronan also didnt see coming.

"Will you help me or not?" Draco asked with arrogance dripping from his face, with Crabbe and Goyle standing on either side of the boy, glaring down at him. It was funny he was begging for his help.

"What do you need help with?" Ronan asked, it didnt matter to him that Draco had been a prick for most of the first year. What mattered to him was the influence that Malfoy's name brought and he could use this buffon to his advantage.

"I need to know how to turn matchstick into a needle."

With a sigh, he started helping the boy. And as it turns out, Draco was a good wizard, with only a few instructions, he was able to learn the trick. And it only took him about half an hour to get the job done. While Crabbe and Goyle were like trolls, dumb as fuck, they couldnt even keep up with simple commands. And seeing their behavior, he realized that these dumb fucks were in Slytherins just beause of their blood status. They were not cunning nor ambitious, they were just dumb.

Soon Ronan's friends also joined them, and he found himself standing and yelling at the children around him,

"It's LEVIOSA… Enunciate… Pull it longer." He barked at Pancy. Then some second-year student gave him a piece of parchment, he looked through it and yelled once again, "Pixies are not 5 feet long. They are like 4 inches tall. Who the hell wrote this? You have managed to confuse the description of red caps and pixies!"

Like that, he handled and yelled at students who came to him for help. The surprising part was that only a handful of students did decent work. He was only required to make some changes in the work of good students, while the rest of them were dreadful, which was probably the effect of in-breeding between these so-called pure-blood students. But he would not be the one to point it out.

Soon came a time, when he became so thirsty and hungry that he decided to head to the Great Hall to get something to eat. As he was going out of the Slytherin Common Room, Ronan bumped into Draco who was also leaving. The weird part was that his bodyguards were not with him. They didnt talk to each other until they had left the room, when they got outside, into the abandoned and desolate dungeons Draco spoke,

"You should really consider who you call your friends, Ronan," Draco said.

"Who I consider my friends? What are you trying to say?" he asked.

"I have seen you." He said, "Talking to those blood traitors Weasleys and Mud-blood Granger. You should not be befriending people like them. You belong with us,"

Ronan stopped, and so did Draco. Looking into his eyes, he asked Draco, "Could do me a favor, and take out your wand?"

Draco was taken back, he stepped backward with one hand on his wand. He was clearly afraid of him, which did amuse Ronan. "I am not going to do anything Draco. Just show me your wand."

Uncertain about his intention, Draco stared at him warily. But still, be took out his wand, and without any difficulty, Ronan snatched the wand from his hands with his telekinesis, "HEY!" Draco yelled and tried to take his wand back, but he couldnt get near Ronan due to his telekinesis.

"I am going to do anything," Ronan snapped, "Relax. I want to show you something." Draco did calm down, but his eyes betrayed him. His eyes told Ronan that he was in fact terrified.

"Look at this." Ronan pointed to dirt smudges around the wand, "These are mud smudges. If you dont clean your wand regularly, these appear."


"Should I throw the wand away because it is dirty?" Draco immediately yelled, "No!"

"Then why do you hate mud blood so much?" he asked while giving back his wand.

Draco snatched it, and asked, "How do mud bloods and dirty wands have in common."

"They are dirty." Ronan said "Think about for a second. You are not willing to throw away the wand, even if it is this dirty because it still has its uses. The same goes for the Mud Bloods as well. They have their uses as well." With that Ronan started walking again.

Draco stayed glued to his position for a few seconds but then came running and joined Ronan, "So you are saying those lots are more useful to you than Pure Bloods?" Now there was no arrogance dripping from his voice, it was pure unaltered curiosity.

"Draco," he stopped, and stared at the boy, "Answer me this. You are in a duel. You want someone to back you up. Now, if Hermione Granger was not a mudblood, would you have chosen her as your second? Or would you have chosen either one from Crabbe or Goyle?"

"What kind of question is that?" Draco asked, taking offense.

"Answer me. Would have chosen her, over your best friends if she was not a muggle born?"

He thought about it for a second, then answered, "I wouldn't have chosen her even if she could command magic as the Dark Lord himself." He looked quite proud of the answer.

While Ronan was disappointed, he still chuckled, "You amuse me Draco." He said, "I belong to Slytherin House. I know that Draco. I hang out with them because I like to have my ears around the place. And those bunch are morons, they practically hand me the information I need." He said, and it was true as well.

Ronan still continued, "Still, I will always be loyal to my housemates and this circle of my friends. After all, one cannot betray their roots." With Ronan put his hand forward. "Friends?"

Draco didnt understand what had happened, still, he shook his hands. With that Ronan started walking again with Draco following him.

Read 7 chapters ahead of public release on my P*atreon. 

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