
HP: Reborn in the broom closet with Harry Potter

Adam came home exhausted from work and fell asleep on his couch without eating. What a surprise it was to wake up in the broom cupboard at the Dursleys' next to the famous Harry Potter. Strange, just as strange as the melody he hears every time magic happens near him. Follow Adam's journey into the world of Harry Potter and his rise to become the most powerful wizard.

Henry_Parquet · Book&Literature
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13 Chs

Chapter 2 : Hagrid

 MR Harry and Adam Potter

 In the cupboard under the stairs

 4, Privet Drive

 Little Whinging


But Dudley is never far away and he had followed Adam to the letterbox.


The fat boy ran screaming towards the living room. 

Adam sighed, having forgotten in his excitement that he was surrounded by enemies. 

As he entered the house, he saw the livid faces of Petunia and Vernon in the living room, while Harry had a confused look on his face as to where the letter had come from.

He questioned me with his eyes, but I shrugged, letting him know I hadn't had time to see the details.

- WE'RE GOING!" shouted Vernon.

- Daddy's laughing, isn't he, Mommy? the little piggy worried.

- Don't worry, darling, we're going on a little vacation.

- EVERYBODY IN THE CAR AND JUMP!" shouted Vernon again.

The two brothers hurried into the car before anything else fell on their heads. 

Adam gently opened the window to hear what Petunia and Vernon were saying to each other.

- 'Vernon,' said Aunt Petunia in a trembling voice, 'look at the address. How do they know where they sleep? Do you think they're watching the house?

- They're watching us, spying on us, maybe even following us," muttered Vernon furiously.

Hearing the discussion, Harry got a strange look on his face. 

- Who are they talking about ????? he asked Adam.

- I don't know, but listen and be quiet.

He closed his mouth and they both leaned in to hear better.

- What are we going to do, Vernon? Do we answer them? Tell them we don't want to...

- NO," he said, "we're going to leave here and not say anything back. Yes, that's best.

This was the moment when Fat Dudley came down the stairs, shaking the house.

- Let's go, buddy.

The trio climbed into the car and Vernon drove like a chauffeur, for hours. They drove and drove and drove. Even Petunia didn't dare ask where Vernon was taking them.

- We'll lose them, we'll lose them," he mumbled from time to time.

Finally they stopped at a small motel on the side of a really lost road, on the outskirts of a big city.

The three boys spent the night in the same room, and Harry and Adam didn't sleep a wink over the Dudley pig's tractor snores.

"I'm going to learn transfiguration just to turn this moron into a real pig," Adam inwardly promised himself.

Even the melodies of magic that surrounded him became distorted.

Early in the morning, after an interminable night, a lady served them cornflakes and toast.

- Excuse me," she said, "are there any Mr. Potters here? Because I've received a hundred letters like this one downstairs.

She handed Vernon a letter. 

 Mr. Potter

 Room 17

 Hotel du Rail


Seeing the expression on Vernon's face, Adam couldn't help but burst out laughing. His uncle suddenly looked at him with a terrified expression that made Harry swallow beside him.

- We're leaving," he managed to say under his very tight lips.

Finally in the late afternoon, they stopped again in a village by the sea. 

Vernon got out of the car, only to return half an hour later.

- 'Get out,' he said, 'we'll spend the night on the island over there.

- Has Dad gone mad?" asked the big pig, controlling his tears.

- It'll be all right, darling, it'll be all right," Petunia comforted him with a disgusting show of affection.

"It looks like a pig and a turkey," Adam grunted in disgust. 

- It's Monday!" sobbed Dudley in his mother's arms, "it's the day of my favorite show.

Harry and Adam looked at each other at the same time! Monday! Dudley could be trusted on this, he never got the dates of his shows wrong. The following day, at midnight, it was the two boys' birthdays - nothing to celebrate for Harry, of course, given that their previous birthdays hadn't even been celebrated. 

But for Adam, who knew that tonight would be the night Hagrid would come for them, tonight would finally be the beginning of his rise as the world's most powerful wizard.

But Adam's excitement soon subsided as he stepped out of the car. Outside, it was cold, very cold, and the island to which Uncle Vernon wanted to take them was a large boulder jutting out from the coast. On top of this rock was a shabby, half-ruined cabin.

- AHAHA, we're expecting a storm tonight," said Vernon in a strangely cheerful tone.

The little group then made their way towards an old man who looked just as sinister as the shack. He handed them the keys to an old motorboat and whistled away.

- Let's go, gang! I've already stocked up.

Night had fallen and the storm was raging outside. The waves were breaking, crashing against the rocks and spraying spray through the open window. The wind howled, whistling through the crevices of the cabin, causing the meager candles trying valiantly to illuminate the darkness to flicker.

With each flash of lightning, the sky lit up briefly, revealing the crashing waves and fury of the elements. Thunder rumbled, shaking the walls of the cabin and making the world itself seem to explode.

In the cabin, only Adam and Harry were still awake, waiting patiently for midnight to wish each other happy birthday.

As the minutes ticked away on his uncle's watch, Adam's excitement grew steadily. 

"Soon, soon, SOON!" 

Then three extremely loud knocks sounded at the cabin door, so loud that even the sound of thunder seemed cute in comparison.

Vernon woke up with a start and grabbed his shotgun, which was now lying beside him. 

- WHOEVER YOU ARE, GO AWAY BEFORE I SHOOT!" screamed Vernon with a rage and fear never before seen in him.

Trying to scare a half-giant with a gun no bigger than his belly to see. Adam couldn't help laughing again at the situation. 

Under another series of knocks, the door finally gave way and Hagrid's huge silhouette loomed up in the stormy darkness.

- Top of the morning to you," he said in his gruff tone.

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