
Chapter 15: The Order

At that moment Harry heard a voice from the fireplace in the study. "Harry, you in? It's me Tonks, there's been a murder in Knockturn Alley and the Order needs to have an emergency meeting."

Albus Dumbledore was a man who in his heart believed that everyone should be free from the fear of dark magic. He believed, with all his heart that the greater good was a cause worth rallying for. He also knew that sometimes sacrifices had to be made. However if you sacrificed foolishly then were you any better than the ones you fought against? He'd done wrong by Harry, first by not being more observant of the Dursleys, and secondly by not being honest with him. Harry was the only one who could defeat Voldemorte. That was unquestionable, but it was just as important that he not turn Harry into a dark lord as well. Those thoughts weighed heavily as Kingsley gave his report, "Some person or perhaps a group has killed Rodolphus LeStrange. He was found in Knockturn alley the victim of multiple hexes. If it was one person than the number and severity of spells used lead me to believe that it could have been another Death Eater."

"They wouldn't leave a body out like that to be found. Not one of their own. He likes people to think his servants are a well oiled machine." Alastor Moody interjected, "This isn't how they operate. If he was killed by a Death Eater they would have hid him somewhere."

"Unless they wanted someone specific to find the body." Remus Lupin added.

"For now, it is impossible to know the motives behind the killing. However, for a known Death Eater to be out like this, I believe that Harry Potter could well be in danger. To that end, Nymphadora, I need you to stay near him during the day. If he needs to leave this house for any reason, I need you to be with him." Dumbledore looked to the Auror who nodded and then to Kingsley, "Kingsley, I need you to, to use a muggle phrase 'fudge the papers', until we know more about what is going on Harry will need around the clock protection and since Nymphadora is family, I think she would be the best to keep him safe."

Kingsley nodded, "I'll put Auror Tonks on a long term reconnaissance assignment. As long as she can get into the office at least once a week to 'report' to me, we should be fine there."

Meanwhile Harry and Bellatrix, along with Ron, Hermione, and the others who were too young to join the order. Harry was not pleased at the idea of having a babysitter, and Bellatrix was equally concerned that this would be another person who would learn her secret. She kept her hand on Harry's as they listened to the extendable ear.

Narcissa Malfoy sat in the basement looking over the documents Harry had taken from his vault. He still needed to pick up the rings that signified his Lordship over the two Houses. Beyond that, there would be an announcement to make in the Daily Prophet that he was the official head of Houses Black and Potter. There was a great deal of work to do and she was glad for it. Work kept her mind focused, kept her from thinking about the path she was on now. She looked over the largest pile of papers, these were the houses Harry Potter was Lord of, either through familial bonds or by Rite of Conquest. Houses Potter, Black, Peverell, Gryffindor, and Ravenclaw by Birth or Adoption in the case of House Black. House Slytherin by Rite of Conquest...that must be from when Harry defeated the dark lord the first time...Harry Potter will be a very powerful wizard. That power could protect me. He is young, but I think I could keep him..entertained. I could be the Lady Potter-Black...

The meeting was over, the other order members had left except for Dumbledore and Tonks. Harry was being informed of her role as his guardian. If he needed to go into Diagon Alley she needed to be with him. Bellatrix-as-Josephine didn't look particularly pleased about it, but she was still quiet. I can't let Andi's daughter know how I am. I'll have to be even more cautious than I am now. Cissy will need to be told. Harry will have to bring her back into the family as quickly as possible now.

Tonks looked from Harry to 'Josephine' and kept her face decidedly pleasant. This worked out perfectly, Harry and I will be around each other all the time now, which means I'll be around his girlfriend all the time. The others in our 'war council' will love this. We're going to find out exactly who this Josephine Reed really is and what she intends. Those thoughts were still somewhat strange, Harry was, well not a boy, he was a legal adult now, but the idea of a woman her own age being interested in him made her feel strange. She'd known that Harry had a crush on her from back when they first met. He was cute enough, but he'd just been a kid then. Now though, He's a man..they could be doing anything here. If she's just here for his money or his position, I've got to protect him. Maybe I should try flirting a bit, just to throw her off her game. "Don't worry Harry, I won't keep you locked up all the time, we'll go out and have some fun one of the weekends before you leave, maybe I'll take you to a nightclub.." She'd winked at him before messing his hair and then leaving, using the floo to get back to her own flat.

Harry and Bellatrix retreated to their room. He looked to her and then chuckled, "Well, I guess we'll need to step up our plans to break your charm. I don't think Tonks is aware that I don't plan on cheating on my 'girlfriend' Josephine anytime soon."

Bellatrix looked to him before conjuring a silk curtain to change behind, "I wouldn't advise it, 'Josephine' is the jealous type." She didn't laugh, and that made Harry nervous. The curtain vanished and Bellatrix was dressed in the same black nightgown she normally wore to bed. She climbed in as Harry stripped to his boxers and slid in beside her. Bellatrix didn't pretend tonight, her arms went around Harry before he even turned the lights off. "I would suggest you impress on my niece that you, my Lord, are a one woman man." Bellatrix then kissed him soundly before turning off the lamp and leaning atop him.

I am so very dead... Harry thought as Bellatrix kissed him again.