
Chapter 331 : Beast In The City 5

Grindlewald knowing that a fight was inevitable, finally raised his wand, planning to not hold back and quickly end this fight, he still wanted to go after Credence after all.

He swung his wand, which was glowing with erie blue colour, and then shot a powerful magical beam at Orion. The power of the attack was evident by just how much fluctuation that one attack was creating in the space.

Hot waves of heat created by the magic was reaching out to Orion. This alone was enough to tell Orion that the magic Grindlewald was using was dangerous.

For others that is…

As soon as the blue magic rush at him, Orion raise his own wand, not attacking but rather just bringing the wand in front of him and the next second the powerful magic coming at him stopped like it collided with an invisible shield.

Which it did actually, in reality, Orion wasn't using any magic here or anything he was just posing with his wand, his infinity was the reason why that powerful magic stopped suddenly.

Grindlewald eyes shrank a little, he knew that the man if his estimate was correct can handle this level of attack, but it would take him too much out of him, that why he use that powerful dark magic in the first place.

To quickly end this fight. Either the man will stopped this pointless duel by that attack or he wasn't strong and died. But this was the last outcome he thought.

Now he was really at the edge, even someone like Dumbledore can't stop that attack of his with this ease.

"My Turn." Orion smiled and pointed the wanted towards Grindelwald, a red glow appear at the tip of his wand.

Suddenly Grindlewald who had took part in countless magical duels and real fights had a terrible feeling, it was like a current rang up to his spine.

It was an instinct telling him that he need to get out of their.

'No no… lets not use RED… its still inside the city.' Orion quickly reminded himself.

He at the last second switch from using Law of Space to a normal spell.

An even powerful magical beam than what Grindlewald use earlier shot towards Grindelwald at incredible speed.

This attack was an normal spell, nothing harmful like the dark magic Grindelwald use but due to just how much sheer power Orion use in it, it turn out to be an lethal attack.

Grindelwald hastily put up a barrier seeing no way to stop dodge that attack. He felt the nature of the spell quickly, it was the most commonly use Expelliarmus spell which wizard hardly use outside of official duels.

Or at least what was what his knowledge of the magical nature was telling him, the real spell was like an bullet train when it hit Grindelwald shield.

Not only it easily tear through the shield but it knock back girndelwald, sending him flying back and hitting a car on the streets.

"Maybe that too was a little too much." Orion mutter with an awkward smile.

Though with wand in hand he has a better control of his magic but that doesn't mean he has the common sense on how much magic he need to use.

He still had hard time figure out how much magic to use to achieve certain results. Its like someone got Superman's powers but now its hard to even open a door before breaking the darn thing down.

Grindelwald felt pain, though his shield took the majority of the spells power but still it was powerful enough to knock him back down like that.

Now Grindlewalds face was grim… all thought of fighting with the man gone, there was no way he can fight against someone who can use a spell like Expelliarmus and turn that into an cannon blast.

Maybe he can if the other person experience is not that much in fighting, though besides his absurd power, almost every sign was telling him that the man in front of him was young.

However, if that is true, then it's even more necessary to not to fight against him, such an powerful young man, he need him on his side.

"Indeed this helps… so if you are satisfied then may I suggest Parlay…" Grindelwald stood up, supporting his body on the car and straightening his clothes and asked with a straight face.

"Parley…" Orion repeated, that sounded a little too much like Jack Sparrow honestly.

'Is this guy playing the wrong character suddenly. Did he hit his head ?' Orion suddenly had strange thoughts coming to his mind.

He didn't even realized that currently a magical duel was happening between both Johnny Depp and Keanu Reeves.

"Okay Parley it is…" sighing and knowing that he cant kill the man or it would fuck up the future too much, he too agree, although with some reluctance.

And then suddenly an strange idea came to him.

'He saw my John Wick face here right… in future when he saw me in John Wick state, that wasn't the first time he was meeting me ?' Orion pondered, though that has nothing to do with him and that wasn't important right now either but still this interest him seeing how there is only one linear timeline in this universe and yet still how time can be change and twisted.




"Are you alright ?" Asked Elenora with a little soft tone. Seeing the boy in front of her, she was honestly surprised.

One at the fact that she was still alive and the Obscurious didn't killed her. And second the fact that the Obscurious was not an little kid like she was wondering but actually an 18 year old boy.

Though she too was only 21 so calling him a boy was a little too much but life surely didn't felt like 21 year but rather more like thousands of years.

"Yeah… thanks" Credence nodded.

Somehow Elenora was able to bring back Credence from his Obscurious state.

After that he quickly took him out of there, hide it from the upcoming Auror's.

"What's you name, I am …" Elenora was saying but before she complete her sentence, Credence intervened.

"Elenora. I know, I could hear you…


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