
Chapter 329 : Beast In The City 3

Newt has no idea who this person was who saved him but he was glad that he came when he did. Upon hearing that the man wanted him to get out, he was even more trilled, though he was angry on the person who wanted to control the Obscurious but that didn't mean that he will go after the man who was flick him to the wall like a stack of potatoes. He got up with a little difficulty and nodding at the man who just save him and run away after Credence.

Grindle on the side also let Newt go, in front of him Newt was nothing, he can kill him anytime he wants, but the young man in front of him was more dangerous.

He could sense it, even after the young man was trying to hide his power but he was able to sense it. He was different than other wizards, just like he and Dumbledore was. But his eyes was seeing even more.

"Its a pleasure to meet an promising young wizard like you sir. Though I wouldn't mind seeing the real you." Grindlewald said with his usual silver tongue. His special eye seeing the disguise the man was in, though it was hard to see it though, he can't see the real face of the man but he can tell that this was a disguise.

"I can tell the same about you and I certainly can't say its pleasant meeting you." Orion though wasn't in the mood of ideal talk right now, he said this and then snap his finger.

Before even Grindlewald could do anything he felt a magical power engulfing him, he instinctively wanted to resist, but the magic didn't do anything harmful to him, it was hard to sense in the first place.

And the next second his eyes were widen, his disguise of Percival Graves dissolve and his real face was revealed.

He was surprise, he knew that there are spells and potions which can do this but just a snap !

The man in front of him didn't even use his wand. Earlier if he was cautious of this man than now he was guarded against him.

"Certainly, you knew it was me, though still I don't know who his excellency is." Grindelwald had his wand ready on his hand but still talk like he didn't wanted a right.

"That eye of yours is just as troublesome as that silver tongue of yours." Orion grumbles, remembering how earlier Grindelwald was able to see through his disguise back in Spain. This was indeed irritating.

"Again, you seems to know me well… but I know nothing about a powerful wizard like you. Shame honestly, if I knew than our meeting certainly wouldn't have happened like this."

"Wick… John wick. For now you are only going to get the Alice for this disguise, so deal with it." Orion new that the man was really good at talking but this shameless way he was pointing his wand at him and yet acting like he wanted to make friends, was a little too much.

"Fair enough, so what bring a capable wizard like you to me, friend."

"Friend huh… I can see why you have none, seeing how quick you are to point that wand of you towards whom you call friend." Orion snorted, he himself has his wand back to his down, not pointing at Grindelwald, he actually didn't even need it out but still took out just to not stand out too much.

Grindlewald hearing this realized that his wand was still slightly pointing at the man in front of him, though he himself didn't realized but the man was putting a little pressure on him which his body automatically reacted to by being tense and ready to fight anytime.

"Ah where is my manners… apologies, is just that I don't meet many of our kind too much like this." Grindlewald said and Orion knew that he wasn't talking about just magicals or wizards.

"And what kind that would be sir ?" Orion asked, with his eyes brows raising.

Grindlewald at this smiled. Though he can tell that he man in front of him was strong but how much was hard to tell.

Beside that he was also sure that he was in disguise just like him. Feeling his power, Grindlewald was wondering who this person would be, certainly not this young as he was disguise in right…

But now he felt that he was wrong, though the boy was powerful but he have none of the conversation skills one would build up with experience. The way he was letting his emotions leaks out and the way he was showing that he was completely confidence at fighting him.

Grindlewald had to stay that either the man in front for him was younger than he though or just way too confident.

"Of course I am talking about people like us. We are different even among the blessed. This talent and power at this young age, people like us are born to do great things." Grindlewald said while trying to defuse the situation.

He wasn't afraid or anything but he wanted to avoid the fight if possible, not only he is not sure how powerful this person in front of him was, he also didn't wanted to make an enemy of a powerful wizard for no reason.

And more than anything, right now he didn't had time. He had to go after Credence before those Auror's track him down.

The boy was powerful but he was young and can't control his own power right now. He had to go after Credence.

Orion was thinking the same, so he didn't wanted to talk to much if possible.

"Let's cut the ideal chit chat, a conversation also need some form of status between the two parties. And though I'm no brute but sometimes showing once power is a better way to converse and have a civil conversation later." Orion said and raise his wand towards Grindlewald, making man frown.

But upon seeing that the man who was now calling him John Wick didn't directly attack, and what he said just now. Grindlewald soon understand what was trying to say.

Just fight and whoever is strong will do the talking later. It wasn't a fight but more like establishing the status when he really talk later or fight if it comes to that.


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