
Chapter 163 : This Idiot Again (Bonus Chapter)

Charm class is among the better classes in Hogwarts. No scratch that, it's the best class out there, at least in Orion's thought.

He disdains many of the classes which waste his time in Hogwarts, like history and Divination. Many of those things are outright pointless or just don't work. He infact hardly attends those classes anymore. 

This year though, after having the option to opt out of those pointless subjects, he chose Ancient Runes, Arithmancy and Alchemy. Those subjects are really something which will make him stronger. 

As they left the charms class and moved towards the next Transfiguration class, Orion noticed how students were giving him a strange look. This look, he couldn't understand what was going on. 

Orion on glance at them with the side of his eyes but he felt it, there was something different in their look. 

[That look is fear] Merlin chipped in. 

'Huh, fear?

Why suddenly they are afraid of me ?' Orion raises his eyebrow a little in confusion. To him, it does make sense that they are afraid of him if he shows his real power. But he always has been restraining all this time.

[No no you are not understanding the situation here. After all this time, your sense of normal has changed quite a bit. What you call normal is also a big deal to others. If you are trying to stay low then don't do flashy things.] Merlin added. 

Orion after hearing this frown, is the line between normal and extraordinary getting blurry for him?

He can't say, that normal is usually defined by what others think. If tomorrow everyone thinks that wearing clothes is not normal and decides to go nude. Technically is not right but then he will be the only one who is wearing clothes, not normal according to the new society standards. 

Now that he thinks about it, so yeah normal is usually defined by society and we learn normal from the people around us. He only spends time with Rose, Daphne and maybe the most extraordinary person out there.

'Noted, spend some time with others. Socializing is also very important,' Orion mentally noted to himself and moved on. 

He doesn't care much if some people are afraid of him but he rather not have that if that is possible. 

Orion was about to just move on but that was when he found a blond idiot standing in front of him. There are only a few blond people he knew in his life. And he only interacts with one of them. And that girl was currently standing beside him. 

This other person though was a boy, Orion usual cheery mood deflated as he sighed. 'This idiot again,' 

"What do you want, Malfoy," Orion asked with much irritation on his face. He remembered in his first year this guy used to bully him. It took him much time to even get strong enough to handle this noob bully. Now he has grown so much that he doesn't even worry about him being there. Even if these guys draw his wand right at his face, Orion can only yawn in boredom.

"You think that you are a big deal just...." Malfoy was talking about but Orion tuned him out, again the same very special talent which had saved him for so long against the forces of darkness. 

Cough* Cough* Lectures* Coughs.

"You mud.....

"You are no....


[I am sure these were the exact lines he used last year isn't it ] Merlins asked not sure.

'Really, can't say. I wasn't listening,' 

[Check the mind palace, I am curious]

'Why can't you do it,' 

"Oi are you listening, why are you...

[I maintain my mind palace unlike you boy. Yearly cleaning of worthless memories can make your mind work fast. I no longer have that memory] Merlin snorted. 

"Ah, well there we are surely different. I don't even take that kind of trash in the first place," Orion smirks.

Orion 1.

Merlin 0.

"Listen to me you Mudblood," finally Malfoy snapped and drew his wand at Orion.

Both Rose and Daphne look at this and get tense, ready to draw their own wand but then the look on Orion's face calms them down. 

Orion only after seeing the wand pointing at his face stops snickering in his mind and turns his attention to Draco.

The Slytherin boy was looking like he was almost there to blow up a gasket. There was a soft white glow on the tip of his wand. 

"Hmm, what were you saying again ?" Orion smiled and asked, he honestly missed and didn't hear anything that Malfoy was talking about. 

Malfoy opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. He wasn't sure what to say. On the other hand, Orion was wondering what he should do the the idiot in front of him. 

[Your choice, though the boy hasn't used any magic yet now so if you use magic or even any kind of physical means...] Merlin didn't complete his sentence but Orion sure understood. 

It means that idiot got a rise out of him, no that will not happen. Using magic against him is the same as going to his level.

"Well I didn't hear what you were saying but I'm sure it's nothing important anyways. Orion still looked bored and slightly moved his head to see fast the wand almost digging into his nose and looked at Malfoy. 

"Now will you remove this wand or I do it myself?" Orion asked with a still bored look on his face. He also notices Malfoy gritting his teeth. 

Both he and Malfoy were staring at each other, Malfoy was glaring while Orion still looking with boredom in his eyes. 

"Orion, lets go okay! Malfoy don't look for trouble," when neither of the boys were doing anything, Rose finally spoke.

"Lower your wand," Orion slowly raises his hand and grabs Malfoy's extended hand. Dragging that hand down. 

He honestly didn't want any trouble this early at the start of the year. If possible he rather just avoid Malfoy. 

[Why not just blow him away? Just 2% of what you did back on the train would do.] Merlin wanted to see some conflict but frowned when seeing Orion calm. 

Though he himself told not to use magic, that was only to remind Orion not to lose his cool. After having that kind of power, once must also restrain control. 

'Nah, though I would love to but that will make people around me fear me even more.' Orion just waves his hand off and moves on. But not before directing a powerful Law of Presence intent at Malfoy. Making him stutter internally.


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